Chain of Memories Room to rewards...

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by tofudude, Jun 13, 2009.

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  1. tofudude Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 21, 2007
    If you have a beaten american version KH2 save file on the same memory card, when you go to a room of rewards do you get the special cards, like you do in the japanese version that came with FM+?
    Im playing soras story BTW(havent beaten rikus yet).
  2. lexamus Twilight Town Denizen

    yes U get them...U have to beat Riku's story...then go back to Sora's File and go get back the Special Card with the Room to rewards...though I think its pretty useless since U already beat the game and the only boss U can use the cards is with Final Marloosha
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