Pokemon - Kanto

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by heartless_angel, Jan 6, 2011.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: wow I need to check my spelling

    Rick returned Nitoran to the Pokeball and started back into town. So far Rick was pleased it'd been very easy. His friends had made Pokemon training sound very difficult. Then again Rick was just starting.
  2. kingdom_hearts_soras_girl Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2009
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Charmander jumped back from a sand attack as Justin watched eagerly. "Scratch again!" He commanded as Charmander ran at it and dug it's small claws into it, injurying the pokemon as Justin took out an empty pokeball and threw the ball hard as it hit the Pidgey on the side asa red light engulfed it and Charmander watched cautiously as the red and white ball shook and an audible noise was heard, signifying it's capture.

    "We did it Charmander! Our first capture!" He said with boundless energy as he picked it up and Charmander jumped happily in it's enjoyment.
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth stood in Route 1 having just left pallet town "nothing but weaklings here. We finish up here and head to the next area" Seth said to the fire pokemon beside him. Noticing a rattata running up to them Seth just sighed "end this quick. Use ember" Seth commaned as Charmander stood infront of Seth and did as told. After firing ember, the Rattatafainted with ease. "weak" Seth said as he began to walk away with Charmander following behind
  5. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Ooh, can I join too? I really love PKmn, So I gotta catch em all!

    username: Destiny's hand
    Name: Angel
    Age: 14
    Appearance: View attachment 23721
    Starter PkMn: Bulbasaur
    Bio: Her dad is the new leader of Team Rocket, which makes Angel leave with his best pokemon. She's been out of the house for four years, used to traveling with only Bulba, as she calls it. She passed pokemon school with flying colors and is the spitting image of her missing mother. She is a great cook, and an adventurer at heart.
    Other: Due to being gone from home for years, Angel has great survival skills and isn't really in to t.v. She loves grass and water pokemon, both being part of her cool, calm and collected additude. She has four badges of the kanto reigon and hopes to travel to the other reigons.
  6. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: K Destiny and Sora are both accepted :)
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    "Well, it's not like we would have won anyway," a disappointed voice complained. Deep brown eyes stared at the sign on the Viridian Gym door. Wondering where a gym leader could possibly be that'll cause the gym to be temporarily unchallengeable annoyed the fresh trainer. Vyse Murdock pulled back the blue sleeves on his jacket and raised a hand to the back of his head, brushing his light brown hair before fixing his red hat. His favorite hat had a simple sketch of a Pokeball on the front. "I just started and Bulbasaur is all I have. He hasn't even learned anything new," Vyse told no one in particular as his other hand reached into his bag. "A gym would wipe the floor with us," he pulled out his town map as he continued talking and opened it up. "Through the forest and...Pewter should have a gym!" Marking his next target with a blue circle with a pen, he proceeded to place the map and pen back in his bag and started to walk away from the gym. As he walked, he could feel a round object in his pocket. He wondered what Bulbasaur was doing inside as he walked, placing his heads in his pockets.

    "Aahhhh~" yawned a green-eyed and green-haired young man as he stretched his arms. "What is with the commotion?" He asked aloud in an apathetic voice. Even though he expected no one to hear and answer him, Ace Parker still paused for a moment. Receiving the silence he expected, he swung his legs to the side. He had fall asleep and took a nap in a tree, resting on a large branch. "Well, then, now that I'm awake, what to do?" He mused as he stared at the ground several feet below him. He reached up and adjusted the collar of his white shirt, golden bracelets dangling and kinkling as they hung from his wrist. "Can't even see the sun here," he complained as he took off his black and white hat to stare at the sky, only to have his vision blocked by countless leaves. "Ah, well~" He repositioned his hat and jumped, landing on his feet before falling to his knees. "I feel like...I need to catch another Pokemon," he said suddenly, a grin appearing on his face as he started to walk around Viridian Forest.
  8. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya reached Veridian City and took a look around. Hmm. Not very lively as I thought. She took a few glances at trainers passing by. Well little fella, think we should venture? I hope we're strong enough to go on. She knew Pewter City was mostly rock type which her Squirtle can handle, but even so, she felt a bit uneasy. She shook the feeling out o her head and headed for the route that led to Pewter City.

    Jane finally caught up to her Pidgey. Seriously, don't do that again! She returned her Pidgey and looked around. Hmm. Looks like I'm near Pallet. Well, maybe I can say hi to Mya. She knocked on Mya's door. Strange. She isn't home. Wonder why?
  9. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Rose was resting up in Veridian Forest. "Sure feels nice being home, huh..."she smiled, petting her Pikachus head. "Pikachu!"Pikachu smiled at the petting, and enjoying the fresh air of being out of its pokeball. "Alright, do we need to spend time with the caterpies and weedles here?"Rose asked. Pikachu shook its head, ears drooping. "Do you want me to find you a friend?"Rose asked with a gentle smile. Pikachu nodded, cheeks sparking. "Alright. Off to Veridian or Pewter?"Rose asked. "Pika~"Pikachu pointed in a direction. "Alright, Pewter it is."Rose returned Pikachu back to its pokeball.
  10. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Angel sighed as her twin ponytails fluttered in the wind. The sun was up, casting its rays of light apon her muscular build. A small green bush-like creature made its way to her. Bending down, she patted her pokemon, Bulbasaur, also known as Bulba. It sure was loving Veridian forest. "Bulbasaur!" It chanted, as if reading her thoughts. "Okay, food's up in a minute." She giggled."I guess I'm better to hang around with than D-,I mean, Rocket." Bulbasaur smiled....well at least tried to. That was all Angel needed to have a lifted spirit. "Okay! Chili it is!" She cheered, laughing at Bulba's shocked expression.
  11. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Rick got done with the Pokemon center the music they played while he waited was simply diabolical. As if it was designed to make you mad. Wesely left and went back into the forest trying to head north in the dence trees. Rick sighed he never did like this forest it just simply didn't feel friendly.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Justin let out his Pidgey who flapped in front fo him as he introduced himself and Charmander to it as Pidgey was certainly happy it had a trainer and a new friend, it seemed this Pidgey didn't have much friends while it was free as it perched on his shoulder as Justin and Charmander walked onwards, soon reaching Viridian City

    "Let's have a look around here." He said thoughtfully and walked to see the buildings as he found out there was a Gym that was closedd since it's Leader was unavailable and his eye caught someone wearing a red hat and walking away from the gym, judging by that one fact, he must of been a trainer but probably a fresh one as he approached the male.

    "Hey, you're a Trainer right?" He asked the red hatted boy as Pidgey looked around from his shoulder and Charmande rjust staring up at the person his master was talking to.
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Zero cringed away from the series of strange shimmers he'd seen as he walked. The mist that had gathered around the floor around the second floor had crept up his legs and chilled him to the bone. "I have a bad feeling about this place." He stopped when he saw a glittering ruby sitting on a gravestone. "Could it be? Alright, reaping the benefits of our travels!" the second his fingers touched the gem it exploded in his face and he heard laughter. Blinking away the smoke, he glared around, "Alright, real funny! Who's there!?" Pidgey made a small noise and kept a watchful eye around her and her master as they continued.
  14. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    "Away with all of you! Leave the living alone!" Anita yelled, coming forth with a curtsy. "I do apologize. The spirits do love playing with new humans." She chuckled, waving away the spirit. She jingled a little blue bell, her Ghastly coming out of hiding. "This one is, however, is my own. He's a good ghost, aren't you?" The response was a slight nip, approval.
    "I am Anita, and I watch over most of the spirits here with my Dad."
  15. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Angel quickly set the bowl of cold chili in a steaming pot over the fire. Bulba watched, shaking its head in disgust, eating its pokemon food loudly. "What? We can't all be vegetarians like you." She asked, stirring the contents of the pot. "Yumm." Her nose then sniffed the pot with curiosity as her mouth watered. A nearby bush rustled loudly. "Uhn?" A green head popped out as Angel yelled,"Bulba! Vine Whip!" Green vines shot toward to the bush and grabbed the person, making them hang upside down. "Oops." Angel murmured.
  16. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Rick walked through the Viredian forest with ease now he had refound the path and continued onwards. Then he heard a faint rustling in the trees above him. Rick shurged it off as anouther Kakuna, taking no mind. He cept on and heard anouther rustling this time it was ahead of him. Rick stoped this time and tried to see what it was this time. Rick was close to making out what was in the tree when suddenly the Pokemon inside desided to spring out and attack. Rick reconised it as a Scyther as the large sword armed Pokemon flew over him. Rick released Pidgey and got back on his feet.
  17. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    "Finnallyyyyy~ Freedooom!"Rose was a over-exaggerating a bit when they got out of Veridian Forest. "Pewter City, here we come! Wooo~"she was a bit over-excited, but quickly calmed down after a few stretches. "Those bug pokemon sure are annoying...especially those Metapods...yeesh, luckily none of them evolved into-"Rose paused. "Aw man! I forgot to catch a Butterfree!"she sighed. "Oh well.....Butterfree wouldn't do well against all the rock tyes anyway..."
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "finish it with ember" Seth commanded as his Charmander finished off a bug trainer's metapot "tsk nothing but bug catchers here. Not even a good challenge" Seth said as he returned Charmander and walked away, leaving the poor bug trainer to cry over his crushing defeat. As Seth walked out of the forest he looked up ahead at the city ahead "pewter city" Seth said
  19. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Rose had bought some supplies in a nearby poke Mart. Potions, Pokemon food, pokeballs for any pokemon that would be a good addition, and some repels just in case. "Alright, Pikachu. snack time."Rose let Pikachu out of its pokeball for some food once she left the pokemart. "Pikaaaa!"Pikachu stretched out before getting its snack from Rose.
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    As Mya walked along the road to Pewter City, she passed by a few trainers. She imagined how it was like there until a kid about her age bumped into her. Hey watch it! As the trainer ran along, Mya checked her pockets and realized her Squirtle was gone. Hey! Come back you thief! She started to run after the trainer that bumped into her.

    The Pidgey flew fast by again. It managed to escape Jane's Pokeball again. Cmon. Stop fooling around! As it flew by, it smacked into Rose's face and fell to the floor.
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