November's already about half over @___@. Am I the only one who thinks ever since August-Septemberish time has been going really fast?
My college apps are in and I'm taking my driving test in a month. :/8D: I FEEL OLD AND IT'S UPSETTING.
He pissed in fire for magical breeding power? D8 @DPWolf - I've felt SO OLD LATELY, like, have you ever thought about the fact that kids born in 2000 are ten years old now? TEN YEARS :/gasp: I never thought about it much until recently but imho it's scary Dx.
Yeah, I started realizing that when I worked as a counselor at my high school's summer camp, the kids in my group were like "YOU'RE SO OLD" because we were all playing Pokemon together and I mentioned that I played the first generation of games. ._. Then they made me bring in my GameBoy and first gen games and proceeded to call me "ancient". xD
Omg xD. And to think we remember when the GBColor came out D8 I got a transparent purple one with a purple felt case with an embroidered Pikachu and Pokemon Yellow. ...Good times. Except I didn't get very far in Yellow, I was obsessed with this one pokeball on another side of a hedge I couldn't get across and gave up on it. xD
I played the 1st gen but I was REALLY young so I barely remember it. I can remember gen. II clearly though. I even remember the night I got Silver version at Walmart and played it on the way home with that lamp you had to plug into the Gameboy. Yes, my gaming generation goes back before backlit screens. I really am old ;_; My brother makes me feel old. I'm ten years older than him. When he's ten I'll be TWENTY D:
That will explain why we have an immortal Scottish-American man leading a team of Welsh ****** bags who aren't Welsh and an old woman who has drowned herself in make up to go on adventures with a band of children that live next door.