THe 6 Crystals

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Jan 23, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Read the details after the intro, since it will make more sense out of it. Unless ur interested in all of the Beings history, you are advised to just read the one which specifies the character which you want to be. ))
    In ancient times, when there world was naught, and no life even exsisted, 4 beings exsisted. One for fire, one water, one wind, and one earth. These beings created the earth and all around it, with two other beings joining their ranks, which results in the creation of humans and the free will which they hold, one being to govern each. As time passes, humans become for sophisticated and advanced, the world changes right under these beings noses, and soon, these beings come to the point in which they exsist merely for the purpose of shaping the earth for humans. But there is a problem with this. Because humans have free will, they have both good and evil intentions. The more and more these beings were around humans, though not actually with them in person, they certainly were there in spirit, they were influenced by these feelings, slowly corrupting them, while at the same time, creating much purer sides to them. As these sides of themselves built up, their evil, more darker sides, began creating thoughts. Thoughts of temptation, such as abusing their powers upon these humans which they once cared for so much. It came to a point in which they would have no choice but to do one thing. They knew that they would need to somehow destroy themselves, though they had no way to do so since they had grown so powerful, and so they came to a conclusion. That they would not destroy themselves, but more so, divide themselves, and so they did. In doing so though, it caused their spirits to search out amongst the humans, each one selecting a single human. One for each god and their 3 seperated parts, 1 pure, 1 the original, and 1 evil. And so after this our story begins….
    Rules: (ya, I’m going to be VERY strict with these after someone proved a point of why exactly they need to be kept in line. ANYONE who does not follow these rules, even if you are meh closest rper bud on here, I will not go easy)
    1. follow the basic rping rules that the orange lady put up
    2. You gots 3 strikes got it? I warn you once, alrite. I warn you a 2nd time then you can be sure that I’ll be watching you. 3rd time it happens, you get kicked out and I give ur char goes into my possession, where I’ll make good use out of them….
    3. This Is not America, this is awesome Mike land, and in this land, I am dictator, not the president. I run a dictatorship, so anyone who has a problem with my rules, if u start dissent em then u better have a good reason or off to the laser sharks you go >.>
    4. Read the invisible last rule under all of the other rules so you know what to put in your bio or else I cannot accept you :P
    5. You should know right now, I don’t like godmodders nor powerplayers. If it is obvious that you are overpowered, then admit defeat. I don’t want any never ending battles, got it? Use common sense, and know when your gonna win and when your gonna lose. If things go too far then I’ll have to step in, and I DON’T want to do that >.>
    6. Can’t kill anyones character without the permission of the person that uses that character
    7. This rule applies to skills specificly. I am only going to take a 2 bio’s with whoever the hell ends up wanting to say that they have weapon experience or whatever with swords or anything. This does not apply to demons though, since when your fighting I’m pretty sure that as demons you’ll sort of gain the experience through the whole ‘second conscious of an eternal being’ thing :P
    8. In your bio post, I want you to make sure that you post “Awsome Mike Rulzâ€


    The 3 souls: ((This will be important for your bio))
    Each being separated into 3 different souls. These souls are refered to as the original, the light, and the dark sides of themselves, and to make sense within humans minds, they will be labled as Beings, Gaurdians, and Demons.

    Beings: Each being holds a crystal, which is imbedded on the back of their right hand ((Hence the title)). They hold the main powers of the original Beings, and are the ones whom have been given the responsibilities of the old ones, as the new people to govern the world and all whom inhabit it. All beings are to start however they want as long as it makes sense. Basicly, just don’t get captured by the demons

    Gaurdians: These are the beings which were formed from the lighter sides of the original Beings souls. They recognize the issue at hand, and so once they gain their powers, they gain a type of nack which prevents them from ignoring their duties, such as a headache. In other words, they must always be around the original Beings to protect them from harm. As Gaurdians, your job is to do whatever you can to protect the Beings which you are the guardian of, even at the cost of your own life. When you start out, you won’t completely have a good idea of the situation, but you will understand what you have to do

    Demons: The beings of darkness which were created from the darker side of the souls. People who are possessed by these demons, whether nice or not, are given an uncontrollable urge to capture the Beings. The main goal which the demons have in mind is to consume the other beings, so that they may obtain all of the powers of the original beings, and run free to do as they wish, without any limitation. In other words, once they devour the crystal imbedded in the back of any of the beings hands, they will become almost…..unstoppable….. All demons basicly have a job to hunt down the beings at any cost. They, like the guardians, will start out being told by the 2nd conscious of the demons what to do


    The 6 Beings: (Pay close attention to only the charecters that you want. It says a few of the habits that your charecters might end up picking up)

    Fire: The Being of fire, whose duty is to guide those whom have lost their way in the world and guide them, while burning that which will do nothing but get in their way.

    Being: The ability to control normal fire and create it at will, but may only use this single form of fire. ((TAKEN))

    Guardian: The guardian of fire has the power to control heat. Though it is not the same as fire, it basicly is being able to warm anything up with a heat as intense as if you were only a few miles away from the sun. This can create very uncomforatable situations for the other elements and is useful against some others. As the Guardian of the Fire Being, he/she basicly has to be around the Fire Being or else they will not only be unable to use their powers, but they will also become weakend, since fire is needed for heat.

    Demon: The Demon of fire has the ability to control lava. In other words, it can turn the ground around him/her or anything it touches into lava, and control it to its advantage.


    Water: The Being of water, whose duty is to keep the world rejuvenated and freshend by providing all life with water.

    Being: Only the ability to control the water around him/her, which includes being able to create it by using the oxygen around them. ((TAKEN))

    Guardian: The Guardian of water has control over snow, which might not seem very powerful, but can be useful depending on the situation. Basicly they can create it at random, and use it any way they want, whether it be separated or a whole bunch of snow molded together. It can also, obviously, be hardend, making it useful for making weapons. Being the guardian of the water being, it is important to be around the water being as often as possible, or else they will begin to become extremely dehydrated after a certain amount of time. ((TAKEN))

    Demon: The demon of water controls ice, making it very deadly against the two guardians. I am certain that not much really needs to be explained. Merely that this ice can be created at any time, any place, just like the water being can with water.


    Earth: The being of earth, the original giver of life, the one who not only gave the earth its shape, but provides the grounds for others to use to benefit themselves. Its job is to keep the world from being harmed by anything, including such things as technology which may do harm to it.

    Being: The being of earth, obviously, can control the earth around them, whether it be rocks, the soil itself, sand, or even mud. They may use and manipulate it however they like, but only under the condition that there is some form of earth around them.

    Guardian: The guardian of the being of earth has the ability to control the nature which has formed around him/her. It can also cause certain things to grow faster, or slower, and create new plant life, whatever it may be (growing trees out of the ground, giant venus fly traps, ect) The guardian of the earth is one of the most crucial ones to be around the being of earth, for if they are away for too long then……..they will die

    Demon: The demon of the earth has one of the most unique skills, and that is the power of metal. Steel, magnetite, even diamond like metals, they basicly can control metals at will, fuse them together, and use it however they wish.


    Wind: The being of wind, the one who keeps things moving. The purpose of the being of wind was originally to keep everything moving and rotating, or else the earth would be still, and even now, that is its purpose, though it must try harder ever since humanity began using machines and such which require power, and so to return the favor, it has tried harder to do so. In other words, its purpose is to keep humanity moving.

    Being: The being of wind basicly can control the air around him or her, turning it into wind, cyclones, whatever they want. They can even control the oxygen in the air, depleting certain area’s of it. ((TAKEN))

    Guardian: The guardian of wind has the power of the clouds, or more so, in other words, has come to a point where they are literally made up of clouds. They can turn cloud like, and while certain attacks can go right through them, any attack which may somehow be weather related (lightning, water, ice, ect). Its basicly like being made up of smoke. The guardian of the wind must be around the being of wind as often as possible, or else within only a few hours, they will lose control of their cloud like body, and simple things such as picking up even a mere cup will become impossible ((TAKEN))

    Demon: The demon of the wind has control over the element of lightning and electricity. Its self explanatory.

    Being of free will: Originally the being which kept the light and dark feelings together, whose job was to keep the balance. When separating though, it no longer kept its abilities, and changed into 3 different forms of this being, making its situation some what awkward

    Being: The Being of free will was given the ability of light, and there for, it will be refered to as the being of light. The being of light has the powers of light basicly, and can manipulate it however they please, allowing a wide variety of attacks.

    Guardian: The guardian of free will has the powers of darkness, and there for, it shall be refered to as the guardian of darkness. This guardian was a special case, since it originally was a demon. The problem though was that due to the relation that darkness and light have with eachother, it became realized that the original guardian would swallow them up if they were not near eachother due to its unique abilities, and so there for, while chaotic, the guardian of darkness must protect the guardian of light. If the guardian of darkness is not around the guardian of light for a certain amount of time, then the darkness within them will slowly begin to swallow them… ((TAKEN))

    Demon: The demon of free will, which has the power of nothingness, will be refered to now as the demon of nothing. Its powers drain the life, as well as the color out of everything that it touches, making it dull, and uneffective. Against other guardians, its powers are easily matchable, using a type of grey essence, which is similure to the light and darks aura’s (if you have any questions then just ask since this one can be a little confusing)


    Humanity: The being which governs over all humans and the features that make them….them. It basicly controls the make up human beings

    Being: The being of humanity, or also refered to as, the being of soul. They are surrounded by an aura which is invisible unless used, which is created by their very soul, and can be manipulated in any way possible, shaping it in many different ways. ((TAKEN))

    Guardian: The guardian of humanity, or more so, the guardian of mind. Basicly, this guardian holds psychic abilities, such as telekenisis, creating waves of pure force, gravity, ect. They cannot use telekenisis on people though, and can read peoples feelings (its like mind reading, but that would be powerplaying, so its like you can feel what a certain person feels). The longer the guardian is away from the being, the more prone they are it picking up on others feelings, and at some point, it would be as if they are feeling the feelings of everyone within a mile radius, which would probably be pretty hard for the mind to handle, which may result it small fits of insanity if continued on for too long >.> ((TAKEN))

    Demon: The demon of humanity, or more so, the demon of the body. It basicly is almost super human, to a point of extreme strength, speed, heightend senses, ect. While a normal person, they would not be much of a threat, but given the right person, with the combination of skills and the thirst for battle can be extremely deadly ((TAKEN))


    Bio Format
    ((Charecters that are taken, will have "((TAKEN))" next to their names in the list))

    Class: (look under the 3 souls section to see what the classes are)
    Element: (just put down your element. If it was one of the last 2 beings/guards/demons then you can just put down their specific element. Info is below)
    Weapon: (not exactly nescasary, but either way if u want, you can have a weapon. You can say that it appeared along with when you were possessed by one of the souls)
    Skills: (this can include fighting. Just put down your 3 best skills.)

    Bio List:
    Name: Ichiba
    Gender: male
    Age: 18
    Class: guardian
    Element: darkness ((Free will))
    Weapon: Tri blade: A special blade which can be generated from darkness itself. IT basicly is one giant sword, which can be broken into 3 different swords, which can be used in various methods
    History: A born genious with a lazy side to him. Through life, he was always the kid who got good grades until he hit highschool, where laziness and natural conflict kicked in, showing his intellegence only through writing. Mostly spending his time getting into fights, though he might not have grown up with any more complicated fighting skills, he does hold some basics, though not many, and then, when hitting 18, the soul of darkness entered into his body, and due to its special conditions, he soon quickly came to understand the situation, still not yet realizing just how dark his new found powers are...
    Personality: Lazy, likes to do the things that most people don't. He tries to hide his nice side through his actions attempting to make it seem like he has no real feelings for anyone but himself, though he still cares for those around him.
    Skills: natural fighting, excellent accuracy, and has a strong will.

    Name: Lyon Phelton
    Gender: Male
    Age: 35
    Class: Being
    Element: Fire
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Rapier with red jeweled diamonds in the blade and golden hilt. (Or if better, I'd pick the rapier in the pic.)
    History: When he was young, he was uncontrollable with his powers, strength, abilities, everything. His life had changed however when demons, or at least when the power of Fire entered his body, his mind had changed. He had awoken alone and weak, broken and destruct by his own will. Leaving him in a matter weak. He now wanders the world in which he lives in to find out who he is truely.
    Personality: Has a stern look and can keep up a good fight. Outgoing, enjoys a new challenge once in a while. He also can enjoy music once in a while, and listens to it while he fights.
    Skills: Can control fire and use it to his advantage in situations(Near-death experiences), or at least use it to keep on living. Can use this with his weapon.
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz[/COLOR][/B]

    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Class: Being
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: None
    History: When she was a child, she was very calm. But her personality changed when her parents died. Now she just lives on her own. She was always an outcast for some reason, so she doesn't really have many friends.
    Personality: She can sometimes show her soft side but by accident. Aria's outgoing, enjoys to take new challenges and can tend to be too carefree. And just for the fun of it, she likes making the wind around her stronger. (don't know if that's right. >>)
    Skills: Can create cyclones, she can take the air out of people(eh, don't know if this is right.Tell me if it isn't. >>), can use the wind as a shield.(again don't know if this is right.)
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz

    Name: Jordan Wave
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Class: Being
    Element: Water
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Trident with Sapphires for the tips of it.
    History: He has left his home and family to find out what he is to do for the World.
    Personality: Outgoing, helpful, and Caring
    Skills: Likes to make creatures of Water, makes clones of himself of Water to confuse enemies, and attacks only when the enemy is distracted.
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz :D[/QUOTE]

    Name: Jin
    Gender: male
    Age: 17
    Class: Being
    Element: soul (humanity)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: none
    History: A boy who was thought to be a protigy. Always being nice to others, helping out wherever he can, and always smiling for the sake of others. He's grown up living a very normal life, until one day he discovered his powers. In doing so though, he set out to find out the answers for himself to find out just what it is that is going on.
    Personality: Kind to others, never stops smiling, and is always upbeat. He never lets a bad remark slip through his lips, and is constantly trying to keep others spirits uplifted
    Skills: Extremely flexibal, very upbeat, and does not fear (well some fears, but this can be considered a skill since it makes it easier to fight)

    Name: Ken
    Gender: male
    Age: 25
    Class: demon
    Element: Body (Humanity)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: none
    History: Ichiba's brother, his faternal twin (idk how to spell it, lol). He was treated under the same conditions as Ichiba but barely was around him. When the demon of humanity entered into his body though, he quickly left, under the influence of the demon, going off on his own, not knowing just what was going on
    Personality: Definatly a particular personality. As maintained as he may appear on the outside, on the inside, he is in a struggle of humain and insane manners of actions. He is basicly unpredictable
    Skills: very energetic, insanity (obviously makes him harder to control)

    Name: Holden Black
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Class: Guardian.
    Element: Humanity
    Appearance: guy/a.jpg
    Weapon: Longsword.
    History: Ever since he could remember he's been somewhat of a trouble maker. He didn't care about how much he hurt anyone. Holden has done a lot of things that he isn't proud of. Recently, he's been starting to "lose it". Feeling all the pain he's caused has made him nearly suicidal at times. Although he's just barely getting over it, something at the back of his head is really bugging him.
    Personality: Dark personality, sometimes lets others believe he's uncaring when it's just the opposite. He loves pushing things to the limit.
    Skills: Strong willed, acrobatic, and focused.
    Other: He can kill a yak from 200 yard...with MIND BULLETS!!! (Listen to Tenacious D's Wonderboy and you'll get the joke).

    Name: Zia Entia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Guardian
    Element: Snow
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Four throwing daggers with white blades and handle, due to the element.
    History: Zia has been on her own most of her life, but she doesn't know why. Since she doesn't like the lonely feeling, she does like being around others a lot and make friends. If she finds herself on her own, then she does get a little skidish and slightly scared. Most of the time she can control those feelings, but sometimes not.
    Personality: Gentle when not in battle, but can show a sign of aggression when being threatened. Sometimes can be soft spoken, but other times outgoing. It's hard to discern her true personality most of the time.
    Skills: Can use the snow to temporary blind people and created a cover for herself. Can also use the snow as her second weapon to defend herself.
    Other: Likes nature and quiet moments.

    Name: Seth Walker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Class: Guardian
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: The sword in the pic
    History: Seth has had a pretty normal life. he would usually just stay outside and sit down and feel the breeze pass by. After a while he found out about some of the special powers he had
    Personality: calm and quiet guy that is lazy sometimes but is a nice guy
    Skills: He is very fast, brave and good at counterattacking
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz

    Name: Aroura Fleetwing
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Class: demon
    Element: wind
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    ignore the ears and the tail please.
    Weapon: 2 Metal fans with blades on the tips.
    History: Every sense she was little she never stayed in one place for very long. When she turned eighteen, the demon of wind entered into her body. She is confused wether or not the fight the madness her demon or to completely be enveloped in the inhumain side.
    Personality: Aroura is outgoing and tries her best to control herself. She doesn't know where her life will lead her but looks on the bright side. get into personality spike which can be distructive whenm out of control.
    Skills: Controls lightning and can use it to help or destroy.
    Other: Is always deep in thought and loves to read.
  2. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Sorry its short. Its late and correct anything that might be a mistake.

    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Class: Being
    Element: Wind
    Appearance: Girls/punkclothes.jpg
    Weapon: None
    History: When she was a child, she was very calm. But her personality changed when her parents died. Now she just lives on her own. She was always an outcast for some reason, so she doesn't really have many friends.
    Personality: She can sometimes show her soft side but by accident. Aria's outgoing, enjoys to take new challenges and can tend to be too carefree. And just for the fun of it, she likes making the wind around her stronger. (don't know if that's right. >>)
    Skills: Can create cyclones, she can take the air out of people(eh, don't know if this is right.Tell me if it isn't. >>), can use the wind as a shield.(again don't know if this is right.)
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: akua, violet, STH, your all accepted. as for the skills though, if you want to change them, then you can. By skills I meant natural skills. Like check out the bio that I made. I only have down that he's a good fighter and stuff. powers come naturally, so its different, ya know?

    and we'll start after a little while. I'd like to get some other charecters in, like other guardians, and maybe some demons, k

    ((scratch that actually. I'm going to edit the skills section out. I dont think that its nescasary))
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Awesome Mike Rulz. D8<

    Name: Holden Black
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Class: Guardian.
    Element: Humanity
    Appearance: guy/a.jpg
    Weapon: Longsword.
    History: Ever since he could remember he's been somewhat of a trouble maker. He didn't care about how much he hurt anyone. Holden has done a lot of things that he isn't proud of. Recently, he's been starting to "lose it". Feeling all the pain he's caused has made him nearly suicidal at times. Although he's just barely getting over it, something at the back of his head is really bugging him.
    Personality: Dark personality, sometimes lets others believe he's uncaring when it's just the opposite. He loves pushing things to the limit.
    Skills: Strong willed, acrobatic, and focused.
    Other: He can kill a yak from 200 yard...with MIND BULLETS!!! (Listen to Tenacious D's Wonderboy and you'll get the joke).

    That good?
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Accepted. Now just waitens for one more person then we can start))
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Name: Zia Entia
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Guardian
    Element: Snow
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Four throwing daggers with white blades and handle, due to the element.
    History: Zia has been on her own most of her life, but she doesn't know why. Since she doesn't like the lonely feeling, she does like being around others a lot and make friends. If she finds herself on her own, then she does get a little skidish and slightly scared. Most of the time she can control those feelings, but sometimes not.
    Personality: Gentle when not in battle, but can show a sign of aggression when being threatened. Sometimes can be soft spoken, but other times outgoing. It's hard to discern her true personality most of the time.
    Skills: Can use the snow to temporary blind people and created a cover for herself. Can also use the snow as her second weapon to defend herself.
    Other: Likes nature and quiet moments.

    Also, “Awsome Mike Rulzâ€. Is this good?
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: I can gladly accept you. I wish that I could get a few demons in, but it looks like for now it'll just have to be my demon char. So, we'll start now. I'll post the first post in a few minutes

    Jin lauphed a little, as he walked through the woods.

    Walking next to him was Ichiba, his arms crossed as he did so. He looked upward as they came upon the lake. "I could've sworn that I felt it hard to tell. May have been my own mind playing tricks, not sure" Ichiba said to Jin, as he sat down by the lake, and cupped his hands in the water, as to get a drink. His body had been taking a great toll on himself. It was only now that all of the souls had become in possesion of anouther person, and due to its start his body could already feel its slow deterioration.

    "You know Ichiba, just because I ran into you in this forest doesn't mean that the person that you are looking for is going to be here also. We're pretty far from any cities, and I really was here just because I was lost" he said, lauphing, as he scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed by how absent minded it was of him to get lost.

    "Relax. Only reason why you're with me anyways is because it might make things easier for whoever is supposed to be taking care of you. Don't start getting friendly either, because the minute we find your guardian I'm ditchen ya. Got it?" Ichiba said as he took anouther drink of water. It was still shocking to him how easy it was for Jin to accept what was going on without any worry, since usually a person wouldn't be as accepting to the whole idea of just what they had all gotten themselves into. IF it wasn't for Ichiba having to put up with this thing that was inside of him, he probably wouldn't have believed it himself
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Name: Seth Walker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Class: Guardian
    Element: Wind
    Weapon: The sword in the pic
    History: Seth has had a pretty normal life. he would usually just stay outside and sit down and feel the breeze pass by. After a while he found out about some of the special powers he had
    Personality: calm and quiet guy that is lazy sometimes but is a nice guy
    Skills: He is very fast, brave and good at counterattacking
    Other: Awsome Mike Rulz
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: accepted :P

    oh ya, and everyone can start out in the forest that my charecters are in. there should be a huge lake in the middle, so it would make sense, ya know
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth started to walk around in the forest. He was looking at his hand "whats happening to me" Seth said as he then looked at a tree and put his hand on the tree and after a while his hand went right through it. Seth sighed and continued walking "I have got to find a way to solve this" Seth thought to himself
  11. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria walked through the forest, with her hands behind her hand, as if she was being arrested. She didn't care where she was going but just as long as she was some where she can relax. Aria let out a deep sigh, wondering why she was in the forest in the first place. Whatever, doesn't matter anymore.

    OOC: Eh..>>
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Holden opened his eyes, finding himself in a forest. He bit his lip in thought, wondering why he was there. How'd I even get here...? I don't remember walking... He thought to himself, lowering his hand to grasp the handle of his sword. Something's wrong here. He looked up, noticing he was leaning against an impossibly tall tree. "Wow. Just my luck. I'm lost." He muttered.

    OOC: *short post because I'm going now*
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth continued to walk in the forest and then sighed and looked at the sky "why the hell am I even here" Seth said and continued to walk
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: oh right. probably why they are in the forest is because they are sort of being drawn to eachother. Jen to be specific. since he IS the holder of the whole humanity being and all, it would make sense for the others to be sort of lead to him :P

    bic: "I'll be back for a minute. I'm gonna go get some food" Ichiba said as he stood up, and started walking out towards the forest, as he puelled his sword out of the sheeth on his back.

    "Really now. No need to get barberic. I mean, I know I'm a naturalist but there's no need for hunting" Jin said, shaking his head in dissapointment.

    As ichiba walked out, he walked through the trees, seeing how they gathered up. "Honostly, so bothersome" he muttered. He blinked for a moment, and then opened his eyes up, his eyes completely black, his pupils red, helping him to concentrate to find anything around him. HIs powers gave off a sort of evil aura, as he walked, the stench of darkness upon him

    ooc: twilgiht, u made a double post :P
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Zia stopped for a minute, and leaned against a tree. "Phew... all this walking around in circles really takes a lot out of you..." she said quietly to herself. She been wandering around in this dense place for who knows how long. She did hear footsteps not too far away from her a few times, and she did hear voices as well, but when she went towards them, they were gone. She looked up at the trees, wondering where to go. She didn't know how much longer she was going to stand being by herself.
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Ichiba stopped short in his tracks, when he heard footsteps. He quickly hid himself behind a tree, trying to remain quiet, as he helled his breath. He looked at her, being certain not to get caught. She definatly has some kind of aura about her. A demon? he thought as he looked at the girl with snow white hair
  17. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria kept her eyes fix onto the sky; she's been walking for a while now. She let out a frustrated sigh; she closed her eyes and stopped walking. She opened her eyes and put her hands in her pockets, looking around, hearing foot steps practically everywhere. Aria turned her head, looking back forward; in the distance she could see a lake. Huh...
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Is somewhere there?" Jin called out, as he turned behind himself, hearing foot steps. They seemed a little distant, but he could definatly hear them. IT may have just been an animal though, so its was hard to tell. "That you Ichiba?"
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Zia leaned against the tree a little longer, hearing the sounds of the forest around her. She couldn't help but to feel she was being watched... She looked over her shoulder, and then starred out into it. She heard a voice... she wasn't imagining it this time. And she knew someone was close by... really close by. "Just stay calm," she whispered to herself. "No need to be scared...."
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "You. Who are you" Ichiba asked, as he stepped out from behind the tree which he had been hiding behind, his sword in hand, as he approached her. "More so, not who, but what, are you" he asked her in a deep voice, his black eyes staring at her, as if staring at her very soul, with a slight demonic aura coming from him
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