I've been reminded of something I did about 3 weeks ago. I take English Literature and Creative Writing at Uni. In the Creat Writ lecture I had, we were told to describe a familiar environment of the lecture hall in a new way, describe new things we've not noticed and taken for granted before. We were encouraged to move around the room. Our lecturer did. no one else did. I was sitting near the front row, and looked behind. In a room of around a hundred people, no one moved. I thought, 'To hell with this!' I stood up, shuffled out and walked up to the lecturer's stand at the front, my shoes echoing each step I took. I stopped walking, turned to the room and waved. Wave of laughter later, and a bit more walking around I went back to my seat. So I was talking to one of my friends about this who I was sitting next to. They called me brave and 'ballsy'. I didn't really think so, I was just doing what I wanted. In your view. Ballsy or no?
Wait, so you walked to the front of the room and waved at everyone, people laughed and then you went and sat back down and now you're ballsy?
Effectively, though I was there for a few minutes. I know, I don't think so either. But people call me brave and so I wonder if it really was 'ballsy' at all.
I sit at my desk, "checking my answers," secretly waiting for someone else to hand in a test before me, so something as simple as getting up to go to the bathroom during class is ballsy to me. Your act itself, as Nate described, wasn't really going out on a limb, but you broke the sort of status quo going in the room by doing it, which does take some degree of courage to do.
Ballsy is such a lame term for the retrograded human. I would have used moxie. But yes you're ballsy.
I find the word "ballsy" amusing but I think it's more just breaking the rhythm, being the first to do something is quite hard to do in an environment where no one is doing anything. It's standing out, it's easy to blend in but going against the current is probably what your friend was referring to. In other circumstances, walking to the front would not have been "ballsy" but here I think it's brave in a minor sense. Good on you! : D