The Hallows

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, Aug 27, 2008.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Based off the Hallows series by Kim Harson

    Notes from me: I always have room for more. At the bottom will be a contiuing growing Summery of every thing You do not have to read all of this but it will help. Please read at least the intro the turn and what aplies to your charater. You also don't have to read the series all the info is here

    After the discovery of the DNA double-helix by James D. Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin, genetic manipulation becomes a possibility, changing several events in the history of this alternate universe. A virus named the T4 Angel virus attached itself to a flaw in the genetic makeup of a genetically manipulated tomato, and quickly spread around the world. As a result of the plague, all biogenetic research, including reverse engineering, genetic splicing, etc. has been outlawed. Additionally, the human race has a cultural aversion to any type of food product that stems from tomatoes - from pizza sauce to ketchup, etc.

    The Turn
    The virus killed a quarter of the human population, revealing the existence of several supernatural races - the vampire, Were, witch, pixy, fairy, elf and more, since the virus affected non-humans only to a small degree. The supernatural beings decided to reveal themselves to humanity, (an event thereafter called "The Turn"), and established themselves in open communities across the world.

    The supernatural beings are known as "Inderlanders". As laws and societies are dramatically changed by factors relating to these new sentient species, in the United States all levels of law enforcement break down. Two new organizations, the Inderlander Security service, (consisting entirely of non-humans), and the Federal Inderlander Bureau, (consisting primarily of normal humans), replace the former law enforcement agencies at all levels.

    The ever-after
    The ever-after is a magical plane that existed outside the ken of normal humans until the Turn. Concentrations of ever-after energy are scattered across the normal plane and are called "Ley lines." Ley lines can be felt on the normal plane by magic users and the races that formerly dwelt in the ever-after, such as the elves and witches. The only race that currently dwells in the ever-after is that of the demons, having driven out the elves nearly two thousand years ago. Witches also formerly dwelt in the ever-after but fled to the mundane plane approximately five thousand years ago.

    Supernatural races
    While the novels use Inderlander to refer to all of the supernatural beings that revealed themselves during the Turn, they are divided into two main groups: those that are derived from humans and those that are non-human in origin.

    Witches - An Inderlander race that is long-lived and proficient in magical arts. They look and appear human but have a different genomic background, preventing mixed-birth children. Fled the ever-after five thousand years prior to the Turn, abandoning the realm to the demons. It is later discovered that witches inherited their magical abilities as they are the product of biological warfare waged by the elves against the demons, from whom they are descended . A trigger in the mitochondria of certain witch children normally leads to the early death of such individuals
    Pixies - A small humanoid race that lives in gardens and has an intense rivalry with their close relatives, the fairies. Pixies have a tendency to act like humans and larger Inderlanders. They rely on the pollen from plants to survive.
    Fairies - A small Inderlander race that lives in gardens and has an intense rivalry with their close relatives, the pixies. Fairies tend to eat insects and work as mercenaries.
    Elves - An Inderlander race that migrated from the ever-after nearly two thousand years ago after losing several wars with the demons. Trying to preserve and restore their heritage, they closely mingled and interbred with humans, which led to a massive die-off during the Turn as they fell susceptible to the Angel virus. They are widely believed to be extinct.
    Leprechauns - A small Inderlander race (approximately the size of human midgets) that can grant wishes when captured.
    Trolls - A vaguely humanoid race that lives under bridges and can be a public nuisance as they eat the mortar that holds bridges together.
    Demons - A purely magical and aggressive race that dwells only in the ever-after. Individuals can be summoned to the mortal plane and ordered around by ley-line magic users, but often at a price. They are immortal, but can be destroyed by another demon, and can only exist on the mortal plane until the sun is up, at which point they are forced back into the ever-after. The demons dominate the ever-after having driven out the witches and elves by extensive warfare. Demons are unable to reproduce as all of the females of the species, save one, are dead. No offspring have been born since the elves lost a biological war against the demons - while the demons themselves survived, all offspring for several generations were corrupted. These corrupted offspring evolved into the species known as witches which subsequently fled to the mortal realm. There are at least two different kinds of demons:
    Surface demons - These demons sport hooves and horns and appear to have a lower level of intelligence. These demons dwell on the surface in the ever-after. They can be used as henchmen for the more intelligent demons.
    'Higher' demons - While not labeled as a superior breed, these demons are more intelligent, live below the surface of the world in the ever-after and rely upon magic and bureaucratic rules in society.
    Banshees - A female species, they prey upon the fears of others, using the energy to reproduce. They are licensed in order to control their preying upon normal humans.
    Gargoyles - A species that hunts at night. They pick churches and other such buildings as homes and roost there during the day. Leathery and light when active at night, they turn to stone during the day. Gargoyles have an intense connection with the ley lines of the world and provide focus and other abilities when aiding witches.

    Derived from humans

    Vampires in this series are similar to common portrayals of vampires, with some exceptions. Their saliva contains neurotransmitters that make the pain of a vampire's bite feel like pleasure. Vampires can also sensitize their victim's bite so that only that vampire can affect the victim, leaving the victim mentally bound to that vampire. There are two kinds of vampires, living and undead.

    Living vampires are normal humans infected with the vampire virus. They are divided into two groups, high- and low-blood. Low-blood vampires are normal humans that have been infected by an undead vampire, and have only a small amount of the benefits the virus grants, such as increased strength and speed, as well as the craving for blood. When low-blood vampires die, be it of natural causes or otherwise, they simply die like any other human, unless an undead vampire is there at the moment of death to bring them back as an undead.

    High-blood vampires are vampires that were born already infected by the virus, and having been their development in the womb influenced by it. They have increased strength and speed, more so than low-blood vamps, but not as much as the undead. They also have a greater craving for blood than low-blood vampires, but it is not essential to their existence. When a high-blood vamp dies, no matter the cause, they rise again as an undead the next sundown.

    When vampires become undead, they gain the full physical benefits of the vampire virus, but lose their souls in the process. They now have the ability to turn humans into vampires and bespell even unwilling hosts. Vampire society is regulated by master vampires, usually in control of the underworld in larger cities. Master vampires have a coterie called a camarilla, to which their followers and families belong, with a complex social hierarchy in which everyone looks to someone else except master vampires, who are the kingpins of the vampire society. Vampires outside of a camarilla often look to become part of one, as a camarilla serves as a support group for the lifestyle demanded by vampires.

    Weres are lycanthropes with bestial attributes but are otherwise human in appearance. The origin of the Weres lies in a demon's curse upon a group of humans several thousand years ago. The common presentation in the world far is that of a werewolf, although werefoxes have been mentioned.

    In society, Weres live and operate as natural wolves do: there are packs, alphas and loners in their society.

    Of note is that in the RP there is no 'werewolf curse' as presented in other stories. Instead, Weres must rely upon breeding to increase their numbers, unless under an external influence. Legends tell of a demonic device which allows Weres to turn a human by bite. The story tells that this device, called the "Focus," used to play a major role in their political structure, revolving around who controlled it. They were going to convert humanity by force over five thousand years ago, but the witches crossed over from the ever after around that time, and the vampires, humans, and witches banded together to remove the Focus. It was said to have been destroyed.

    There are three types of magic in the novels, earth magic, ley line magic, and demonic magic. All magic draws its power from ley lines, although in earth magic it is filtered through plants and, in the case of black earth magic, animals. In addition, there are black and white magic users, depending upon the kinds of magic the user employs. White magic is not damaging to the practitioner's soul, while black magic is. According to the series, when earth magic and ley line magic are combined the result is demon magic, but not all uses of combined magic leaves a stain upon the practitioner's aura.

    Earth magic
    As presented in the series, earth magic is more powerful, although slower, than ley line magic. It is associated with living things, potions, amulets, and charms. Spells can sometimes be stored and called upon later. Earth magic can be used to actually alter one's appearance or shape, unlike ley line magic. The effects are permanent unless doused in salt-water, which dispels any magical effect. Earth magic tends to be associated with white witches, since it is more difficult to gain access to the materials necessary for black earth magic; black earth magic involves the sacrifice of animals and, in some cases, humans or Inderlanders.

    Ley line magic
    Ley line magic has less permanence than earth magic, but is much faster and more easily adaptable. It relies upon the use of powerful sources of energy that are scattered across the surface of the world, called ley lines. Power is pulled through these lines or through familiars when ley line witches practice their magic. The cost of ley line magic is a cost to the practitioner's soul, and in white magic this cost is negligible. But black ley line magic leaves a stain on the practitioner's soul, which can sometimes be fostered off on another.

    Demon magic
    Demon magic combines ley line magic and earth magic to create something very fast, very powerful, and everlasting. As its name implies, demon magic is practiced almost entirely by demons and their familiars. Demon familiars may be members of any sentient species. This type of magic is extremely powerful and can be used to change one's species, shape or appearance, by, for example, allowing a normal being to "Were," (change from human to animal), and can have other unknown effects. Due to the perversion of the laws of physics that demon magic embodies, the cost of this type of magic is extremely high, so much so that even demons try to foster off the cost onto their familiars. Because of a genetic mutation that usually leads to the death of the witch before his or her first birthday, only two witches have been seen to practice demon magic.

    No God modding
    no power playing
    PG-13 romance (but you can go into a room)
    words must be censored Ex: f*ck
    no killing other charaters without permission
    if you go around killing things the cops will be after you

    OC sheet:

    User Name:


    Username: ArchAwesomeman
    Name: Advent Grey
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown. Looks 19.
    Race: Witch
    Personality: He has a dark sense of humor, laughing at some of the worst times. Although he does seem to have a dual personality. Half of the times, dark and mysterious, while other times, seemingly the complete opposite. He can be overconfident, tending to bite off more than he can chew. He's stubborn, not letting anyone or anything change his mind. He can also be a bit of a jerk. Advent likes talking to himself, he isn't used to talking to others since he spent most of his time by himself throughout his life.
    Appearance: White hair almost touching his shoulders. His hair usually gets in the way and he's constantly having to brush it out of his eyes. Yellow eyes, almost glowing at times. Wears black pants and a white hoodie with a hood and has silver markings on it. Also wears black boots and black gloves. He's tall, about 6 feet. Advent is lean, thin...much stronger than he looks. He also has a scar on his left cheek, going from an inch under his eye to underneath his ear.
    Bio: He was raised by his older brother who had taught him all he knew about magic. Although he's still learning some advanced spells. His brother died recently due to overuse of magic, causing Advent to think of most magic as something to stay away from unless truly needed. He travels on his own, going from city to city either stealing or using small magic spells to get enough money to live on his own, until someone decides to ruin his "fun" and tries to kill him for being what he is.

    User Name: Xert
    Name: Nox
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Race: Witch
    Personality: sad
    Appearence: an experanced green magic and lay line user
    Bio: he works for the I.S.S
    Other: He caries a gun a wand and a "splat gun"

    User Name: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Race: Living High Vampire
    Personality: Arrogant and hateful yet calm if not irritated.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Rik was born a vampire but via unknown events he ended up beoming an orphan until he was picked up by a human hermit. He was raised in a hermitage in the Japanese moutains and was taught the way of the samurai sword, even though his gun is used much more he still carries it with him as a momento. The hermit who disgarded his name taught Rik everything he knew even though at the time Rik also had no name and was adressed as boy. Eventually a vampire stumbled across the hermitage and attacked the hermit after realising he was with the missing vampire from years ago. The hermit was killed when he tried to protect Rik and Rik was told his name and a piece of his heritage. Rik killed the other vampire using the hermit's gun thus taking it as his primary weapon. The hermit told Rik that he knew he was a vampire and that he had fed him the blood of animals throughout his life. Rik left after burrying him and went to cities were he met people who disgusted him and eventually he began hating most of them. On a night he was attacked by Yakuza in which Rik killed the few that attacked him and became a wanted crinimal in Japan thus forcing him too escape to America by this time it was the present day...
    Other: He wears strange armour on his left to make sure he is nothing like the rest of the world

    User Name: deathsight44
    Name: Jyro
    Gender: male
    Age: 14
    Race: were
    Personality: Stuck up, full of it. Your classic "alpha male". He likes to be the head of his pack, and doesn't let anyone get in his way. He thinks that he is tough ****, the best thing that has happend to this world. ANd if anything, he loves the thrill of anxiety, which includes being stuck into pressured situations, life or death situations, as well as fear itself. The strange part about it all is that he is ready for such experiences, even though he is still practicly a kid.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Even though he is just a kid, he inherited leadership of his 'clan' (it is really a gang now adays), and has been running it pretty well. It is because of his own personal feelings for the love of fear, which makes him so hard to beat, and so no one who dislikes his leadership has been willing to actually leave the gang, nor revolt against him. His group has been causing much trouble lately as well.

    What has happend: The ISS (inderlander secrity servie) officer, Nox, arrested a witch who was going into bad magic (sacrificing animals form more powerful spells).
    Rik was smuggled into the contry on a ship and starts feeling sick.
    Advent thinks about why he steals for a liveing.
  2. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((It is interesting, but you should probably list a few rules and bio formats, lol. Just thought I would say something....and I plan on joining soon as well))
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    I'm still editing sorry
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: ArchAwesomeman
    Name: Advent Grey
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown. Looks 19.
    Race: Witch
    Personality: He has a dark sense of humor, laughing at some of the worst times. Although he does seem to have a dual personality. Half of the times, dark and mysterious, while other times, seemingly the complete opposite. He can be overconfident, tending to bite off more than he can chew. He's stubborn, not letting anyone or anything change his mind. He can also be a bit of a jerk. Advent likes talking to himself, he isn't used to talking to others since he spent most of his time by himself throughout his life.
    Appearance: White hair almost touching his shoulders. His hair usually gets in the way and he's constantly having to brush it out of his eyes. Yellow eyes, almost glowing at times. Wears black pants and a white hoodie with a hood and has silver markings on it. Also wears black boots and black gloves. He's tall, about 6 feet. Advent is lean, thin...much stronger than he looks. He also has a scar on his left cheek, going from an inch under his eye to underneath his ear.
    Bio: He was raised by his older brother who had taught him all he knew about magic. Although he's still learning some advanced spells. His brother died recently due to overuse of magic, causing Advent to think of most magic as something to stay away from unless truly needed. He travels on his own, going from city to city either stealing or using small magic spells to get enough money to live on his own, until someone decides to ruin his "fun" and tries to kill him for being what he is.

    Yeah...>> Is that good enough? XD I edited an old OC form that I had...
    EDITED. =D
  5. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: you do realize this is supose to be a modern fantacy RP right. people will be useing guns
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Oh yeah...Oops...>> Ugh. Why do I keep doing that? *stupid* I'm just so used to the old fashioned way...I'll edit it.
  7. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: just so you know you won't be throwing around fire balls or any thing like that
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((LMFAO. Not for nothen, but when you said that, I was able to picture a fairy holding a shot gun or something. What exsactly would pixies be using? lol

    and as for a bio, I'll make one in my next post, k. Just thought I would ask bout the faeries though))
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    User Name: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Rik Echo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Race: Living High Vampire
    Personality: Arrogant and hateful yet calm if not irritated.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Rik was born a vampire but via unknown events he ended up beoming an orphan until he was picked up by a human hermit. He was raised in a hermitage in the Japanese moutains and was taught the way of the samurai sword, even though his gun is used much more he still carries it with him as a momento. The hermit who disgarded his name taught Rik everything he knew even though at the time Rik also had no name and was adressed as boy. Eventually a vampire stumbled across the hermitage and attacked the hermit after realising he was with the missing vampire from years ago. The hermit was killed when he tried to protect Rik and Rik was told his name and a piece of his heritage. Rik killed the other vampire using the hermit's gun thus taking it as his primary weapon. The hermit told Rik that he knew he was a vampire and that he had fed him the blood of animals throughout his life. Rik left after burrying him and went to cities were he met people who disgusted him and eventually he began hating most of them. On a night he was attacked by Yakuza in which Rik killed the few that attacked him and became a wanted crinimal in Japan thus forcing him too escape to America by this time it was the present day...
    Other: He wears strange armour on his left to make sure he is nothing like the rest of the world.
  10. Akua WaterDragonKing Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 30, 2007
    By the Ocean
    User Name:Akua WaterDragonKing
    Name: Jordan Rain
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Race: Alpha Werewolf.
    Personality: Defensive and Noble but still agressive
    Appearence: (Human) Brown Spiked Hair, Black and Blue shirt with jeans.(Wolf) A pure white wolf.
    Bio:He was bored a Werewolf. He lives in the Virginia Pack in the USA. Half of his Pack was killed but Humans.His parents were in that half.He will find out who kill them and why.
    Other: He wears a Sliver Cross. in both forms.
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    User Name: deathsight44
    Name: Jyro
    Gender: male
    Age: 14
    Race: were
    Personality: Stuck up, full of it. Your classic "alpha male". He likes to be the head of his pack, and doesn't let anyone get in his way. He thinks that he is tough ****, the best thing that has happend to this world. ANd if anything, he loves the thrill of anxiety, which includes being stuck into pressured situations, life or death situations, as well as fear itself. The strange part about it all is that he is ready for such experiences, even though he is still practicly a kid.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Even though he is just a kid, he inherited leadership of his 'clan' (it is really a gang now adays), and has been running it pretty well. It is because of his own personal feelings for the love of fear, which makes him so hard to beat, and so no one who dislikes his leadership has been willing to actually leave the gang, nor revolt against him. His group has been causing much trouble lately as well.
  12. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: akua no one kills were wolves just because there weres the pack is usaly a company or a sports team EX: the howlers baseball team or a gang
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: so when we gonna start?
  14. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: Now. I will show you how magic works

    Nox chased the witch down the street. He pulled out his wand and flicked it a serg of ley line magic flowed through him. A trash can flew at the witch. She ducked under the trash can. The witch tryed to cast a curce. But luckly he had many charms on him so the curce would have no effect on him. Nox took out his splat gun. He fired it at the witch. It hit her. It was a sleepy time potion. The witch fell asleep and fell on the ground.
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik walked off the boat that had smuggled him in, he walked across the port with his shoulder bag as he made his way into the city streets.
  16. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Nox walked behind the witch and hand cuffed her.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: I'll wait until it is conveniant for my gang to come in.....
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Advent sighed, walking down an alleyway after having stolen...a lot of money that was stuffed in his pockets. One...two...three... He was counting his steps, starting over at every tenth step to pass the time as he walked, feeling around the alley to sense if anyone was near, using the ley lines. Nobody around...that's good. He closed his eyes, turning out of the alley and into an empty sidewalk, this time using the ley lines to help him with directions. "Steal, steal, steal...all I ever do..." I'm good at so many things but why do I waste so much time stealing? Ah well...
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik walked on to a street full of people, he had no idea where he was.
  20. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Nox picked her up and carried her into his Car.
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