The Challenge Game

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by W7F, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Inspiration: Dane Cook's ISolated INcident

    00:07:58 Okay, so you know about the challenge game, or do you not know about the challenge game?

    00:08:02 You don't know?
    00:08:02 Well, listen to this ****.

    00:08:05 I'm about to blow your mind.

    00:08:08 Because once you hear this, okay, once you hear what I'm about to unleash, then it's gonna all make sense, okay?

    00:08:13 Several times throughout the day every day, your girl will play this little game.

    00:08:16 It's almost a choose-your-own-adventure game that girls play.
    00:08:20 It's a question, and then there's answer "a" and there's answer "b", and they're both ****ing wrong.

    00:08:30 How do you identify?

    00:08:31 the first half of the first sentence is always exactly the same.

    00:08:35 Your girl's gonna come up, whatever it is you're doing, and she's gonna go, "What would you do if..." followed by a mumbo-jumbo that you better be ready to dance with, okay?

    00:08:45 One time my girl's making a big turkey dinner with all the fixings, and she just came up to me and she goes, "what would you do if I took all the food I just cooked and threw it out?" I was like, "First of all, don't do that? OK?."

    00:08:57 "Like, maybe you should get the **** out of the kitchen if you're even considering that right now."

    00:09:01 "If you do that, I'm gonna walk to subway, but I'm gonna be ruminating about what a ***** you are for throwing away all the ****ing fresh food."

    00:09:06 "Throwing away all the food, baby? no."
    00:09:10 "You wanna throw away the green beans, I don't give a ****."

    00:09:13 One day she's driving the car, and I'm sitting with her, and apparently we're low on gasoline, and she goes, "what would you do if I didn't tell you we were about to run out of gas, and I just let us run out of gas? "you're asking me what would I do if you knowingly let us run out of gasoline?"

    00:09:31 "I would call you a ****ing ******* to your face.

    00:09:34 "That's a horrible thing to do."
    00:09:35 "This is a dangerous road to be letting us run out of gas."

    00:09:38 Don't do that.

    00:09:38 I took her to a football game, and we're standing in line, we're waiting to be scanned to go into the stadium, and she's holding the tickets 'cause, two things I know about girls: You love to hold the tickets, and you don't want a table, you want a ****ing booth, and you'll wait.

    00:09:54 She's got the tickets.
    00:09:58 She just turns back to me, goes, "what would you do if I took your ticket and my ticket, "and after they scanned me, I went in and didn't come back for you?

    "I don't know, maybe backtrack this entire relationship, try to find my ex, and work things out?"

    00:10:12 "That's just off the top."

    So, KHV! Let's play the challenge game. Read the question the last person posted, and reply to it. After you answer their question, start your own question (within the same post ;D).
    So I'll start.

    What would you do if I said I had cupcakes for everyone on this entire forum, and after everybody got here (whether it be airplane, boat, bus, teleportation, riding a bike, or walking) I said "I lied, I don't have any cupcakes."? :Awesome: