Some of you know I am a huge Blitzball fan right? To the point of having an obsession. Well today, I finally, finally, after years of having FFX, I finally beat the Luca Goers at the tournament in Luca :'D I have never done that before. Just thought I would share that with you.
hehe, awesome :'D I always tried to be good at Blitzball but I just dont like how its set up D: If it was a real game it would be so freakin' awesome though :'D
-huggles- Congrats Kay :3 This. I was horrible at it. Probably because I was young when I played it and didn't get it. xD
I have always been ****ing amazing at Blitzball. It's one of the few things I AM good at, but that game, damn that game has always been the one game I could never beat. I screamed when I won :'D
This. I got FFXI with the Tetra Master online game but I was like "No f*cking way am I paying that much for an MMO and a card game" so I stuck to my FFIX.
That thing was messed up D: Except I liked the crunching noise she would make if you touched her in the wrong place.