So HoT (Eleven/PKMN Trainer Green/whatever he changes his name to because you get the point) and I were talking and we thought it would be a good idea to have a group chat discussing the season finale. If you're interested, post in this thread and we'll pick a day.
It's not Eleven now... It's Green. Pokémon Trainer Green. But yeah, this finale demands a Skype discussion B|
If you're making a Doctor Who Skype group, count me interested. I may not be able to take part in the discussion on the finale if it happens in the next week as Bushy will be with me but for any future ones, definitely.
I'm totes in ^^ Just send me an invite on Skype. I've been wanting to talk about things from DW in a live chat. No way I could talk with someone irl cause nobody I know watches the show DX lol, but yeah, I'm game ^^
Well it's a little late to discuss the finale at this point....? But I'm still absolutely up to a KHV DW Skype group.
It was supposed to be about discussing our thoughts and blah blah on the episode. It's really not too late. We can still have a uniform viewing of the episode then a discussion thereafter. I'd still like to do this anyway.