I'm Lookin for some new anime to watch. i'm nat pick. I watch all different types, so feel free to put down any anime.These are some that i have already watched: Uta no Prince-sama InuXBoku Death Note Soul Eater Pandora Hearts D. Gray Man Tegami Bachi Bleach Fairy Tail Peacemaker Fruits Basket Yu Yu Hakusho Rurouni Kenshin Chrome Shelled Regios Hero Tales Samurai 7 Tower of Druaga One Piece Yugioh Yugioh GX Yugioh 5ds Yugioh Zexal Naruto Naruto Shippuden Fullmetal Alchemist Air Gear Baka and Test Rosario + Vampire Hero Tales Okamisan Sasami magical girls club Sgt. Frog M'A'R Hetalia APH Hetalia WS OHSHC Zatch Bell Kenichi Black Butler Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT Toriko Tales of Vesperia King of Thorn The Galaxy Railways Segoku Basara Hunter x Hunter Jing King of Bandits Jyo Oh Sei Aria The Scarlet Ammo Hellsing Cat Planet Cuties Sekirei Lucky Star Spice and Wolf Panty and Stocking
Angel Beats is one of the best animes I've seen, as is The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I highly recommend these. High School of the Dead is stupid, but is a guilty pleasure. And did you see the second season of Sekirei? The story got a whole lot better and it cut down on the fan service.
We have a pretty in-depth recommendation list here if you want to take a look. I'm going to move this into the SpamZone, as it's not really within the rules of this section (Anime + Manga) to ask for recommendations.
Ghost Hunt is really good the first time you watch it, especially for this month for sure. Kaze no Stigma is alright, but my all time favorite one is Black Cat.
The fall season just started so I suggest you just find something to watch for the next 13-26 weeks. * indicates that I am currently watching it. These shows are all on their first episode or are week before release at the time of this post There's also another one called BTOOOOOOOM that I'm watching OR..........
Oops! I knew I forgot some. HEHEHE[DOUBLEPOST=1349640830][/DOUBLEPOST]O_o So. Many Anime.[DOUBLEPOST=1349640955][/DOUBLEPOST]Update: Okay, just to inform yall im gonna update this list as i watch more