Bleach: Halcyon Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Jul 20, 2009.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Title=Me being distracted and impatient. Simple RP Arch and I kind of did together. Sorry the story is short, though. ><

    It’s a new year and Aizen has been defeated, along with the Espada. The World of the Living and the Soul Society are in peace. Ichigo and the others have been able to settle down except for fighting simple Hollows. Since it’s a new year, there are new Soul Reapers in Soul Society and new students in Ichigo’s school. Although many of these students are normal, some of them have high spiritual pressure, making more Hollows appear than they usually do. Ichigo and the others don’t understand why more Hollows are appearing so they’re fearing somebody could be behind this. Due to the sudden increase of Hollows, Soul Society has decided to send the new Soul Reapers to The World of the Living to protect the humans.

    1. No godmodding or power playing. I see it, I kick you out.
    2. Please stay active. If you need a recap, we’ll be happy to give you one.
    3. Keep everything PG-13. Romance, anything above PG-13, take it to PM. Language, violence, etc. keep it all PG-13.
    4. No controlling others’ characters.
    5. No killing others’ character without their permission.
    6. Three characters max. If you already have the three characters and one dies, I won’t count it against you.
    7. Don’t do *this* when it comes to showing action. I’ll kick you out if I see it.
    8. Please use a link if you’re going to use a picture for the appearance. If not, try your best to be descriptive.
    9. Try not to post too many pages when I’m gone.
    10. Make this your own RP, I kick you out.
    11. Be random, I give you a warning.
    12. If you wish to be an Arrancar, you may. Just PM me and I’ll give you the form.
    13. No constant one-liners. I understand writer’s block but I don’t want to see it post after post. Plus, there’s a 20 word limit so follow that, please.
    14. I doubt the captains would be coming in a lot but if you wish to be one, then you may. You may also use any of the captains or lieutenants, any character from the anime temporarily. If you need to.
    15. For the powers of the humans, they eventually show up at one point. You can't start out with your character already having their power. I'm positive most of you have gone kind of far in the series so you should understand how those powers are released. But, if you do have a question, you may leave me a PM or a VM.
    16. No yaoi/yuri. I doubt many of you may try it but still, making it rule.
    17. If I add anymore rules I'll let you know.

    -Soul Reaper OC Form-
    Squad number:
    Zanpakuto name and power:

    -Human OC Form-

    -Other characters/Soul Reapers-
    Ichigo- ArchAwesomeman
    Chad- Fayt-Harkwind
    Soi Fon/Captain of Squad 2-
    Byakuya Kuchiki/Captain of Squad 6-
    Jushiro Ukitake/Captain of Squad 13- ArchAwesomeman

    -Soul Reaper OC's-
    Username: Aura
    Name: Aria Hokkaido
    Age: Appears to be 18 years of age but is really 160 years old.
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Can be very serious and bossy at times but is strong willed. She prefers to work alone but knows when she needs help, she'll accept. Although, she can still be hard-headed at times.
    Squad number: 6th Squad.
    Zanpakuto name and power: Yoshida. When released, the number of swords enhances up to 30. With a single gesture with the hands or legs, the blades can cut an enemy in half. Although, she doesn't really like using her zanpakuto's shikai much unless its really necessary.
    Bio: The moment she was sent to the Soul Society, Aria wanted to become a Soul Reaper. The ones she saw when she was dead in the World of the Living fascinated her so she chased after her dream. While in the academy, she wanted to work under the orders of Kenpachi Zaraki, captain of Squad 11. She loved to fight so she figured Squad 11 would be perfect for her. But when she graduated, she was first placed in Squad 8, then was sent to work under the orders of Byakuya Kuchiki, captain of Squad 6 and was placed as 3rd seat.
    Other: N/A

    Username: ArchAwesomeman
    Name: Ashir Tatsuya
    Age: Looks around 20 years old. Actual age is nearly 200.
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Serious in battle and usually cold, …*Runs out of ideas of what to put here* ><
    Squad number: 11
    Zanpakuto name and power: Tenzasetsu. When released, Tenzasetsu’s hilt disappears and the blade’s with becomes nearly three times it’s normal size. It’s power is the ability of refracting light.
    Bio: Ashir has been in for quite some time now, having done nothing more than to aspire to defeat the famous Kenpachi and become the new captain of Squad 11. Although he’s not even a lieutenant yet, his powers are much greater than that of those of his rank would normally have. A few of his own squad members and some of those of other squads say that he may attempt to betray the Soul Society because of his many similarities to an ex-Soul Reaper known as Maki Ichinose. Although Ashir admits that he wishes to defeat Kenpachi in a duel for the nearly the same reasons as Maki, he states that he is completely loyal to the Soul Society. He’s the 4th seat of Squad 11.
    Other: Doesn’t wear the Soul Reaper robes and just wears an outfit similar to Maki Ichinose. You can guess who I based him off of. XD

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kazuki Mikura
    Age: 226 years old, looks around early 20's
    Gender: male
    Personality: Sort of a slacker and fights rather lazily when not serious
    Squad number: 7th
    Zanpakuto name and power: Tenrouken, creates a mass of black fire from the blade which can be used for close range or long range attacks.
    Bio: Being a typical student he passed although his lazy attitude got the better of him at times. He is a very clever opponent but his slacking usually gets him caught in embarasing and dangerous situations at times.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Yuki Toho
    Age: Died at the age of 19
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: Amine/wolf.jpg
    Personality: When on the job she blocks out her emotions to avoid being distracted, but when she isn't on a mission her emotions start to run rapid.
    Squad number: 6th fouth seat
    Zanpakuto name and power: When she release it's shikai form it changes to how it's in the picture. It can multipate nature/the earth around her.
    Bio: She died saving her sister, and since then her goal was to become a strong soul reaper so she could help people, hoping to repent for failing to save her sister. (Her sister is in the soul society and will make an appearance or two, but I won't use her much, so I don't think I need to make a profile?) Since becoming a soul reaper she's finished several missions as part of the 6th squad.

    -Human OC's-
    Username: Aura
    Name: Kaori Hitsugaya
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Can be very shy and likes to keep to herself. It takes time for her to open up to someone but is very kind and caring.
    Bio: She lives alone with her mother and two younger sisters. Her father had passed away when she was 5 years old due to a car accident. She doesn't like speaking about it since she felt as if her father was her best friend at such a young age. At times, her sisters tend to ask her about their father. When ever she talks about her father, Kaori feels nostalgic, making her upset.
    Powers: When her powers are released, she develops the abilities of a Soul Reaper. Although, she doesn't see it as a power of a Soul Reaper at first. Her zanpakuto's name is Kimura. When released, the blade turns into a chain and the hilt turns into a doubled sided sword. When her powers first appear, she simply gets the sword and a black kimono.
    Other: She carries a locket around her neck that her father had given her when she turned 3 years old.

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Otoya Kurenai
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Personality: Very positive and musical
    Bio: Being obsessed with music due to always being able to find music anywhere he went he soon became talented in many instruments. Having moved to Karakura town he started to find the music in things easier and created a flow from it.
    Powers: Using his natural rhythm he can easily manourver in any situation as long as he keeps the beat. Along with his rhythm he can also summon spectral blades (think Lucifer from DMC) out of a metal wrist band he got as a child.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Kassi Abney
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: oc/bleachoc25.jpg
    Personality: Can be rather rude and mean towards people without reason other than 'just for fun'.
    Bio: Since birth she's been a bit of a trouble maker. After being kicked out of some schools, and after her dad remarried since his first wife was killed by a lighting bolt, she was sent to live with her grandmother, who lived in Japan. Has just arrived.
    Powers: Her spirit pressure forms into lighting, which will keep going as long as she has spiritual pressure. The lighting can strentghen her punches are form around a sword etc she attacks or shields.

    -Other OC's-
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Yenzo Mekuna
    Age: 17 he never aged
    Gender: male
    Appearance: he wears the arrancar uniform but the jacket is unzipped the bone piece is shaped like an big diamond on his forehead
    Arrancar number: 1 cause he is currently trying to make new members of the fallen Espada
    Personality: childish infront of others but when he fights or when he is alone with other arrancars he is cold and selfish
    Bio: While Aizen was in power Yenzo looked over waiting for his chance. When Aizen got defeated and the Espada vanished he took Aizens place. He decieved many of the stronger arrancar cause he portrayed himself as being useless when the others least expected Yenzo took over. Since the others thought Yenzo was weak they tried to kill the arrancar but they died and failed horribly. Yenzo is known to have the weakest Hierro (natural arrancar armor skin) but he is also feared cause his speed and fighting style was very close to the 6th Espada Grimmjow also the sharp jade pieces can gather together creating an very powerfull shield
    Zapankuto name and power: Jade Kitsune, the blade looks like an dagger with an red handle when the blade is unscheathed little sharp red jade pieces are sent into the air they float there so Yenzo can use them for an shield or to attack. When he releases his Zanpakuto that is like an bankai for Arrancars his true form is reveiled.
    Resurrección Pose: Yenzo raises the dagger infront of his face with the blade pointing down. "Puncture Beutifully Kitsu" Yenzo commands as his index fingur glows red then he slides it along the blade. Then sharp red jade pieces swarl around him as his Resurrección form gets released.
    Resurrección form: the forehead is coverd with an layer of bone with an red diamond in the middle aslo his back has an bone that lookes like an spine and there is bones that looks like ribs on his sides also on the paws is coverd with bone .when he is in this form red sharp jade pieces appear and float around him naturally and the controll becomes even greater as his speed increases drastically.
    Other: likes to make things happen and can have an dirty mouth >:3

    Username: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Shizuki Yonomi
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Arrancar number: 2
    Personality: kind and loyal to friends and allies but brutal and unforgiving to enemies. he hardly ever gets angry... but when he does, he is VERY dangerous.
    Bio: Shizuki has lived his life in solitude. his mother died in a car accident and his father was in prison for murder. he passed the time by training his mind and body. he is what most consider a master swordsman.
    Zapankuto name and power: Kamiza (japanese for 'god's place')when he releases his Zapankuto, it doubles in size to a length of about 10 feet. the blade's width increases to a foot and it glows with a powerful white light. at this point, Shizuki is sent into a 'auto pilot' state, working on instinct alone. he has only used this once.
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kazuki Mikura
    Age: 226 years old, looks around early 20's
    Gender: male
    Personality: Sort of a slacker and fights rather lazily when not serious
    Squad number: 7th
    Zanpakuto name and power: Tenrouken, creates a mass of black fire from the blade which can be used for close range or long range attacks.
    Bio: Being a typical student he passed although his lazy attitude got the better of him at times. He is a very clever opponent but his slacking usually gets him caught in embarasing and dangerous situations at times.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Otoya Kurenai
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Personality: Very positive and musical
    Bio: Being obsessed with music due to always being able to find music anywhere he went he soon became talented in many instruments. Having moved to Karakura town he started to find the music in things easier and created a flow from it.
    Powers: Using his natural rhythm he can easily manourver in any situation as long as he keeps the beat. Along with his rhythm he can also summon spectral blades (think Lucifer from DMC) out of a metal wrist band he got as a child.
    Other: n/a
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I knew you'd join. XDD You're in.
  4. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Maybe I should take another character. @-@ *Thinks about it* *Semi-bump*
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    ....Whatever. I'll take Ichigo too. I want to control his hollow half. :/8D:
  6. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven


    We'll probably wait for two more people, if not, then we'll start tomorrow.
  7. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: Due to my impatience and not being in such a good mood, we'll go head and start now.

    BIC: Kaori was up rather early from being nervous of her first day in a different school. Her sisters were still asleep and so was her mother. She hoped they'd wake up after she left. She knew her mother was worried about her and her sisters would just annoy her. She finished getting dressed into her school uniform before rushing to the kitchen, deciding to eat something before heading off. She wasn't really hungry so she simply made some toast for herself. As she ate, thoughts crossed Kaori's mind of some odd feeling she tends to get from time to time. She didn't understand what it was but it did kind of bother her. She narrowed her eyes, finishing her food and letting out a quiet sigh afterward. She grabbed her bag from the kitchen counter and left for school.

    Aria stepped out from the Senkaimon, arriving in the World of the Living. She looked around the area, having a feeling she arrived before everyone else. She placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head as she closed her eyes. "Oh well." she muttered, taking out her phone. There weren't any signs of hollows, yet. She stared at the phone's screen for a couple seconds before closing it and putting it away. She flash stepped onto the roof of a building, over looking Karakura Town. She placed one hand on the hilt of her sword, deciding to stay there for bit, wondering when the others would arrive.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Otoya was making his way down the street to school with his headphones on. His hands in his pockets and his head nodding with the bounce of his walk made him feel light on his feet. Wondering what his new school would be like he began to think of what his mother told him before he left, "Don't fall asleep in class", wise words he thought.

    Kazuki passed through the Senkaimon arriving in the living world. He took a quick look at the area he was in and began heading casually towards what he considered the centre of the area they had watch over. He knew that he didn't need to find the others as when hollows appear they will be draw to it like flies to a light.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ichigo stood beside a window, staring outside the classroom. He looked down at his uniform, feeling uncomfortable. He was so used to being in spirit form that his own body felt tense. Maybe if he used Kon more often it wouldn't be so bad...then again, knowing him, he'd be arrested for harassing women. At least when a hollow gets here, I'll have something to take my mind off school.

    OOC: I couldn't think of anything for the other characters I control just yet. XD
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ashir stared down at his hand, moving each finger individually very slowly. He had been in the world of the living for nearly twenty four hours and still had trouble with his gigai. He sighed, wondering how humans could even move in something as uncomfortable as a mortal body. I should stop worrying about it and get back to doing my job.

    Ichigo finally sat down in his own seat although he didn't look to the front of the class. Instead he kept his head turned towards the window, almost hoping a hollow would show up to give him reason to ditch class.

    OOC: *Short post* ;~;
  11. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Kaori arrived at her new school, looking around, curious to go to her first class. She was already nervous as it was; she could feel her body slightly trembling. Calm down, Kaori. she told herself, taking in a deep breath as she headed to her class. She didn't even really understand why she was so nervous. She arrived in the class Ichigo was in and looked around for somewhere to sit. She spotted an empty seat in the back; she walked over to it and sat down. She placed her hands on the desk and stared down at them.

    Aria had gotten into her gigai and had been walking around town for awhile. She rolled her shoulders, feeling herself become tense. "Stupid body." she cursed, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "First time being in one and I'm already hating this feeling." She lowered her head, quietly sighing. All she can do now was ignore it and continue her patrol.
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Otoya walked into the school gates and stood in the yard for a moment. Taking his headphones down to his neck he took in a deep breath and exhailed. Straight after straightening up he pulled out a piece of paper telling him where classes was. He went to the first one on the list and arrived in the class room just after Kaori did. She looked more nervous than him and he could tell from the back of her head. Otoya sat somewhere in the middle in front of a window seeing it was an empty space. He sat down and pulled his headphones back on and stared out into space waiting for the teacher to arrive.

    Kazuki sat ontop of a random building, he needed a quiet place to sit and think for a moment. He had forgotten where his gigai was meant to be. Confused, he sat where with a ridiculous thinking face and his head in his hand. Lucky no one can see me, he thought not realising the building he was on. Karakura High.
    He flopped backwards and looked at the sky believing it to be a quiet place for a while, but he didn't know about the school bell going soon.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The school bell finally rang, signalling for class to start. Ichigo sighed and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, hoping homework wasn't assigned...he never really did it unless someone bothered him about it. Geeze, with all the stuff that's been happening in this town I'm surprised nobody else developed powers as strong as Orihime's or Chad. He rested his chin on his hand, staring off into space. At least I think so. Some can see Hollows and Soul Reapers but... Ichigo closed his eyes, wanting to doze off in class.

    "Is it me or am I not the only Soul Reaper here?" Ashir muttered to himself. He knew other Soul Reapers had been assigned in the city but he never expected them to be anywhere nearby or have spiritual pressure that was at least great enough to be sensed. Whatever...Maybe that school...what's it called? He lifted a hand to scratch the back of his head, although with his lack of control of his gigai, he ended up hitting himself. "Ow..."
  14. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Kaori raised her head, looking at the front of the class as soon as she heard the bell ring. She placed her hands on her lap, lowering her head again and closing her eyes. She took in a deep breath, turning her attention back at the board. Something... She trailed off in thought, beginning to have an odd feeling.

    Aria's phone suddenly went off, causing her to reach into her pocket and quickly take out her phone. "Great..." she muttered, using her free hand to reach into her other pocket and take out a pill. She quickly swallowed the pill, leaving her gigai and returning back into her Soul Reaper form. Aria then took off running, heading towards the school.
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Kazuki was startled by the bell. He lept to his feet and calmed himself down. "Damn bell", he said between breaths. As soon as he caught his breath again he noticed where he was. Quickly he began to look around the area in case of hollows, he hadn't gotten his phone yet as it was with his gigai.

    Otoya took his headphones off completly and put them away in his school bag with his MP3 player. Half listening to the teacher and half not. He was constantly tapping his foot without making a sound, he was keeping to a beat of music in his memory.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ichigo's substitute Soul Reaper badge's alarm went off, causing him to jump up suddenly and yelp. "Gah!" The badge nearly fell out of his hands as he reached for it. He looked around the class, seeing people give him strange looks. "Uh...Sorry..." He sat back down in his seat and lowered his head on the desk, using the badge to leave his body. Hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble for "sleeping". He jumped out of the window and started to head where he sensed a hollow.

    Ashir raised an eyebrow, feeling a spiritual suddenly appear. It was strong but it wasn't familiar. Another Soul Reaper!? How many are there? Or maybe it' arrancar. He took a soul candy out and split from his gigai. "Go to the school. And don't cause any trouble. Alright?" His gigai gave him a salute, obviously mocking him and took off.
  17. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Kazuki felt Ichigo's spirtual pressure from below him. Keeping his well covered he followed Ichigo believing him to be looking for a hollow. Without his phone Kazuki couldn't detect hollows unless they had enough power to be felt naturally. With his zanpaktou still sheathed he could barely be detected.
  18. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Aria shortly after arrived at the school, seeing someone in the distance jump out of a window. "What the..." She picked up her pace, wanting to know who was, seeing as how he wore a black kimono and by the looks of it, had a zanpakuto on his back. Another Soul Reaper? Aria narrowed her eyes, placing one hand on the hilt of her sword, in case of anything.
  19. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: That didn't make much sense to me. <-< Hm. I was about to make Ichigo use his Bankai but that'd be stupid for just a hollow. XD

    BIC: Ichigo reached behind to grab the handle of Zangetsu(OOC: I know I spelt it right. <-< Right...?). He quickly ran towards where he knew the hollow was, trying to avoid using the flash step since it would give away his position. Although Ichigo forgot that he already didn't have too much control of his spiritual pressure and it wouldn't matter. He drew out Zangetsu as soon as the hollow was in sight and jumped at it, quickly cutting down at its mask and bringing it down. "Too easy!" He said as he landed back on the ground. there another one...?

    Ashir flash stepped just close enough to spot Ichigo destroying a hollow. "Huh...? Never seen this guy before. I wonder what squad is he from...Maybe squad six. Byakuya does have some pretty powerful people under his command but...Hm..."
  20. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: As Arch said, I didn't understand that either. Please try making your posts more clear. As in, grammar. And yes Arch, you spelled it right. XD

    BIC: "Hey!" Aria shouted towards Ichigo. She slowly approached him, seeing after what he did to that hollow. She came to a stop just a few feet away from him, placing her hands on her hips. "What squad are you from?"

    Kaori sat in class, her attention at the front of the board. Although, she couldn't concentrate much after feeling something unusual and, after seeing one of the students suddenly jump out the window. She lowered her head to stare down at the book in front of her.
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