I made this Kingdom Hearts video set to Ai Otsuka's Cherish. There are two Silent Hill clips though, but they only last around twenty seconds. Tell me if you like! ^_^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOqcN_CrHMk
When Sora is mocking Leon when he first gets to Hollow Bastion, it's in a similar way to when Tidus mocks Maester Mika in Final Fantasy X. Same hand gestures too.
Heya! Have fun! :D
Oh no! Many huggles for you! *hugs* Just look after yourself, k? And buy something nice! That always cheers me up.
Heya Patrick! I like blue too. :D
Actually, anyone know where I can read KHII Manga on the net? *grins hopefully* Read some COM, and KH, but never KHII... *sigh*
I live in Ireland so I doubt it will come here. :( The only manga I've ever seen in Ireland is 'Pikachu Shocks Back'. >____<
So, who here likes Silent Hill games? I do, except four >____<
Hello there all you KH luffing people! Lol! Well, what can I say? I'm sixteen in November. A girl, brown hair, blue eyes, obcessed with music. I play the guitar, sing, and write songs hoping that I have some talent! :p I luff anything vintage, be it clothes, movies, or pictures, I love vintage-ness. And anything remotley Final Fantasy-ish! Luff the Silent Hill series too, even though the movie was... in a word, DISASTER-IFIC! O___o And how could I forget about Naruto? Great Anime/Manga! (Even though the English dubbed version of the Anime burns my ears... gahhh) I could actually go on and on about nothing in particular, but I doubt you all want to hear it! :p So... toodles! :.:.: ♥ ♪Lyrical Luff♪ ♥ :.:.: