
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, May 31, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    It’s not obvious what I based this on >.>

    2009, the city of Chicago becomes attack by an unknown force. The police can’t handle it, the army can’t damage it and even the secret organisations failed to defeat it. The city becomes terrorised by these things as they plan to move out and take over the rest of the world until a disguised man appears on a motorbike and fights them. Soon the police develop a weapon to combat the unknown force calling it “Rider” based on the man who saved them once before. The police manage to stop the army or government taking the credit for this weapon and become the leading protection of the world through the unknown enemies base in Chicago. CPD (Chicago Police Department) become experts on fighting these unknown creatures through the Rider system they developed.

    The Rider system is a device that allows the user to access a nano-bot armour that covers the body, it protects the user from a lot harm while allowing them to fight the unknown.

    When the Police Riders begin to fight the Unknown on equal terms a stronger more deadly enemy rises among the Unknown and defeats the Riders with ease killing the users. With the police force in shambles over the loss of good men and who shall replace the Riders and defeat this new enemy the Unknown begin to resume the world conquest when once again the man who saved them the first time appears, and the power he has is the same as the Riders.

    What secrets does this man hold?
    Who will become the Police Riders?
    Will the Unknown take over the world?
    Tune in next time to find out.

    A list of the Rider systems you can pick from. Riders transform via a belt or a watch of some sort. Police Riders have nano-bots cover them and transform them (a bit like Spider-Man Unlimited), the Mystery and Unknown Riders transform in a flash of light that represents their colour.

    Police Riders

    Ignis: The user gains the ability to create and manipulate fire from their hands as well as withstand blazing temperatures and coming out unscathed. The double edged sword of the Police Riders as its abilities can harm both itself and others. TAKEN.

    Gargant: The muscle of the Police Riders, the user can lift things 5 times their own weight. This suit allows the user to harness the power of Earth letting them create shockwaves in the ground and can cause stone to erupt from the ground. This suit slows the user down. TAKEN.

    Rai: The speed of the Police Riders. The user is able to cast electricity from his or her limbs. The user can also run at speeds that out run cars on the motor way although this may cause tunnel vision and can only be done for so long. TAKEN.

    Hukan: The user is able to fire a powerful blast of wind from their hands and even fly or hover short distances as well as becoming slightly faster and lighter through the use of a semi-gravity defying mechanism. TAKEN.

    Litro: The user can create ice from their hands due to a liquid nitrogen mechanism that allows them to release a gas form which freezes with contact to the air depending on the pressure the user fires it at. The user also gains the ability to withstand freezing conditions.

    Unknown Riders

    Nox: An Unknown developed Rider system built after they see the Police Riders systems work. It has the ability to use an energy that the unknown use to create blades that can be thrown to explode on impact or used as a sword. When a human takes this form on the system takes over their mind and forces them to want to destroy the Police Riders.

    Vox: Like Nox it was developed by the Unknown. This Rider system allows its user to create energy to be used as a sword but instead of it being able to be thrown it can extend to greater distances to cut enemies further away. It can also send a large rush of energy which explodes on impact into a pierced enemy or object when it extends. When a human takes this form on the system takes over their mind and forces them to want to destroy the Police Riders.

    Ragnarok: The final and most powerful of the three Unknown Riders. It allows the user to create and manipulate the Unknown energy into any weapon it desires. It can also absorb other forms of energy through its palms when necessary. When a human takes this form on the system takes over their mind and forces them to want to destroy the Police Riders. TAKEN.

    Mysterious Riders

    Genesis: The first Rider to appear and is the original one which the Police Riders where based on. It is able to alter its power using devices called Fuestles which hold a different type of energy that transform the appearance slightly and the abilities. These forms are so he can fight under different scenarios and have their limits. TAKEN.

    Angelo: A mysterious Rider system that enables the user to transform into a mode which creates a burst of heat that damages everything in range when transforming. In its first mode (called Angelo form) it uses “heavens judgement” an attack that creates a incredible amount of heat in the palms of its hand and melts anything on contact. When in its second mode (called Nelo form) it allows the user to activate the weapon arrow sword which is a sword that fires bolts of lightning from its tip. In both forms it can use a large chakram like weapon that creates a heated electrical charge when spinning.

    Chaos: The last mysterious Rider system. The user is able to manipulate a dark matter like source to engulf and damage his enemies. This can also create shadow like minions for brief periods of time. The user of this Rider system will attack any Rider, human or unknown as the system forces the user to crave destruction.

    1. The sections rules. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=80885
    2. 1 Kamen Rider max, you can have up to 3 characters though be they can human or unknown. (I break this rule so we can keep the plot going and so we have a main villain)
    3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try.
    4. Be literate and follow the 20 words per post rule in the new section, in other words no one liners and anything under 20 posts will have to be extended.
    5. Humans do not have super powers of any kind. They are normal humans.
    6. No singing.
    7. Type Henshin in your post.
    8. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3.

    OC form

    Preview post:


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Stone
    Age: 21
    Rider: Genesis
    History: Leon was born in England and lived there most of his life. Having discovered a strange belt when he was 13 he began to learn things and come across strange and bewildering events that made him know what to do. When the Unknown began attacking Chicago he had already had experience with the scouts in England so the first thing he did was get a plane to Chicago taking his prized motorbike with him and the belt that reacted around the Unknown letting him fight. He defeated the Unknown for a short while and then travelled around parts of America until they returned a year later and he returned to help the Police Riders while remaining unknown to them.
    Personality: Childish at time and likes cute things (like teddy bears) but he never boasts his own strength.
    Weapon: a Sword which is part of his Rider form which changes into other weapons when he transforms into other forms.
    Other: n/a
    Preview post: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Max Smith
    Age: 22
    Rider: Ragnarok
    History: He’s lived in Chicago all his life. When the Unknowns attacked he was just a civilian caught in it but when the Police Riders start to match the Unknown he is approached by an Unknown who in its dying moments forces Max to use the Rider system he has. He equips the belt and instantly is transformed into the final Unknown Rider Ragnarok. His mind is taken over and he easily defeats the Police Riders killing the people inside the armour. The original users of Ignis and Rai are the ones he killed the others where killed by Nox and Vox earlier.
    Personality: As Max he’s a very work obsessed guy but as Ragnarok he’s a relentless killer.
    Weapon: Ragnarok’s energy weapons.
    Other: n/a
    Preview post: n/a
  2. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Username: The Joker
    Name: Henry Hugo
    Age: 33
    Rider: Chaos
    History: Born into a poor family, Henry always wanted more. He craved it. That's why when he got his chance to test out a rider system that a local proffeser had found and was paying for subjects to test it on, he took the chance and went there. As fate would have it, he was the oly one who showed up and it worked on him. When he saw it worked, he started to freak out, and left the building thinking he was a freak. Slowly he learned how to work the Chaos rider system.
    Personality: Depends on time. He is a loner at times.
    Weapon: Powers of Chaos Rider system.
    Other: Henshin
    Preview post: Henry stood alone on the street. Every now and then, he would look up and see a smiling face. How did the phrase go? A face in the crowd? His train of thought slowly started to steer in other directions, as some eventually do.

    He began to wonder, "How many were born into there riches?" Sadly, though with a faint smile he knew he wasn't. He wonderd if he would ever get his chance.
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Awesome, your in.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Username: Gatekeeper

    Name: Tai Kaliso

    Age: 20

    Rider: Hukan

    History: Born to two members of the Police force, Tai always held interest in serving justice due to their example. Growing up, he trained and studied, having the intent to become an officer of the law and to protect the innocent people of Chicago. When the day arrived that the Rider was first brought into the existence of everyone's minds, his parents were killed in the battle against the Unknown days later. Only 18, Tai vowed to avenge them and to destroy the user that ended his parents lives.

    Since his parents were potential candidates for the Rider system Hukan, and seeing as the CPD saw as much potential in him as they did his mother and father, Tai was chosen to use the Hukan system. He swore he'd do his parents proud, and begun training for a couple years at most until the Rider program hit full swing.

    Personality: Despite how much hatred he holds for Riders outside of the police, Tai can be a very fun person to be with so long as you don't mention the Unknown. He can be cocky but knows when to get serious and use his head. He is also an excellent strategist.

    But at other times, he's a puzzle. Quiet and cold can be how he wishes to express himself. It always depends on the time you catch him.

    Weapon: Standard Side-Arm pistol used among CPD

    Other: Henshin.


    Preview post: "You've found one!?" Tai exclaimed in surprise and irritation, angry that he had not been told earlier. He was at a desk inside CPD where officers were being briefed on the location of a possible Unknown member. He had just been passing by until he had heard through the grapevine, or in this case, glass. Grabbing the Chief by his collar, Tai brought his closer and glared. "Where!?" he questioned, threatening to destroy something with the power of his suit.
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Awesome, your in and you also reminded me I missed off appearance, oh well I guess it can be optional now, we'll just have to work our appearances into our posts for those who haven't done one.
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    If you bar me from singing I will violate you in hurtful ways 8D

    Username: Magick
    Name: Alianne Jeros
    Age: 18
    Rider: Human.
    History: She lived with her mother, working from the age 15 after her father died. When her mother died shortly after her eighteenth birthday, she moved to a different house and began working at a bar, making enough money to support herself. Her mother taught her how to defend herself, to make sure her daughter would always be taken care of. She knows basic kicking and punching, and has a talent for it, but isn't very experienced.
    Personality: Sarcastically humourus, she is loyal to her friends, if she had any, and takes her anger out on the person nearest her that usually causes it. She doesn't like being alone, but has accepted it as her fate.
    Weapon: none.
    Other: Henshin
    Preview post: Aly made her way through the streets to the bar she worked at. Smiling a hello at the other girl, she tied her apron behind her back and went to start orders. A small man looked her over, and after she glared at him, ordered a drink. She sighed, going to the taps and filling up a tall glass. Another drunkard stumbled out the door, making her grin. Though she wasn't the legal age to be working here, she didnt' mind. It's not like she drank away her sorrows like some of the people who came here.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Awesome, your in Magick.
  8. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    Username: Rissy
    Name: Jude Clarissa
    Age: 20
    Rider: Rai
    History: Jude was born a month before her due date was formed, making her smaller then most kids she grew up with. Her parents granted her the choice to go to the Police Force, her father doubting her for her size. When the letter came home saying that she was accepted, and also requested for her to be part of the new Riders Force, he was astonished.
    Personality: Out-Going, Clever, Childish
    Weapon: In the suit, her boots can spring out a knife across the arch and toe of the foot. But out of form she has only self defense.
    Other: She looks something like this: http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp325/JoySakura/Blonde%20Girl/pink.jpg
    Preview post:
    Jude felt the blood pulse through her ears as she ran across the practice mat, to her opponent. He stood on the other side, laughing at how he could throw her like a rag doll across the room. She ran as fast as she could, her small body its' way towards his. She yelled in anger as she jumped up, her hair whipping about as she kicked his torso, making the man cough. Jude caught herself, as she blew some hair out of her face, and smiled.

  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Your in Rissy. XD
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: When do we start?
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Tonight probably, depending on things I have to do.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Username: LilBueno
    Name: Rhony Dice
    Age: 19
    Rider: Litro
    History: Rhony has always been a normal kid. His parents have been separated since before he was born and his older brother is studying abroad, leaving Rhonyi in Chicago with his mother. Rhony graduated high school when he was 17 and received a full ride scholarship to his chosen college due to his achievement in sports: He's been the football team's star runningback since his sophomore year. Finding college too normal, he decided to do something better. He refused the scholarship and joined the Police Force. After the Rider System was finally established, he joined the program and started training until he could become a Rider. He signed himself up and was accepted.
    Personality: Rhony is, in one word, conceited. He calls it confidence, but he believes he's always right. This puts him at odds with the other Riders who hold seniority over him. He is actually really smart, but tends to act before thinking.
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x285/veatorio/ryoma2.jpg His Rider suit is light blue.
    Weapon: A pistol that comes with the Rider suit and a pocketknife for close combat.
    Other: Henshin
    Preview post: Rhony sat in his room, staring at the TV. Finding the show boring, he turned his chair around and turned on his computer. Great, another message from college... he thought upon check his email. His guidance counselor and "the college dude" (as Rhony called his room advisor) just didn't understand college wasn't for Rhony. It was too...normal for his taste. "Delete!" he said with a laugh as he clicked the red X above the e-mail.
    "I don't need college, I'm smart enough. I'm headed for bigger and better things."
  13. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Your gonna have to change your character, 1. Rai is taken, 2. your history doesn't match up, the Police Riders are the Police so you can't just sign up without being police or having something relavent, 3. the appearance you added isn't right, your meant to have a person appearance and describe your Rider when you use it.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Hmm alright. Edited, how's that?
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    alright your in.
  16. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Are we gonna play this out as it goes or do you have plot points you want to achieve?..
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hmm, I was thinking of playing it out and creating plot points based on what we make. But the Riders like Chaos, Vox, Nox and Ragnarok are basically evilish villain types while the police are the good and the others are like vigilantes which are sort of aspects i'd like to stick to for a while.

    Anywho, I might as well start now.

    IC: Leon stood ontop of a skyscrapper, the Armstrong Hotel, where he lives while in Chicago. He could see the people moving around the streets, the humans and the unknowns disguised as humans. He knew the new Police Rider users would show up if anything happened and so he began to wait until he was needed.
    Leaving the roof and the building he wandered the streets to be a tourist for a while.
  18. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    OOC: Well, hello there. :lolface:

    BIC: Jude walked among the streets, trying to make her way towards downtown, where she thought her new group would be forming. Almost bumping into a small child, she smiled a sorry and went along the small sidewalks of Chicago. Jude passed by a busy hotel, watching the figures inside the building shuffle left and right. She felt a bit shifted from the rest of the crowd, as she bumped into someone.
    "Oops, I'm sorry!" She said, looking up to see a teen boy looking rather upset at her.
  19. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Tai entered a bar in his casual clothes, not wanting to draw attention to himself. There were two kinds of people in bars like these, informants, and snitches, and in this case the latter was the one to watch out for.Unfortunately he needed information, as sitting around waiting for an attack wasn't going to cut it.

    Spotting the barmaid, he proceeded to a seat in front of her and sat down, beckoning her to come closer. "Excuse me miss..do you have a moment?"
  20. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aly looked up, then walked over to him. "Yes, sir?" she asked politely, her hands behind her back. "Is there something you wish to order?" He didn't look like trouble, though that didn't mean much. It still helped his image in her eyes.
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