First of all, I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M POSTING A THREAD IN KINGDOM HEARTS BIRTH BY SLEEP SECTION. 8DDDDD I feel soooo accomplished! But unfortunately, isn't because I got mine. >.< Lexibrag has a little problems, so I am here asking for help in his place, okay guys? So we heard that there are... secret bosses in khbbs. O.O ...But who're them? I didn't even played the game I don't know a thing about those... secret bosses. O.O Lexibrag didn't find any... secret bosses... in the game. O_O Dude, secret bosses! This is so exciting, isn't???!!!!! We never fought with them, but we know that there is one oh man there is! that looks like Spoiler: something cool, but dont open that if you didnt finish khbbs Vanitas and one that looks like Xemnas. Where are they? There is a specific time of the game to beat them? Do you recommend something? Thank you. =] OMG I'm posting a thread in Birth by Sleep section! 8D
My first question, why doesn't this guy post it himself? The bosses are Vanitas Remnant and Mysterious Figure. VR can only be accessed when you have won with Terra, Ven, and Aqua. Any difficulty is fine. MF is the same conditions above I think. I have not played in a while. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Battle Tips: VR: Have a deck of Mine shields and High-potions. DO NOT HAVE CURE! Curing allows the remnant to heal as well. As the battle starts, run up to him and hit him 2-3 times. Don't bother to combo, for he will warp behind you and attack. Most of this battle involves doge roll and setting the Mine Shields when he runs toward your character. Terra is the harder to win with of the three. His deck is mine shields and areal surges. The sliding can be difficult to use for me, but it is winnable. MF: This guy will kill you, make no mistake. The deck of choice is fire surge or thunder surge. Thunder being the greater of the two, and about 3-4 Curas. At the first of the battle, sure through the figure to break his concentration, then dodge roll continuously until you find another opening. Either when he summons a tornado, finishes his fire run, or summons a giant "X" attack. His orb summing attack is annoying. Either time it right with Ven for dodging, or if your Aqua, use her shield to absorb the attacks and hopefully it's the one that heals HP. When he becomes invisible is when this fight looks hopeless. Your best option is to continue dodging until he is visible again, unless your sure you can hit him. You will want to use only your surges for this fight to prevent rewind. There is a little more but that is the most of it. Ask to seek further instruction.
Thanks a LOT BS7. =] And there's something wrong with his computer, isn't turning on and the other laptop his mother uses to work. Sometimes, like almost never there is time to MSN and e-mail, nothing more. =[ Hmhmhm. It's a little late I should go sleep. Thanks again! ...Ops, we have to clear Aqua and Terra's history first. =S Don't worry, I give... a month or less and there we are. EDIT: And more, posting in khbbs Help section was my dream since I was a little kid.
Close. Vanitas' Remnant requires the Final Episode completed too. You might have packaged that with beating all three stories, but just to be clear. Also Mysterious Figure requires that you have defeated Vanitas' Remnant. Also just added information, VR will appear at the Badlands which is the same world as the Keyblade Graveyard. Landing there will be an option after you've met the conditions for the fight. MF appears at the Land of Departure. Also may people consider arena bosses to be "secret" so you can add in Mimic Master and Iron Imprisoner to that. And in Final Mix there is Monstro, Armor of the Master, and No Heart; all three being in the Mirage Arena.
If MF isn't available yet, you probably have to beat VR first. One's in the Graveyard and the other's at the Land of Departure. And pretty much what Rhiscx said on strategy.
In order to fight MF you need to beat VR. Once you beat VR with one character, MF unlocks for all of them. A cheap way to beat VR with Ven is use tornado. Get it by combining Magnega and Aeroga. Two of those and one more hit should kill him. As for MF, pretty much just follow Rhiscx's strategy if you want to survive.