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  1. IamtheLorax
    haha if you saw me in real life you would say wtf man what the hell happened to you
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. IamtheLorax
    if you look at the sun too long your eyes get burned out and you cant see anything
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Feb 28, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. IamtheLorax
    the answer is no they are too irrisponsible. they are always talkin on their cell phones and puttin on their makeup. MEN have suppior rights anyways so why risk a mans life to let a woman drive? i dont see how the government is allowing this.
    Thread by: IamtheLorax, Feb 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. IamtheLorax
    -Edited by the Ninja you know as "Misty"-
    Thread by: IamtheLorax, Feb 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. IamtheLorax
    No NO know everything. when you are a kid and you want something the parent has to ask you. if the parents want something we know what it see we(teenagers) are smarter
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Feb 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. IamtheLorax


    friends are for losers who dont think that they can do things on there own. friends are for the low life losers that suck the seaweed from the dead fishes mouths
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. IamtheLorax
    haha i still think they are a piece of meat. that word best discribes them and my health teacher didnt know anything about sex. he even put the condom on wrong!! i still laugh at him for not having any experience in the specialty known as sex. i mean would doesnt want to see tatas and meat during school? one of the funnest classes i took. but it got a little boreing and the sex ed part ahh well...
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. IamtheLorax
    like i said before kids need to be hit as hard as you possible can. with out this teckneque kids would do what ever the hell they wanted. so i say whip out your base ball bat and smack the kids with it or even better hit them with ninja stars and make them bleed out.
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. IamtheLorax
    dude if i get to see tatas in school then im ok with it...
    i think it is kool because it is also a major blow off class and a wack off class...hehe i made an induendo...
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 31, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. IamtheLorax
    foolish people of kh--vids green beans have no mind...we are controlled by the randomness of the goat of garagash, there are no Chipz...only the foolish imagination
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. IamtheLorax
    that kinda turns me on... just a bit though not major
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 22, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. IamtheLorax


    conscience ARE the little people in your head that make you do good if you kill them by smashing your head repeatitaly on a hard surface then new ones move in that dont really care what you see?
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. IamtheLorax
    kids need to be spanked... besides it is fun spanking them...hehehe
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 16, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. IamtheLorax
    whats it called when you want to bang a cat and a chick at the same time? well thats me
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 16, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. IamtheLorax
    labels are for stuck up little bastards who think that they can get away with calling people that they think are below them losers and weird. but what they(the stuck up shnobs) dont know is that im gonna kill um all...:D
    Post by: IamtheLorax, Jan 16, 2007 in forum: Discussion