That feel that you get when you have drank to much with your friends, that you begin to play drinking games and they get out of control.......FREAKING Awesome is all I can say about it. Had a good time this St. Patrick's day weekend with my friends. We had a merry time is all I can really say without getting in trouble. So tell me for-*shot for stealing* Anyways, tell me how was everybody's weekend go!
I worked and didn't drink alcoholic beverages. I've never been a fan of intoxicating my person in that manner. (Or in any manner for that matter d'oh ho~) Oh and it was my little bro's B-day today. (March 18th) Oh Llil' de Espada...
Went over to a friend's and had an awesome night in a camper (with another friend). An HD TV inside, Xbox 360, music, guitars. The next night we went over to check out a friend's concert. It was aight. After that we went back to the camper, went to my bro's gaming shop with movies and took some movies with us. I picked out Moulin Rouge, and I left those two crying. Weekend was good.
Ah, Saint Paddy's Day drinking. But it has a dark side. Imagine, you're driving home and you crash into a rainbow. Leprechauns swarm you, yelling all manner of Gaelic curses at you before clonking you on the head with the pot of gold you could have gotten if you had actually been sober enough to catch one of them.