
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Mixt, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    With seeing a bunch of old faces and being bored. I ended up messing around in the user list.

    Few notes.
    • We have 46,052 total registered members
    • 8,951 members (19.4% of total) have posted
    • 7,880 members (17.1% of total, 88.0% of posters) have a countable post
    • 906 members (2.0% of total, 10.1% of posters) have posted in the last six months
    • 5,823 members (12.6% of total, 65.1% of posters) have positive rep
    • 2,269 members (39.0% of those with positive rep) have positive rep but no posts
    • 159 members (0.3% of total, 1.8% of posters) have negative rep
    • 8 members (5.0% of those with negative rep) have negative rep but no posts
    Disclaimer: I noticed a few members that had a post counts when the search should have excluded them, but I did not see enough for an appreciable difference. Just know that those numbers actually should be a bit smaller.