Aka: shadowjak, SJ, Jay, Jak, James, and THE KING OF HEARTS Man, what an interesting guy we have here! Universally recognized as the forum's heart and soul, SJ is easily the most popular member on the site and isn't at all pompous or full of himself. In all seriousness, this user was one of the first members of KHV just by chance. After going through all the forum jumps, fighting crime, rebelling against the Rainbow Brigade, and even making it all the way to purple, this user was rage-banned when he dumped the former admin and threw a ****-fit to tell the forum they were finished. Epic, right? Many years later, he has swayed the staff to give his soul another chance. Now he exists to take revenge on the rainbows that sent him into exile. Even though his enemies view him as a crazy old man starting trouble for the kids, he's better than ever with now that he has finally watched G Gundam and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and taking up the title of King of Hearts? What does that even mean? We don't quite know, but on a forum about a game where there exists an entire kingdom of hearts, it's probably pretty important. Recently, he was subject to an attack by the King of the Spamzone with his former partner in crime, the forum's God, and has been left crippled. Until his heart is repaired, he sits around- planning to win the war that is between him and his revenge.