In my fourteen and a half years of living, the strangest thing I have yet to encounter has been love, infatuation, the longing to be with someone that is beyond your describing or even your comprehension. The feeling where you just want to be involved in that persons life, to the fact that you would do almost anything for them. You want to see them be happy no matter how much it pains you. It’s the feeling that you get when you see them, the way you’re heart skips that beat. The way when they speak, it fills your body with joy and everything seems clearer in the world. Truly and genuinely happy. And when they are said or upset, you just want to be able to comfort them, hug them, hold them, tell them everything is okay. Keeping them happy means the world to you – enough to let go. Sacrificing yourself, Sacrifice for them. Letting go for the best. And at the same time you know that if you can never be with them, it pains you with sadness on the inside. And that hurts more then a physical wound ever could. That knowing they could be just a few or hundreds of miles away, and you cant do anything about it. You will always just be that person they don’t recognize, the friend they rely on, nothing else and nothing more. You are just there instead of living. Maybe thats the biggest mistake of all. I dunno. I was bored. Inspiration ftw
dude i actually orginally wrote that as a few miles and then I was like "....wait a minute >_______>"