Thanks for clearing that one up. It wasn't a fair comparison, and I felt I needed to at least explain how much they were stereotyping. And it's absolutely normal to feel like the shows were better when you were younger. almost all of the shows that are on Disney/Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network now SUCK. I still remember the good stuff, on Nick, like Clarissa explains it all, Doug, Recess, Rocko's modern life, All That, the good stuff. Now it's all cheesy and overhyped. So don't feel like the bad guy for thinking your generation's TV was better. It was. :) By the way, I'm 15. I just felt they were generalizing with it.
it honestly hurts my feelings to be reading this, because I'm part of the group that you are criticizing (i.e., Young people), and I know for a fact that many young children aren't like this. I'm not like this, and none of my friends are. I just recently got a cell phone because I needed to call my parents to come get me after extracurriculars. So please, don't criticize an entire group of people from a few experiences.
I agree about the first post making me angry. I know a lot of Gay and Bisexual people, and I have never felt uncomfortable around any of them or worried they're "Checking me out". I also would like to hear if the original poster is even making an effort to hear us out and learn from our pointing out his mistakes, because if he isn't, it kind of makes an apology a moot point.
The biggest problems in the United States all fall back on the government. The economy? Regulated by the government. Oil crisis (which is making the economy worse)? Caused by war. Who initiates war? The government. The environment? So much of the pollution is caused because of industry and there is no regulation on CO2 footprints, which there should be. I think instead of inventing high-def everything, scientists and inventors should be creating more affordable ways to slowly switch to solar power. you can still have an emergency generator or whatever. I'm sorry, but the United States Government has become a Joke. I'm not blaming any presidents or government figures specifically, but really. I just hope that someone can turn it around before another crisis comes up.
Technically, if you're Athiest, you just believe there is no god. To not believe in religion at all would be Agnostic. Just thought I'd help you out a bit there. :)
And it comes again... All this shows is how narrow-minded so called "Intelligent" people tend to be. Plenty of straight couples have STDs, including AIDS, and it's not strictly for homosexuals. Also, I personally would be flattered to be "checked out" by a member of my own sex. It means I have to be pretty attractive, because they've seen more women than I ever have... please, don't hate on other groups or accuse them of making your life experiences less pleasurable. You do that yourself by worrying about people other than yourself anyway.