PM me if you've read the Odyssey xD I need someone to look over my intro and tell me if it makes ANY sense >_______>
Eh, nevermind then. I only read key points, maybe half of the ending, including the part where Spoiler he came beck, the test with the bow, and the badass part where he killed all of those random people in his dining hall.
KK ILL SEND IT TOO YOU. I JUST NEED U 2 TELL MEH IF IT MAKES SENSE AT ALL 8D l That was quite easily the best part in the whole book
I know. It quite actually seemed to me that he was Spoiler all liek "DIE BITCHES" and they were all like "FUUUUUUCK NOOOOOO" and he was all like "SHUT THE GODDAMN EXITS" and then they were all "NUUUUUUU WERE TRAPPED" and then he killed them all with his friends. It was epic. Oh, and then there was the part with the tree stump and the bed.
duuuuude it so was. he was like "HELL NAWH *****ES" and they were like "NUUUUUU" and then it was all 8D and then Spoiler HE MADE THE MAIDS CLEAN THE MESS UP AND THEN HE KILLED MOST OF THEM TOO WOOHOO
OH F*CK YEAH HE WAS ALL Spoiler YOU B*TCHES CLEAN THIS SH*T UP And they were all scared, so they were like okay and then he was like HANG EVERY F*CKING LAST ONE OF THEM XD
I watched the movie. 8D ... and conveniently avoided reading it by taking honors english and nonhonors social studies.
Well then I can't help you. I only did 1-14 and 16. I used this site though.