Let's talk this way LOL. It's fun talking to the next. This is just for fun, not to insult anyone. Madness can be done with this website. http://www.engrish.com/create-your-own-engrish/ Okay now let's have some fun. becomes
Still waiting, but I was thinking about putting one of my debate posts in if it caught enough interest...
it's just what's in my hello thread. If you want it in english, go look yourself. Think of it as a chance to learn japanese
Did that, it does not help one to learn Japanese. I recommend scrolling down to the actual end translation and copying that instead of being difficult.
I never made an introduction thread...I'm what's left. Or... maybe I'm all that ever was... Wally West kicks ya'lls collective ass in tag. Oh, this is rather humorous.
It was not working, so I tried something shorter. "Hello, my name is Makaze. I like anarchist ideas and existential philosophy. I am an art enthusiast and I appreciate people on many levels, and hate them on many levels too. I like playing games and writing randomly, kind of like speaking my mind. You may not be able to guess who I am from reading this, but it might be fun to try. I do not work and I do not play, but I try to balance the two. Balance is important to me. Is it to you? Let's see..." Became: "Hello, my name is Makaze. I would like to anarchist thought and existential philosophy. I, art lovers and I thank the people at many levels, too many levels to hate them. I'm playing the game, like speaking my mind, you want to write at random. You might not be able to guess it from reading this who I am, it might be fun to try. I do not work and I will not play, I try to balance the two please. Balance is important to me. It is for you? Let's see ..."
"Dissatisfied with secrecy, cannot say that I blame you. Fair enough. I refrained from doing so because there is not much to say on personal experience, not at my age. This revelation must disgruntle you all; hapless as it is, LARiA is far from perverse offline. What a surprise. I would like to humor you all by telling wild tales of my variegated sex life, but unfortunately content is missing. Discovered the sensational touch at the age of around four - seven; five-years-old, if I was to hazard a guess. I never got past the point of taking my pants off, and I awkwardly admit to having yet to do so at the age of thirteen. Cannot recall any fantasizing when I started, for I focused physically, on the actual sensations. Vaguely remember being aroused by BDSM, sterile versions of it; was turned on by physical pain, fictional or nonfiction. Did not look at pornography (not at that age!), still don't. Had a high sex drive, was caught several times by my own parents. They discouraged it, had me afraid of it. At the age of seven I went about a month without masturbation, for I had been convinced that it was unhealthy. Not prudish anymore, quite the opposite. Now, how in depth need I go on masturbation? How many times a day I do it, the length of the sessions? Shall we see how far we can take this thread? I have poured my heart out, and all I ask in return is that you do the same." Result: "Dissatisfied with the secret, I can not blame you say. Fair enough. Many say a personal experience at my age not because it is not there, I will refrain from doing so. This revelation should all disgruntle. Unfortunate as it is far from sure offline Huh between'll LARiA. What a surprise. I have everything I want your humor to tell the colorful story of the wild sex life, unfortunately does not display the contents. Discover a sensational touch about 4 years old - Seven-five years, if I was to guess. I never got past the point of take off my pants, and I awkwardly acknowledge that at age 13 to do so yet. Can not remember when I started what I fancy, I have a real sense, to focus on the physical. It vaguely bondage, please remember that some versions of sterilization is awake. Physical pain and the fictional, or non-fiction was turned on. Porn (at that age too!) Not seen, please do not already. , Was arrested several times in his parents had sex. They recommended it, I was afraid of it. I do it because I was convinced that seven years is unhealthy, we went about a month without masturbation. No longer quite the opposite demure. Now, I'm in deep do I need a way to go to masturbate? Day, length of session I, many times you do it? We'll see how much we can take this thread? I have poured out my heart, all I ask in return is that you have to do the same." Lili...
Full friendship! Cheek burns at the mere thought of that damned thread, you are a vindictive asshat. I desperately need to up my vocab to higher levels or something, irritation through the English language seems stilted and inexpressive. What of Finnish, mother language of swearing? *googling away*... Spoiler: finnish profanity Täyttä skeidaa! Saatanan runkkari! Perse! Voi kyrpä! Voi luoja. And you want a... Engrinnish translation to go with? From Finnish to English to Japanese and back to English. Full friendship! Satan mother****er! Ass! Oh cock! Oh my God.