SantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalieSantaisalie Just keeping up with the Chirstmas trend.
Bitchplz, I thought I started this D: JK JK Santa's a fake, his hand writting looks exactly like my dad's.
I fine it quite obvious that your dad is Santa. If he has to "go somewhere" for a while, he would have probably gone off to the North Pole.
That may be, but I'm using an insanely fast PC :) Plus, I'm starting to prefer Vista for a lot more reasons than just eye-candy :3