well, this is my new kitten. her name is mittens and she is four months old and was saved when she was a baby after her mother was killed. here are videos of her: [video=youtube;UosDPi_X_U8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UosDPi_X_U8[/video] [video=youtube;k8HlnG5IDxU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8HlnG5IDxU&feature=related[/video]
hahaa she's so cute!! my cat is about 10 years old now, and she's fat and thinks she owns the place, hahaa!
hey i had a male cat that looked like that named mittens... lol XD cuuuuttteee<3 our cat spunkie used to stick his tounge out like that ^^ he also used to do the matrix and act like spiderman bye crawling up the furnature backwards... T~T I miss him soooo much cause we had to put him down do to a urinary track problem... R.I.P spunkie... anycase, cute kitten and i hope she isn't too much trouble for you! ^^