I need your help picking out an English pendant ocarina from this site: https://www.songbirdocarina.com/ That sounds closest to the sweet potato ocarina that Link uses. I think the Baritone sounds like it most. What do you think sounds closest?
I have the extended range sweet potato, and it sounds decently like it, but i would probably go with the baritone.
I looked into ocarinas recently, n' the best one i saw was a hand made one by someone called Spencer, but they sell for craaaaaaaaazy prices! http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=243663836&blogID=359243312&Mytoken=8E2E564E-7EB7-4871-AEA2A82DD3999C8A10715560
Well, dude, once you get the ocarina, there's a site that I could pull out of my computer memory that has a bunch of music for it, if you'd like.
Link uses a sweet potato, not pendant. You may want to search through eBay, too. I've seen some that are just as nice as those, but cheaper. That's where I got mine.
i have an Ocarina....it's based on the one Link had in the game, minus the triforce on the mouthpeice. it's a sweetpotato 12 hole ocarina, and i even got a song-book for it! it's got Zelda songs, from Ocarina of time and Majora's mask....and i'm rambling. but F.Y.I, his was a sweetpotato.