So my recieved rep is about ten times the size it was. Given rep didn't change in the slightest. What does this say about me?
Some other things I found by looking at my rep; ~I stand by what I always say; Don't take anything I said before 2009 seriously. At all. Just don't. Please. ~My writing used to be COMPLETELY SHlT. It is no longer as shlt as it once was, and I should stop beating myself up about what I currently write. ~Every single thread that I was given rep in in 2008 and 2009 was deleted. Well then. I'm pretty hard pressed to give rep. I dunno, it's kinda like cookies, it's not something you just GIVE away... I don't know where the cookies came from, but the only other thing I could think about not giving away would be something not appropriate for a forum about a video game meant for ten year olds. The point is, your post has gotta be damn good for me to rep you. That said, I really should give rep more. >_>