Fate/ New Pathes

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, May 16, 2010.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    This is based off of the anime version of Fate/ stay night. Despite this it will not follow the storyline of the anime and no knowledge of the series is needed (but it is advised to watch it or even read up on it). No characters from the series are available to use

    The time has come for 7 Magi to take on the role of “Master”. To become a “Master” one must summon and make a contract with a guardian spirit that is know a “Servant” who will protect and fight for their master. These “masters” and their “servants” will join together in a battle royal known as the Holy Grail war. Once 6 servants are killed, the last servant, along with its master shall receive the legendary Holy Grail which has the ability to grant wishes. So far there have been four wars and the time has finally come for the fifth war.

    Key terms:

    The Holy Grail war – This was a war created a long time ago by three magi. This war joins together 7 “masters” and their “servant” to fight against one another. The object of the war is to eliminate all opposing servants. Once all 6 opposing Servants are killed the last remaining master and servant will receive the Holy Grail which has the power to grant wishes. So far there have been 4 Holy Grail wars and in each one of them a certain event caused the Holy Grail to not be obtained. Because of this nobody has actually seen the Holy Grail

    Magi- Magi are humans who have learned the art of magicraft. Their main responsibility is to not let and normal human learn about the existence of magic. They are watched over by the magi's association, who are a group of people that make sure nothing goes wrong

    Masters- Masters are Magi who have taken part in the war. In order for them to take part in the war they need to summon their own “Servant” and make a contract with them. Due to being a mage, Masters are skilled in the art of magic. Masters are usually the ones who make plans on taking out other masters/servants and tend to try and help their servants with their magic in battle (though it will take strong magic attacks to harm a servant). Masters also have the ability to heal their Servants by giving them magic.

    Servants- Servants are deceased spirits that were once considered a hero because of the heroic inhuman tasks they preformed long ago when they were alive. These tales go down in history and are considered legends. Once a servant is summoned they have to make a contract with the master that summoned them. The main goal of a servant is to protect their master and kill other Servants. Servants need magic from their master to survive. It is what keeps the servant alive and without it the servant will dry up and die from lack of magic. Because of this the servant need its master alive. A servant’s strength surpasses a human or magi by a lot and because of this, the masters and servants tend to go after other masters so they can kill strong servants by killing its master. Along with a servant, its noble phantasm is summoned along with the servant. The servants are categorized in different classes and in the war there can only be one of each class. The classes are Saber, Assassin, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Berserker, and Caster. Due to their fame from legends, Servants try to hide their identity so the opponent can’t use weaknesses that are said in legends

    Noble Phantasm- Every hero of legend has an item that was the cause of the hero’s inhuman task. These items are summoned along side the servant as a weapon for the servant known as a noble phantasm. Noble phantasms have special powers that can be uses against other opponents. A noble phantasm is a Servant’s trump card that has great power. The downside of this is that it takes a great amount of magic from the servant and has a weakness. Servants tend to hide their noble phantasm so the opponent doesn’t find out its weakness and use it against them.

    Command Seal- This is the contract between the Servant and Master which takes the form of a tattoo on the back of the master’s hand. The command seal also shows the condition of the contract. If the tattoo disappears fully then that means the Servant is dead and the magi looses the title of “Master”. Once a command seal is gone it can never appear again. The command seal also has the power to command a servant to do something against their will. This only works three times and on the third time the contract between Master and Servant will be gone and the contract between the master and servant is no more.

    Servant Class:

    Assassin: know for their stealth. This class is pretty weak when it comes to fighting face to face so it tends to fight in the shadow and hide.
    Saber: Know for their skill in swordsmanship. They are good at close combat fighting and are known for their magic resistance

    Berserker: These spirits are those who have gone berserk in their life time. Once they are summoned they lose their sanity and gain a monstrous power boost. They are considered the strongest class but the most difficult to control.

    Caster: know for their skill in magic. Their magic surpasses that of a mages and has the ability to create their own area that will help them

    Archer: A class that is knows for using projectile weapons like a bow and arrow. They have amazing eye sight and can last a long time without their master. They are known for their magic resistance

    Lancer: Known for using long ranged melee weapons like spears and lances. They are very agile and are known for their magic resistance

    Rider: A class that known for its speed. Their noble phantasms are usually things that they have ridden in (could be an object, an animal or even a mythological creature)

    No Godmodding
    The character limit is either:
    1 Servant
    1 Master
    1 servant and 1 master (both have to be bound by a contract)
    (You can be a civilian. It does not add to the limit)
    Please gain permission from before killing somebody’s character
    Please don’t make you characters pop out of nowhere knowing everything. Your characters are going to have to find out their own info themselves
    No spamming Noble phantasms remember they are a servant’s trump card and will take away a lot of energy.
    More rules might be added

    Masters OC sheet:
    Servant (if none at the moment put unknown):
    Other: (optional)

    Servants OC sheet:
    Name(name will not be used because servants will called by their class name instead of their real name):
    Past/ Legend (how they became a hero and what their inhuman heroic task was):
    Servant type:
    Master (if none at the moment put unknown):
    Noble phantasm and ability (if you want to you can just pm me this part):
    Other: (optional)

    Other OC Sheet:
    Other: (optional)








    Other characters:

    Username: Twilightblader
    Name: Ryo Walker
    Age: 25
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is a pretty calm guy but also a kind guy who likes to help people out.
    Bio: Ryo is a very skilled Magi that was sent over to watch over the Holy Grail war by the Magi's association themselves. He acts as the supervisor of the war and keeps control of the war. He will sometimes gives advice to masters and servants and gives protection to masters who have lost in the war.
    Other: N/A
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