Always wanted to, but I already know it would be terrible. I'll stick to watching LK, T4S, Shadyvox, etc.
I had tried to start a Digimon Data Squad abridged but I never got around to doing it WHY IS IT WHENEVER I PLAN TO DO SOMETHING I NEVER GO THROUGH WITH IT...except for when i try to make money
Yes. It was never original, I was always voice acting. So when a joke wasn't funny, all I could do was act it out and make it convincing. I rarely complained about the script. I don't do it [act in them] anymore.
joke [johk] noun, verb - something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act.
People have told me I have a great voice for dubbing, so I always figured abridging a series would be right up my alley, but I don't own a mic and I never have the time to commit to things other than guitar practice. Honestly, is there anything awesome you can't do?