So contradicting! D:< So my dad and mom are like, "Work on your English project, naaaaaaow. Quit going on your social websites and focus!" So, I was being a good little girl. I was focusing, typing away at my English project (that's due in a half hour)... and then suddenly, they decide to talk right behind me to each other, make noise, whistle, interrupt my train of thought (and I had something good going too!) and graaaaaaah!!! Due to my lack of concentration, I have made an excuse to post on here. B| Now back to work. :P If your teacher gives you a book list and you see Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf on it, avoid that book at all costs. In fact, avoid all Virginia Woolf's books.
When they're trying to concentrate just go behind them and start discussing stupid things. Ask them stupid questions about nothing until they get annoyed. Or rebel and stay on KHV alllll night >=D