Oh, hush! Thou hathst a barbed tongue, but to only the displeasure of mine and mine own! Speak no more, knave, for we know your words that come forth before they have been spoken; and they are not words of pleasure to be heard, if they be words of pleasure at all to anyone but the speaker.
I'm switching up my style, like the Beatles with my pieces Each is such a wonder, with a plethora of features You're pathetically predictable You think your new book, might include a trisyllabic meter And some ghetto muppet creatures The Bard is in the building, it's a castle I'm a boss I bet I'm Parliament, I'm positive, I'm killing it, I'm iller than the plague I never caught or cholera A baller-baller on some cricket bowler business While you're sitting in the bleachers
You rap fast, you do Yes you rap fast, it's true Now let's see how fast you rap Versus Things 1 and 2!