
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Apr 25, 2008.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "..Your not as brave as I thought you'd be..get ready..''Sato muttered in dissapointment,expecting Cer oto be a brave and powerful gamer.She noticed Bob coming toward's her and tried using a quick offensive spell."Light Arrows!"she shouted,using the spell to try and knock him back.She couldnt go head on due to her duty to protect Cero,and if she left him,he'd be wide open for an attack.

    "Gale Blade!"Shouted Taku,who seemed to come out of nowhere and attack Bob with grace and speed.He succesfully used his skill and ran over to join Sato once Bob was still dazed.
  2. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc; never saw that comen O_O . I giv you good rep ^_^

    bic: Cero sighed a sigh of relief.

    "So, anouther one has come to join in the fun, eh? Well then, let's just see how well you can fair against me" he said as he began to run forward at Taku, activating his switch hitter skill, and he began to spin around his spear, as all near by players were hit by it
  3. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin kept an eye on Cero during his little duel with Eden. To his relief, he was being protected by the female who was chasing them; rather Cero, and a newcomer to the fight. The fight continued. He had too constantly down healing items in order to survive the battle. He didn't even know if the admin was healing himself or not.

    "No doubt this guy isn't even trying.." he muttered as he blocked near fatal blow. That was the thing with admins. They had special access to stat bonuses and stuff. For all he knew, this admin could be in level 150 and have stats rivaling a level 200 player.

    "So much for The Terror of Death, huh?" the admin taunted once more; as he sent Hexin flying towards Bob with a swing of his blade.
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: yay ^^

    Taku rushed forward and stood infront of Sato and Cero protectively."Sato,you know what to do!"he quickly muttered before blocking the Admin's attack to the best of his ability.Sato was more of a caster than a physical fighter,but she did well as both,and they used their strengths to their advantage.

    "Hurricane Razor!"Sato unleashed the offensive spell upon the Admin,wind swirled around him and cut him violently,and also stopped him from coontinuing his onslaught of attacks.She doubted that it would be effective,but she knew she had to do something.Starting to Panic,Sato looked over at Grim."Hey Grim,I dont think we can win this,Retreat sounds like a reasonable option!"she shouted to him.
  5. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: Grim got killed, remember? His charecter went bye bye

    bic: The second bob got the chance, he lunged forward as he began to use the same stratagy he used against Sage, as he began to use an onslaught of attacks against Taku, attempting to stop any of his attacks so he would not be able to fight back, since he would be to busy blocking.

    A strange, roguish charecter walked along, humming a some what delightful tune, as he looked at the scene. "My my, isn't this such a pity. People fighting against one anouther, administrators simply wanting to kill off what they cannot comprehend." he muttered as he began to walk over to an area in the white room, where the Dragon from before had been killed.
  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: ohh...let's say she was too busy to see xD

    "Your friends toast,now what!?"Taku asked,being forced to back up toward's Sato and Cero.Bob was too strong,and he could not beat him at his current level.

    "..Cero..I think its time you run!"..Sato uged him."You get out of here,we'll try and hold them off!"she said,giving him a push back."..Go!"
  7. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin landed near the on going duel between the stranger and the admin. He had to jump out of the way in order to avoid them. He gritted his teeth as glared at the laughing administrator.

    "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Man! This is just too fun..."

    "RRRRGGGHHHH... YOU *******!!!!(Should I be censoring this word?o.o)" he yelled as he darted towards the admin with great speed. His movements were somewhat more fluid. Each hit he managed to land dealt a great deal of damage to the admin. Of course, whenever he saw the health meter go below half, he would see go back to full health.

    "Heh, you seriously think I wouldn't be healing myself, right?" he asked as he delfected an obvious attack; quickly countering it. Hexin stumbled backwards a bit.

    "Tch, damn it...!" he muttered. He was running out of items.
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Cero tripped a little, but caught his balance as he began to run away, but as he approached the exit, his charecter stopped moving, as did everyone elses. They had all become completely paralyzed, except for the stranger who had been in the area where the stranger had been standing.

    "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" bob yelled, ordering that he get an answer.

    "Well, you were all so busy fighting, that you wouldn't have enough time to pay attention. If you do not mind, then please come with me. I would like to show you what you have done because of your defyling of the box" the stranger said, speaking what sounded to most like nonsense, as he stomped his spear against the ground, and they all suddenly teleported. As the yellow circles went down, around the area's where all of the charecters had been teleported, the sound of ticking could be heard, as cathedral music began to play.

    "The naval lake?" bob muttered.

    "THe Hullz Grandz Cathedral" Cero said, muttering the other part of it, only remembering the place much to well. He noticed that he could now move his charecter once again, but his screen wouldn't target anything, or anyone, meaning that he could not attack. The same effect was on the others pc's
  9. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin stood untwitchingly. A large Cathedral towered over the PC's. "Hidden Forbbiden-"

    "Holyground." the admin finished as he walked next to him. Hexin looked at the avatar, his brown hair swaying in the wind. He turned his attention to Cero.

    "Cero!" he said from a few yards away. He ran up to him, a bit worried. "Are you ok? You didn't get hurt, did you?" he questioned as he overexaggerated. A strange side to this character, that it was. Eden looked back at stranger who had teleported them here.

    "Who the hell are you?" he asked quizzically. No one was able to teleport from area to area unless they were an Admin; or possibly hacker.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Bith is the name. Bith the Black" he said as a grin appeared on his face.

    Bobs eyes widend. "Tell me. What is Helba's messagener want with us" he demanded, knowing full well about Bith the Black. Ever since Helba had gone offline of The World, Bith had become her new messenger, and the most wanted hacker in Japan. The man was untracable, and because of his crimes, he had a price on his head, not just being in The World, either. His hacking crimes had gone so far, that he now had been prosocuted, that once he were found, he would most likely be put to the death sentence itself (hacking is a major crime by now after the pluto insident. Just sayen). Bith's charecter then teleported from its current location, to right infront of the doors of the cathedral, which lead outside (they are inside it right now). "Now you can leave if you wish, but you'll miss the show" he said, urging them onward, as he opened the doors, and began to walk outside. But the sky outside, it was purple, some what foggy, as if it were night out, and in the sky, what appeared to be a copy of the northern lights could be seen. It was a data anomoly of a whole different level one might put it.

    "Do we follow?" Cero muttered, a bit stunned
  11. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    wolvius didn't noticed sage and listened to the others but he had still his sword with him cause he didn't trust the confrontation with the hackers.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...Who are you getting involved with?"Taku questioned Sato,turning his head to her.He never expected this kind of thing to happen with her.

    "Long story...and now the person who can explain all of this better than I can is gone...''Sato muttered,speaking of Grim's defeat.She dismissed her fans and looked back at Cero."..I think so,or would you rather try your luck against the admins again?''
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "They havn't exsactly attacked us yet." Cero said. "You guys can go. I'll take my chances" he then said, even though he had doubts about it before as he began to walk towards the doors.

    "GET BACK HERE HACKER!" bob yelled as he ran outside, to see the odd skies outside of the cathedral.

    At the end was where Bith stood.

    Bob stopped infront, and Cero stood in the back, watching. "Hacker, what kind of game do you thing you are playing?" bob asked furiously

    "Tell me administrator, have you heard of the epitaph of twilight?" he asked.
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "...As soon as we leave the area we're logging out and talking about this..''Taku muttered,dismissing his weapons and massaging his wrists.He turned around and headed toward's the exit.
    "I didnt know I was going to get into something like this...''Sato said,folding her arms and following him out.
  15. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    wolvius followed bob and heared the qeustion

    ''epitaph of twilight where do i know that from'' said archie to himself
  16. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    So much was going on. He was literally on the verge of giving a rather frustrated scream. For the time being, he kept it to himself; not wanting to make a big commotion over something so trivial as this. A deep sigh escaped him as he watched the conversation continue.
    Eden couldn't believe it. A hacker; in which CC Corp had been after for so long, had just showed up right before their eyes. He looked at Bob for any orders; except Bob appeared more curious than anything. For now, he would play it safe and just do nothing.
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Cero just stood there, observing, as he noticed some static for a moment, as the clouds in the sky slowly began to increase their speed, moving by, as if time was literally flying right past them

    Bob took no notice, and he said "What the original version of The World was based off of, right? One of the most famous legends on the internet, the one story that no one could copy. What about it?" he questioned.

    "A quote from the epitaph" Bith said, as all of the clouds that were beneath the Cathedral began to blow away, and beneath them all, was what appeared to be a giant, vast oceon of never ending water. Bob went over to it, and edged his spear towards it and swirled it around, and to his surprise, the water responded to it, creating waves, as if it were real.

    "Yet to return, the shadowed one.
    Who quests for the Twilight Dragon
    Rumbles the Dark Hearth,
    And Helba, Queen of the Dark[2],
    has raised finally her army.
    Apeiron, King of Light[2] beckons.
    At the base of the rainbow do they meet
    Against the abominable Wave,
    together they fight.
    Alba's lake boils.
    Light's great tree doth fall.
    Power- now all to droplets turned
    in the temple of Arche Koeln.
    Returns to nothing,
    this world of shadowless ones.
    Never to return, the shadowed one,
    Who quests for the Twilight Dragon.

    "The original words of the prophet of the land of the showless ones. She who had predicted the venture of Magi the white, Bith the black, the shadowed one, and the two shadowless beings set off on their journey to destroy the abomidable wave. Though it makes the same reference to anouther, which seeks to infect the world, and stir of the wave itself, a shadow of the power which was created by the mightiest of all powers." bith said, as everyones controllers began to vibrate, signafying that the ground was supposed to be rumbling, as anouther flash of static went by.
  18. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    wolvius just listened to them

    sorio came out his room and walked to the chamber where his father was
    ''hey father i am going to my work so i see you online'' said sorio and grabbed his jacket and putted it on and walked out the house to the CCcorp office, while walking he grabbed a paper out his pocket ''let me see it's interesting to be a hacker if you working by CCcorp and if you're dad is a admin'' whispered sorio against himself while walking and wrote something on the paper
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: btw, sorio can't be a part of this part. THe Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground server obviously isn't acting to normal, and so accesss has been denied to all by a data anomoly
  20. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    OOC: uhm but sorio does not come in that part of the world in the start
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