Skyrim... 100 everything. Name: Noroz Race: Breton Level: 81 Light Armor: 100 Sneak: 100 Lockpicking: 100 Pickpocket: 100 Speech: 100 Alchemy: 100 Illusion: 100 Conjuration: 100 Destruction: 100 Restoration: 100 Alteration: 100 Enchanting: 100 Smithing: 100 Heavy Armor: 100 Block: 100 Two-Handed: 100 One-Handed: 100 Archery: 100 That. Took. Forever. Alchemy - Never again.
Not bad, I figured it'd be over 200h. I don't have the patience to go through with maxing everything.
Now you just need to be level 100... even if that isn't the max Congratulations, I hope you feel proud :D I spent hours of my life collected synthesis materials in KH2 so I could get my strength, defense and magic up to 100... then I stopped when I realised that wasn't the limit ;-;
Well, all I really used was the quick level up. Because spending double the time that I did on Pride Rock only to have my PS2 freeze mid-grind wouldn't be enjoyable... especially not a second time.
Nothing what so ever. But I wanted to get it done, and now Im done with Skyrim for a long ass time. Im mainly a mage, you twat!