ok so i just came back to my old school or the middle school with my old friends (i was in 4 grade so now i'm in 8th) and i didn't have a facebook back then so they tell the whole school of my story (life in 4th grade) with about 20-30 lies so now i'm a kid who threw a chair or desk, broke our tec leg, and bite her and now im like jesus or some imporent dude to the school and not only that just i tell the other kid where im from (lebanon) they just pay attacthen that i'm just 3 contery or something from iran so now i classafid as a terrorist and now they keep making jokes this is the 3th week and when i tell the tecs they tell me just don't listen to them and just the other day a kid from my school puach me cause he say i'm from iraq when i keep tell them i'm from lebanon
don't mind him or them. There's not much you can do. America is an ignorant and racist country. We are privileged overweight and stupid jerks who think the rest of the world is uneducated when it's really us. Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it until people realize that not all people from middle eastern countries are from Al Queda and are going to bomb the world.
i can see your american spirit, and not all americans are like that, you could be one of them, but not everyone is like that :/ although my boyfriend is an Iraqi but yes, dont listen to them and say that you are from Lebanon. Do it the most mature way possible, if they continue to do this and tease you, maybe consulting with a counselor might help
I'm saying that as a whole we're the "fattest country in the world", students are kind of lazy now and don't want to do their work, and most people don't actually know what's going on in the world. And I'm not one of them or else do you really think I'd be mentioning this stuff if I was on the inside of this?
i guess your right about the fat part (no offance) but they do it every 5 sec but thanks you kind of made me fell a little better about this