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  1. StarSeekerWolf
    I am getting so impatient! Why the heck does Ven look like Roxas! Its driving me crazy!
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. StarSeekerWolf
    Hahaha, a day after I just said Terra looks like Zack, GameSpot makes a review saying that too.
    I dont know why...but I have a feeling that the 14th member might be Aqua...but thats just how I feel.It could be wrong..but then again, I thought I was wrong when I thought the Old,Bald guy was Xehanort. lol
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, Sep 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. StarSeekerWolf
    Omg...this is so much to take in! I cant breathe!

    But...Terra looks alot like that guy....Oh, whats his name.....Cloud's friend....ZACK,Zack. He reminds me of Zack from Final Fantasy VII.
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. StarSeekerWolf
    Im White.....

    At your best, you are just protective...Ok that kinda sounds like me.....At your worst, you are authoritarian and dogmatic.....*looks up authoritarian* "The authoritarian personality does not want to give orders, their personality type wants to take orders."

    Yep thats me
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. StarSeekerWolf
    Have a good birthday DeathSpank. You earned it!;)
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, Jun 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. StarSeekerWolf
    It really bugs me that we cant see that "New Trailer" that was hosted at the Square Enix Party 2007. That would be worth my wild.
    Post by: StarSeekerWolf, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. StarSeekerWolf
    I made this story awhile ago. I thought about just posting it and see if anyone liked it. If I get good replys I might write the rest and post it.
    I hope you enjoy it.

    “So you see kids, the math metrical formula to this equation is...”
    Sora scurried to jot down all of the teachers notes on the board before class was done. It would surely be on a test or quiz. (Which Mrs.Takino loved to pass out.) And he didn’t want to fail a class. He and Riku were lucky that they were even in THIS class. They almost had to stay back, but thanks to their friends that did a petition, they were able to stay in the same class. “Make sure all of you copy this down.” She set down the piece of chalk. “No homework for today.” Silent “Yes” and “Wahoo” were heard all around the room.
    When Sora finally finished the notes. He looked around the room. He noticed Sophie and another girl whispering to each other and making quiet giggles. “Boys” thought Sora. That really was all that Sophie talked about. Sora once had to sit through a conversation with Kairi and her. Kairi wasn’t really talking. Sophie just kept on asking if Kairi thought “this” and “this” person was cute. (Which usually Sophie thought ALL of them were cute.) Kairi said no to all of them. Sora was thankful that Sophie didn’t bring up HIS name in the conversation.
    The other girl looked at Sora then whispered to Sophie and giggled. She gave him a wink and Sora looked at her weird. She and Sophie giggled.
    “She likes you.”
    Sora looked across from him. Kairi was sitting there not moving her glance from her paper. “You gonna go out with her?”
    Kairi giggled. Sora made a smirk. A lot of girls had asked him out. All but Kairi though. Rumor had it that she hasn’t gone out with anybody. And every boy in their school had asked her out. Besides him and Riku. Sora would never have the guts to tell her how he really felt. He didn’t want to break their friendship at all. “Someday” he thought.
    All of a sudden the ground shook. Everyone was looking around in astonishment. Sora noticed something in the corner of his eye. A Gummi ship was landing. And it had the Kings Seal on it.

    Sora, Kairi, and Riku ran out to the front of the school, only to be confronted by Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. Donald and Goofy jumped on Sora while he was running, and fell to the ground. Mickey ran to Riku. He twirled him around and then sat him back down to the ground. “What are you guys doing here?” asked Sora standing back up.
    “We’ve got big trouble.” Mickey announced. Sora, Kairi, and Riku looked at each other then to Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. “There’s a world.” Donald began. “That has an enormous amount of heartless on it.”
    “Its are job to go check it out.” Goofy said. “Sora, since you have already been there with us, we want you to come and help us destroy the Heartless.”
    “What world is it?” Sora said worried.
    Donald and Goofy looked at each other. “The Pride Lands.” Donald said.
    Sora nodded his head slowly. He wanted to go as soon as possible. He hoped that Simba was alright.
    “Riku, we don’t have enough room on the Gummi Ship for all 5 of us. So if we need back up I’ll send for you.” Riku nodded to Mickey. “Be careful Sora.”
    “Right.” Sora stared at Kairi. Her face was full of sadness. “I’m sorry Kairi, but I can’t take you with me.”
    “I understand. Just be careful ok?” Kairi said.
    “You bet.” Sora slowly headed toward the Gummi Ship. “I’ll see ya guys soon. Riku, take care of Kairi alright?”
    Riku nodded. “Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine.”
    Sora nodded, and started to head into the ship. “Don’t get hurt too bad, Sora.” Riku yelled while the Gummi ship’s door closed. Not giving Sora enough time to reply.

    “Ok Sora, listen.” Mickey stated. He was getting the Gummi ship ready. “If there’s anything you guys cant handle, contact me. Got it?” the three shook their heads. Donald started the ship. Sora walked toward the window and looked out. Riku was standing on the beach, but where was Kairi? I hope she’s not too mad at me. Thought Sora. Riku kept on getting smaller and smaller. He didn’t move his eyes Intel he was completely out of sight. The Gummi Ship was off.

    Sora, Donald, and Goofy were transported into the Pride Lands into the Elephant Graveyard. “Wonder where everyone is.” Sora said.
    “Everything seems fine.” Goofy stated. They headed out of the graveyard, toward the Savannah.
    “Whoa…” Sora exclaimed. The Pride lands were no longer filled with dead trees and gray grass. It had green everywhere. The trees and grass, it was beautiful. All except for the sky. It was an abnormal dark blue. And the clouds were very dark as well. “ That’s weird.” Said Sora. All of a sudden an enormous amount of heartless appeared out of nowhere. Livings Bones and Shamans were all over the place. “Uh-Oh.” Donald shivered. The fight had begun.
    Sora used Berserk, and destroyed 5 heartless. Then he jumped in the air and did a spiral and killed a few more. Donald used Thundara and Blizzaga on a numerous amount. Goofy did a Goofy Tornado and sent a few of them flying. But even tho they destroyed a lot, more just took their place.
    Sora stepped back. “ Its not use.”
    Sora looked behind him. He didn’t see anything. But then he heard a ferocious roar. Some heartless disappeared, but enough to reveled an old friend.
    “Simba.” Sora yelled. Simba nodded and did another load roar, defeating another load of heartless. Sora ran over toward him and they did a limit. That made a huge dent in the Heartless population. “That did it.” Sora yelled.
    “Sora!” Donald shouted.
    “Sora behind you.” Goofy warned.
    Sora looked over, but it was too late. A Shaman made an attack that sent Sora flying onto a tree. His back cracked and Sora fell down, unable to move. “Sora get out of there.” Simba yelled. Sora slowly stood up and got the keyblade. His legs were shaking. It took lot of strength to keep his legs up. The heartless ran toward him. He fell back down
    “SORA!” Donald yelled.
    Sora tried to get up, but he was out of strength. Sora’s head fell down the ground. He closed his eyes.
    Sora head jerked back up. He knew this voice. It was a most familiar voice. It would never leave his heart. All of a sudden a lion leaped into the air and bit onto the shamans back. The heartless stopped running and made a yowl of pain. It shook vigorously but it could not reach the lion. It fell to the ground and rolled onto its back, rolling on the lion. It let go and ran to escape. The heartless made a blue fire around the lion, and with a blink of an eye the fire hit the lion it rolled onto the ground. It laid still.
    “NO!” Sora felt anger fill within his body he jerked up and made a spiral type leap toward the Shaman and killed it. Sora stared back toward the other Heartless. Apparently they could sense his anger, and disappeared, one by one.
    Sora rushed over toward the lifeless lion. He nudged it. “Kairi.”
    She got up and shook her head, and opened her eyes. The lion had the same coat as Sora’s, and she had a necklace with a black string and a white stone pendant. Sora then knew it was her. “How did you know it was me?” She asked smiling.
    Sora smirked, but then put on a serious face. “What are you doing here? Its dangerous.”
    “Come on Sora.” Kairi’s lion face was right into his. “I told you, where ever the other goes, the others follow. Got it? I’m not missing out in anymore adventures.”
    “Yea but, how did you get here?”
    Sora gave her an odd look. “Huh?”
    Sora walked into the Gummi ship leaving Kairi and Riku behind. Kairi looked at her feet and didn’t move. “What if something happens and we’re separated again?” she wondered. There was a long silence, and then Riku got up and walked toward the ship. He put his hand on the side of the ship. Then he kicked it. A door opened.
    “Get in.”
    “Hurry before they take off.”
    “But Riku. You should go you’d be more help.”
    “You heard Mickey. They’ll come back for me if they need backup. He probley wont let you come, and we wont have a chance like this. Besides…”
    Kairi looked at Riku.
    “At least this way, if anything happens that splits us apart again. One of us we’ll be with him.”
    Kairi started at Riku. “Riku…”
    “Now hurry.”
    Kairi didn’t waste anytime. She climb into the door and squeezed in tight. Riku started to shut the door. “Be careful.”

    “Riku…” Sora sighed. There was a long silence. “Man, I owe him one.” Sora smiled. Kairi laughed.
    “Good job Kairi.” Donald said flying toward them.
    “Kairi this is Simba. The king of this pride lands.” Sora stated as Simba walked toward them. “Simba this is Kairi. One of my friends that I was looking for.”
    “Nice to me you.” Simba nodded.
    “Simba, how come there are so many heartless?” Donald asked.
    “I wish I knew.” Simba stated. “It all started this morning. As soon as I woke up the sky was like this. And then the heartless attacked.”
    “What about Nala and the others?” Donald asked.

    “I think she’s fine. I more worried about something else right now.” Simba remarked.
    “What is it?” Sora asked.
    “Timon and Pumba left for the jungle before this all started. I hope their alright.”
    “Hey Sora, how bout you and Kairi go check it out. While me, Donald, and Simba check on Nala and the other Lioness.”
    “We’ll do it!” Kairi announced before Sora could say a thing. He sighed.
    Donald and Goofy started to laugh.
    “Ok, lets go.” Kairi said, as she started to run. Sora sprinted to catch u with her. “W-wait up!”

    “Wow… sure is quiet.” Sora murmured. They were almost half way to the jungle in the Wildebeest Valley.
    “You must have scared the heartless off. I’m surprised we haven’t seen any.” Kairi stated. Sora made a big grin with teeth flashing. Kairi started to laugh.
    “I kinda feel guilty leaving Riku alone in all.” Kairi said.
    “Don’t worry Kairi. He’s not totally alone. He’s got Tidus, Sophie, and Wakka with him.” Sora stopped. “But I do miss him though.”
    “Me too.”
    There was a long silence between the two of them. Then Kairi started to giggle. Then the giggle turned into a laugh.
    “What’s so funny?” Sora gave her an odd look.
    “I was thinking about when you and Riku used to fight all the time. Once, you got so mad at him that you threw seaweed, and a starfish at him.” She laughed looking into the distance. “Then he chased after you for the longest time. Then when he finally caught you he stuck a crab down your shirt.” She started laughing. “I had to help you get it off.”
    Sora paused for a moment. “Oh yeah…I remember. That was around when you first came.”
    “Yep!” Kairi giggled.
    “I wonder why I did that.” Sora inquired, starting to walk again.
    “It was a while ago. But I don’t recall him doing anything do make you angry.”
    Sora remained silent trying to remember.
    “Wow is that it?” Kairi said astonished. They could see the jungle from where they stood.
    “Yep. That’s it.”
    “Race you!” Kairi said running.
    “Kairi!” Sora yelled and started running.
    “Wow…” Kairi said in awe. “Its beautiful.”
    “Yeah.” Sora replied. “Timon! Pumba!” There was no response.
    “Lets go take a look around.” Sora said looking at Kairi. She nodded. They started searching through out the Oasis. But with no luck. Several minutes past, when all of a sudden.
    “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The scream made Sora and Kairi jump. It was Timon and Pumba. “Help us!” Timon and Pumba yelled in unison. “Oh-no! Heartless.” Sora started to run toward the jungle. Kairi following.
    Sora slid, trying to stop running. “Timon, Pumba!” he yelled. He and Kairi looked around.
    “Over here!” Pumba yelled.
    They were near the little anthill, shaking like they had just seen a ghost.
    “What happened?” Sora asked.
    “Pp-ff-ttt…” Timon and Pumba were so shaken they could barely speak. Their eyes were the size of 8-balls and they sounded like they were breathing for their lives.
    “What…happened…” Sora was talking slowly. Hoping he would get an answer. All of a sudden he heard a whistle. Kairi’s ears perked up. “I know that whistle.” Sora looked at Kairi, then started to look around him.
    A lion pounced from the trees, onto Sora. They started to roll down the hill.
    “Sora!” Kairi yelled. She started to run after them.
    It seemed like minutes to Sora, rolling down the hill with this strange lion. As soon as he had the chance, Sora tried to stop the roll. He would try to pin the lion. But it seemed like the other lion read his mind, and pined him instead! It stared at Sora. The lion gave a smirk. “What’s a madder Sora? Can’t beat me?”
    Sora laid in shock. No…it couldn’t be… Sora thought. He got a closer look at the lion. His coat was as white as snow. He had bangs that covered his eyes and had a bandage on his right paw. He was a little taller than Sora. Sora started to smile.
    “The one and only.” Riku stated while letting Sora up. They both high pawed each other.
    “I can’t believe it! How’d you get here?”
    “Donald and Goofy called Mickey. They said everything was fine now. But wanted backup just in case.”
    “Riku.” Kairi ran up to him. “Don’t scare me like that! I didn’t know who you were. Let alone Timon and Pumba didn’t know either.”
    “Well I was trying to ask them where you guys were. But as soon as they saw me they froze and started running. Something about, eating them.”
    Sora laughed. “Well, I’ll explain it to them. We should be getting back to the Pride lands. Timon, Pumba. Come on over here.” Sora yelled.
    Timon and Pumba slowly started to walk toward them.
    “Guys, this is Riku and Kairi.” Sora said slowly. “Their my friends.”
    “A-are you sure they d-don’t want p-pig roast?” Pumba stammered.
    “Very.” Riku and Kairi said together.

    When Sora and the others got back to Pride Rock, they had a welcoming committee waiting for them. Simba, Nala, and Rafiki were at the entrance.
    “Thank goodness your ok.” Simba said to Timon and Pumba.
    “Hakuna Matata, we’re fine. No one would mess with us. Right Pumba?” Timon asked.
    “Right!” Pumba put out his chest and tried to look tuff. Riku let out a huff.
    “Who’s this.” Nala asked looking toward Riku.
    “Oh yeah. Guys this is Riku. My other friend I was looking for.” Sora introduced.
    “Riku…You mentioned him before.” Nala asked.
    “I’m glad you found your friends Sora.” Simba said.
    “Speaking of friends where’s Donald and Goofy?” Sora asked.
    “They went to check up on the rest of the Pride Lands. I don’t know when they’ll be back.”
    Rafiki moved from his spot, and started to examine Riku. Riku watched his every move. “What are you doing?” he asked.
    “You have a keyblade. Do you not?”
    “Yeah. How’d you know?” Riku asked coolly.
    “I can see it. You have similarities to Sora.”
    “Really?” Sora asked.
    “Pff, please! Me like him.” Riku teased.
    “Hey! What’s that suppose to mean?” Sora retorted standing up.
    “Exactly what I said.” Sora and Riku looked at each other in fighting stance. Kairi rolled her eyes. “Here me go again.”
    “I could be you any day!” Sora yelled.
    “Please! You couldn’t even beat Tidus!”
    “He caught me off guard! What do you expect? Besides I already beat you!”
    “That was a year ago. I’ve gotten stronger and I’m still undefeated on the island.”
    “That ill change.”
    “O yeah! Bring it Spikey.”
    “You asked for-“ Before Sora could finish his sentence Rafiki smacked Sora and Riku on the head with his stick. They both yelped with pain, and put their paws on their heads. Kairi could be heard laughing.
    “What was that for?” Sora yelled at Rafiki.
    “You two fight to much. Get along.”
    “Not my fault Riku such a- OWW!” Again Rafiki hit Sora in the head.
    Riku laughed and then he got hit. Kairi was still giggling. Simba and Nala also laughed.
    “Act more like warriors that kids.” Rafiki instructed.
    “Hey. Were still young.” Riku retorted. Rafiki smacked him again. Riku flinched with pain. “Would you STOP hitting me!” Riku yelled putting his paw on his head. Sora caught Riku’s attention behind Rafiki. He stuck out his toung and started running. Riku let out an angry groan and chased after him.
    Rafiki sighed then looked at Kairi. “Do they always do this?”
    “Yep.” Kairi said with a smirk.
    “I hate to see what else they do.” Nala murmured watching Sora and Riku. Riku was gaining on Sora. He looked like he was ready to pounce when all of a sudden he stopped. He looked around.
    “What is it Riku?” Sora said slowly walking toward him. Waiting to see if his friend was going to pull a fast one on him.
    “We’ve got company.” Riku replied. All of a sudden 6 Living Bones appeared and cornered Sora and Riku.
    “Sora! Riku!” Kairi yelled she started to run. Simba leaped to help out.

    Sora and Riku backed up toward each other.” So Sora, think you can handle this?” Riku asked with a smirk.
    “Please! I’ve done this dozens of times. The question is can YOU handle it.” Sora retorted.
    Riku let out a huff. “Just wait and see.” They summoned their keyblades and pounced.
    Riku let out a couple of Dark Auroras with his bandage paw, stunning 2 Living Bone. Then he charged with his Way to Dawn and slashed both heartless at once.
    Sora on the other hand used his Kingdom Key also on 2 Living Bones. He then circled behind them. Before they could face him, Sora used Thundara, destroying them.
    A Living Bone was charging straight at Sora and Riku. They both ran at high speeds, their keyblades shrouded with light (Sora) and darkness (Riku). They sliced right through the heartless. This all happened before Simba could attack. He looked at the two astonished.
    “Hmpf. Not bad Sora.” Riku muttered. Sora looked around him. “Uh, Riku. Wasn’t there 6 heartless?” Riku also started to look. All of a sudden they heard a scream. It was Kairi.
    “Kairi!” they both yelled looking behind them. The Living Bone chased after her near the entrance of Pride Rock. He looked like he was going to strike. It seemed impossible to catch them in time. “No!” Sora yelled then started to run with his key blade. He ran faster than he ever had before. He used Fire, witched surrounded him. He made a leap and started to swirl. As soon as he hit the heartless it was destroyed. As he was still soaring in the air, Sora noticed that Kairi was in the way of his landing! He landed right on her and they both started to roll down the path. The roll was broken by a tree. As soon as the dust clear Sora could see that he was on top of Kairi! Neither of them moved. “S-sorry Kairi.” Sora stammered.
    “Its ok.” Kairi said quietly. They both got off of each other, and started to brush themselves off with their paws.
    “Hmm…” Rafiki examined.
    “You certainly have gotten stronger than the last time you were here.” Simba remarked. Sora gave a nervous laugh, still shaken up by what happened with him and Kairi.
    “Where did you learn to use an attack with those white fires?” Nala asked Riku.
    “Uhh…long story.” Riku said looking away. Sora and Kairi glanced at each other, feeling bad for their friend. Riku never wanted to talk about the mistake he made with the darkness. He was ashamed by it. It was one of the reasons he never went home, and he almost didn’t go with Sora and Kairi. He didn’t know what his parents, and other friends in Destiny Island would think of him now. But they all forgave him, and they didn’t seem to care.
    Seeing that Riku was down, Timon and Pumba stood beside him. Timon put his arm around Riku. “Don’t worry buddy.” Timon remarked. Riku looked at him.
    “Hakuna Matata!” He and Pumba yelled.
    “You gotta put you past behind ya. Look kid, bad things happened and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Timon stated.
    Sora and Kairi stared at them. No one ever said anything like that to him. “We all have. Thought Sora. I wonder if Riku ever will.
    Riku put his head down, and stared at the ground. He let out a huff. The silence was broken by Kairi. “Hey, where did that monkey go?”
    Simba laughed. “Rafiki comes and goes as he pleases. You’ll probley see him again.”
    In the meantime…” Pumba started. “Why don’t we have a little fun?!”
    “I’m in. How bout you guys?” Sora looked at Kairi. She nodded.
    “You guys go ahead without me. I still have to watch over the Pride Land.” Said Simba.
    “Suite yourself.” Timon teased.
    “Riku?” Sora looked at his friend. Riku was still staring down at the ground. Riku huffed and smiled. He looked at Sora. “Sure. Why not?”

    “Whoa…” Sora nervously said. He, Riku, and Kairi were taken to a different part of the jungle. It was a giant pool of water. It was so clear you could see the bottom, which was deep. But what really got Sora was that he was on a cliff that was less than a mile above the water. He stared down in shock.
    “So…uh…what are we doing here anyway?” Sora asked looking at the water. “Were going swimming.” Timon said.
    “How are we suppose to do that from here?”
    “Jump stupid.” Riku teased.
    “What!?” Sora yelled, still not taking his eyes off the water.
    “Surfs up!” Riku yelled. He immediately knocked Sora off the cliff. Sora let out a yell while falling. He finally landed into the water. When he went to the surface for air he yelled. “That’s not funny Riku!” Riku made a smirk and giggled. “What’s the matter Sora, scared of heights?” Riku smiled.
    “What about you jump all mighty one!”
    Riku made a smirk and then backed up. Then he started to run off the cliff. He made a roll in the air and landed into the water. He stuck his head above the water right next to Sora. Sora splashed him with a wave of him paw.
    “HAKUNA MATATA!!!” Timon and Pumba yelled jumping. Sora and Riku stared up at them. They also did a roll in the air before they landed.
    “How was that?” Pumba asked sounding tuff.
    “Not bad.” Riku answered. Sora then remembered Kairi.
    “Kairi, you jumping?” He yelled. He saw Kairi, who was at the edge of the cliff looking down at the water. “You bet!” she yelled. She backed up. And made a long leap into the air, she grabbed some vines that were right in front of her, made a twirl, and rolled down into the water.
    “She’s a keeper.” Said Timon nudging Sora.
    “Come on, don’t be shy!” Pumba said. “Admit that you like her!” If Sora had skin and cheeks, they would have been beat red. He took at breath of air and went underwater. He opened him eyes and saw all the fishes that swam around him. The rocks seemed to be shimmering from the sunlight that sparked through the water, and the logs that lay on the bottom motionless. It seemed so peaceful underwater.
    Sora then caught his sight on Kairi. He was thankful that she was underwater to not hear the conversation with Timon and Pumba. He then noticed Kairi was desperately looking around the water for something. Sora swam closer to her to see what was up. She didn’t notice him.
    Sora waved his paws and moved around but what ever was on Kairi’s mind must have been serious.
    He then swam next to her. She finally looked over toward him. They locked eyed for seconds.
    She put her hand of her chest. Sora was confused, then noticed her necklace with the white pendant was gone. He then knew why Kairi was desperately looking. That necklace was her only thing she had left from her past life.
    Sora then swam toward the bottom and looked. He looked carefully in between the rocks, inside the logs, and the plants that were underwater. But there was no sign of her necklace.
    He looked over toward Kairi she was retracing her steps and was looking in the rocks again. “Poor Kairi” Thought Sora.
    Kairi must have been so worried about the necklace that she must have forgotten to get air. She opened her jaw that let out a few air bubbles, and then closed her eyes drifting in the water. Sora gasped and then swam under Kairi to get her on his back. Then swam toward the surface.
    Timon, Pumba, and Riku were on the shore waiting for Sora and Kairi to arrive. Riku was lying down while watching Timon and Pumba lift a log and eat some bugs.
    When Sora finally reached the surface, he made huge gasps for air. He rushed toward the surface and laid Kairi on the side. Riku got right up knowing something was wrong. Kairi desperately gasped for air and tried to stand up but was far to weak. Sora was still filling his lung’s with air, but he ignored the need for air and turned around and went right back into the water.
    “What are you crazy?” Pumba yelled.
    “Riku you should go after him.” Timon remarked. Riku stood motionless next to Kairi, staring at the water.

    Sora looked everywhere for the pendant. He retraced his steps again but still no luck. Sora felt his lungs tighten he was about to give up and go to the surface, when something caught his eye.
    A Rapid Thruster was swimming around the water. It was going so fast it was hard to keep his eyes on it. Sora then noticed it had something around his neck, it was shiny, white….
    “Kairi’s necklace!” Sora screamed inside his mind. The need for air pushed on Sora, but he was afraid if he went to the surface he’d lose the heartless. Sora got his Keyblade, and charged for the heartless.
    The heartless moved out of Sora’s way. The heartless was fast underwater, and Sora was slow.
    Sora flung his keyblade toward the heartless he dodged it, then Sora charged after it, but he also missed. Or did he?
    The keyblade was coming back like a boomerang and hit the heartless. I disappeared and the white pendant floated in the water. Sora was losing conciseness, so he quickly swam toward the pendant, and went to the surface.
    “Where is he?” Kairi said worrying.
    Riku was about to jump in when Sora finally reached the surface. He slowly swam toward land and struggled to walk. He was breathing so hard that it could be heard.
    He walked toward Kairi and placed the necklace right in front of her. She stared at him. He was dripping wet, and looked so tired. His eyes were almost shut. He was till gasping for air.
    “Sora…” Kairi started. Sora forced a smirk upon his face. He then fell to the ground.
    “Sora!” Riku yelled. Sora tried to say something but he couldn’t, he was so exhausted. Sora watched as Kairi was drifting away.
    His world was going black.

    Sora laid in a dark cave, at least that’s what he thought he was in.
    Sora’s sight was blurry and his lungs felt swollen. He felt like he had been asleep for hours. He wanted to drift back off into sleep, but he suddenly remembered Kairi and Riku were here with him, and started to stand up.
    He had a fur type blanket around him that was warm and had black strips on it. Sora shook off the blanket and exited the cave.

    Sora stood on Pride Rock, looking at his surroundings. It was sunset in the pride lands, you could tell to because there were hardly any dark clouds left.
    “Hi ya Sora.” It was Goofy.
    Sora turned around to face his friends Donald, Goofy, and Riku.
    “How are you feeling?” Donald asked.
    “A little drowsy but I’ll be ok.” Sora stated. “How are the Pride Lands.”
    “We destroyed a lot of heartless.” Started Goofy. “But they’ll keep on comin intel we can find the source.”
    “And we can’t stay here forever. We’ll probley have to do a huge search of the Pride Lands.” Said Riku.
    “Yeah, but…lets save that for tomorrow. It’s getting dark.” Said Sora looking at the sky. The sun was almost gone.
    “Right.” Riku replied.
    Sora turned around to face Kairi. She had a big smile on her face, and also had the pendant on.
    “Oh, Sora! Thank goodness your okay!” She rubbed her head against his. Sora’s heart raced.
    Sora forced a nervous grin on his face. “Sorry for the scare Kai-OWW!!” Sora flinched in pain. Something was hurting his tail. He spun his head around to see what it was. A baby lion, smaller than Sora, was lying on Sora’s tail and biting it. Sora pulled his tail away from the cub. “That hurt.” Sora said teasing the cub. It smiled and tried to catch his tail again, but missed.
    Nala came walking toward them. “Sorry about that.” She pulled the cub by the tail toward her. “Your as worse as your father was when he was little.”
    “Y-You mean, that’s Simba’s…” Sora anxiously said. Nala nodded. “That’s right. Sora meet Kiara, my daughter.” She nudged the cub. “Kiara, meet Uncle Sora.”
    “UNCLE?!” Everybody yelled.
    “That’s right. You guys are part of the family. Kiara wouldn’t even be here without you Sora.”
    “I don’t know about that Nala.”
    “I do. Sora because of you the Pride Lands are safe.”
    “Not just me. Simba, Donald, and Goofy too. They helped out as much as I did.”
    Nala smiled. “Your right.” She picked up the cub and set it in front of Donald and Goofy. “This is your Uncle Donald, and Uncle Goofy.” The cub pounced in front of Goofy, and then rolled on its back. “Aww, she’s so cute.” Goofy said. A nearby butterfly caught Kiara’s attention. She jumped up and chased after it. She mad zigs zags around Kairi and Riku, under Donald, and on Goofy’s shell. Then it flew all the way toward Sora, and then flew high. Kiara tried to stop but slid into Sora. They all laughed.
    Rafiki suddenly appeared and picked up the cub. “Cute one ain’t she?” He said tickling her belly.
    “What brings you here Rafiki?” Nala asked.
    “Just visiting. But I would like to see you.” Rafiki pointed at Sora. “And you.” Then he pointed to Kairi. They looked at each other in wonder. “Come on. Follow old Rafiki.” He pulled on Sora’s tail. Then he ran off toward the savannah. Kairi and Sora chased after him.
    Thread by: StarSeekerWolf, May 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives