If I don't take a painkiller, my head will pound incessantly making me unable to do anything fun and forcing me to curl under covers and sleep through the day. If I do take a painkiller, I go through the day nauseous, and in a haze that makes me completely unable to function in a needed way. It also makes me sound like a emo 14-year-old >.>
This, pretty much. Why don't you try for a less strong painkiller? Go through your day as a functioning, normal sounding person with a slightly big, yet manageable, headache.
For migraines, I pretty much have to take a larger dose, anything under 600mg and it only upsets my stomach without helping the headache at all ;.; Yeah, pretty much what you said, Te Deum. Btw, I love the avvy and sig 8D
That sucks...i have had migraines before, they aren't fun, i find it more enjoyable to get brain freezes though :D Spoiler
Speaking from experience with migraine, what usually helps is mixing two sorts of pain killers. Go ask your doctor about this before you do it. Personally I use Ibux and Paracetamol, works like a charm every time. In small doses they're relatively harmless drugs, and if you take one of each, that makes 400 mg. Are you sure it's the amount of mg that upsets your stomach? it might be something else. You shouldn't really take more than 500 mg a day at the most, especially not over longer periods of time. This is really bad for your liver and over-exposure to pills like these for longer amount of times make them less efficient on your body(you become resistant to them). You don't want that as then you'd have to get stronger drugs prescibed, which is not only more harmful(getting addicted to painkillers is actually quite common), but also comes with a lot more side-effects (drowsiness for example). I'm pretty much the biggest hypocrite ever for posting in another thread that we shouldn't give medical advice on forums like these and then I go and tell you this, but what I'm telling you here in this post is the medical advice I was given from the hospital when I was admitted with severe cases of migraine. However I would strongly advice you to go see your doctor, or the school nurse. In your case I would go see the doctor anyway because of the thing with your stomach, but also because you should check with your doctor if you're allergic to any kind of pain killers, as this might be what is causing your problem.
Huh, I've never heard of that before. I thought mixing painkillers just made them both cancel the effects of the other... Nah, it's taking the painkiller overall that upsets it, especially if it's in the morning before I've eaten. The amount doesn't really affect my stomach, as far as I've noticed. I've had a doctor say that I can safely take up to 1000 mg of ibuprofen twice a day (especially during that time of the month), but I do agree that I shouldn't be taking them for long periods of time. Unfortunately, it seems that when I get migraines/headaches, they happen one after another (or I just have really long headaches >.>). I've talked about this with doctors before, they've never really had an answer for me. I've been tested for a bunch of things, too. And unfortunately I don't have health insurance, so I can't really go to the doctors without money coming out of my savings (and I really need that money). I also just visited the doctor (for different reasons, though), and she didn't really know what to do with the headaches either ;.;
Nah, mixing painkillers can help if you have a nasty headache or pain but it can be dangerous if you get the doses wrong.