I mean Left 4 Dead's Bill of course trust someone too be so stupid as to even try and make that person he cant be nice to anyone. if you have played L4D you should know this while casually murdering zombies in an alley a tank down's me (was on expert) the rest of the team kill the tank before it has the chance to kill me and then comes the highlight of this chapter as bill wanders over to me as a 'supposed' rescue i notice gun shots and bullot holes appearing around me i turn around just in time to see Bill gladly shooting me in the face with a shotgun . I die but thankfully my friend was there to rescue me in a closet later. And plus anyone notice that anyone playing as bill online seems to be really bad? Do you hate Bill and if yes, why?
Bill's AI in Left 4 Dead is actually really good. Louis however has a TERRIBLE AI. If everyone else in incapped and he is the only one who can save them, his AI makes him run around in circles. All other characters aid the nearest incapped person. Also, the AI of any character is useless on Expert. Expert is essentially impossible to beat without 4 human players.
Bill is awesome!! He has some of the better AI, and a healthy hatred of Francis. But yeah, Louis' AI is FAR worse. All he does is go around "grabbin' peelz" if they're nearby, leaving me to get hunter'd to death.