Suddenly sewage boy emerged for the first time in a week. EDIT: Jenkins I have no insuls like Beat does I just want to ask why you are posting in a game if your not going to play it.
Please Sorcerer_Jenkins stop insulting Goimez. All SHE did is join in the game. PLease calm down...If somethings on your mind you can pm me and talk about it. And goimez I don't know what your like but PLEASE don't retalliate. Suddenly KFC closed forever EDIT: everybody just to remind you on the first post it said to insert an image aswell.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams will come true.... Unless it's a meteor on a collision course with earth, then your just f*cked no matter what you wish for. COrrected :P I was gonna post a joke about that bigfoot remark, but I don't think it's appropriate for your fragile minds xD
My mind is NOT fragile if its a harmless joke meaning no offence to Jenkins then pleasepost your joke. Sorry sometimes if I don't know somebody even if I DO know their gender I say their the opposite sex. And please I hate arguments and fighting so please don't start a war...
:P To be honest, I occaisionally change my gender on here, so I'm not gonna be setting fire to any innocent civilians.... All I have to say about bigfoot is; I doubt it'll fit....
Suddenly, life's not quite what it used to be... Body parts keep falling off of me. Oh I believe I've got leprosy.