Getting my PS3 on the internet and playing the games online. Worht it? PSN Store (Spelled worng, probably) is all the stuff worth connecting my PS3 to my computer so I can download stuff on it? Does it enhance the experience of the games by much? I heard you could download extra content for some games. Is that free? I think my PS3 said something about setting up a account for free. Should I do it and will their be any weekly/monthly/yearly charges. I know, I have bad spelling and stuff.
I dunno 'bout connectin' it to your computer, but it's handy if you have a wireless network. Playin' the games online is pretty fun, games like LBP n' Resistance 2. Settin' up an account is free, n' there are updates that are free. I think you can also pay for content but i haven't tried that yet.