I don't have much homework now that my AP classes are done with. I do still have a final paper for AP Lit before the end of the year tho XP
I should study for my S.S. regents because my teacher is lacking in actual teaching. Example- He goes from the cold war to a dog he got from this guy(Forgot the dude's accent) and how his wife really wanted it. Now it causes mass panic to his neighborhood. Oh it gets better. he can be talking about the regents then get into a baseball stories with greenies.(Kids do drugs... That your local doctor prescribes. Hahahahah damn I'm good. No but really do drugs that is prescribed by your doctor. And your parents when they give your treatments for colds and stuff.) Yea and even how he tried to kill a bee and the textbook slammed into the window breaking it then falling from two stories. I have an L.A. final and a scilent flim project. But I'm really in no mood to do any of that right no oh wells.
No homework for me. And no homework=more time to lay about and waste my time on sites like this. Who's ready to waste their time with me?
I should go to bed/read my book for English/catch up on the work I've missed, but I honestly couldn't be bothered. School ended for me in May after my APs, haha.
She probably takes AP (Advanced Placement) courses. With those classes, you're usually given a summer reading list. For me, I've already got fourty some credits in College by taking a summer course last year. I burnt out pretty badly this year though, almost causing me to fail. My parents want me to take another summer course though. It's either do what they say or no tuition. I'm going to die before I can even graduate.
Well, if I managed to make it through the nightmare that is Fall Semester, you will make is through to graduation
You actually placed this in the small gap in my schedule between the spring and summer semesters. So no, I don't have homework right now.