Self evaluation time. I want people's honest opinions about me, both good and bad, if you don't mind.
Hmm, let's see. You're awesome. You can be fairly clever when you want to be and can be witty. Although, you can also be extremely annoying and make me want to strangle you. Both when you're being annoying by being clever and when you're being plain immature (Desu D:<). You seem to be fairly dark and gothic, from your sigs/avatars and you can be quite dark/negitive but you can also be really fun to talk to. You seem to change your mood constantly and you are a master of confusing people - I still couldn't say with absolute certainty what gender you are xD. Also you live relitively near me and do almost the same as me at college, which boosts you up in my opinion. Oh and you can be utterly random and amazing. But all in all, you're awesome. ^^
If you could be described in 1 word, I'd go with "Squee!". For example, if I gave you a waffle and a buffet's worth of condiments for said waffle, you would draw a silly-looking face on the waffle out of blueberries and chocolate sauce, dangle it in front of me, then take a huge bite out of it and proudly say something like "I eated it". In other words: Random, giddy, with a soooomewhat bitter inside. You're a fig newton. Buuuuuut, the hell do I know?
Thanks, those words are encouraging . The amount you know doesn't matter, even the smallest information can help, and damn that was amusing Things to work on so far: Annoyingness Bitterness.
I totally didn't understand that this self-evaluation was an evaluation of you and not me, then again according to loads of people we're just split personalities so I suppose it doesn't matter. Over the course of our friendship, through the hard times and the good times, I feel like I've watched you grow up. You initially had a personality that was very innocent and gullible, which was very cute and because of that I always find people with a similar personality to be pretty cute. Now though you're not as serious as you used to be, at least not with me, you always understand it when people are joking and when they're being serious, or at least you do with me. You are a very kind person, you always give people chances and you always value your morals. You can be random at times, you can be serious at times, your mood can change quite a bit depending on the day and what has been happening, but no matter what you're always the same awesome risk who I know and love. Kind, loving, caring, random, funny, amusing and awesome are all words I'd use to describe you. You're certainly a guy! And if you think otherwise I'll make you eat soup!
I'm not sure. I tend to think of you the same way I think of Chris. Except Chris is goofier. I guess I'm with Midnight on this one. And for your sake and CtR's, I wish this guy was real. Which is uncommon of me to wish for something like that. Because I'd be disturbed to find out that this guy is real, but for you guys, I'd let it slide.
I'm gonna ignore the whole thread completely and ask you when you are going to explain yourself and why you aren't here more often. ;_;
Young, compliant, and self-assured. Easy going. Without worries, but not without a level of depression. A deeper kind of sadness. The kind found in art instead of the petty stuff that we see every day inside of the people around us. Probably second hand, but stronger and more based on longing than the first hand sadness. No negative traits to speak of. You care too much about others' opinions of you for that. I see a vast difference between you and Chris in this area.