Top 5 Hot guys (in this order) 1. Riku 2. Cloud (KH II) 3. Roxas 4. Sora 5. Leon (KH II) Namiku
It could be better but it is ok and not gay. Namiku
Oh...Ok! Thanks...i think Lol *Grin* Namiku
Dayne-Yeah, but no matter how hard or long you think about an idea someone else has already thought of kind of annoyes me at times. But I guess the difference is that if many different people have an idea but only one does something with it they are credited for the idea...even if they weren't the first. :p Mish-Got it! and, you know, I don't really get the Guy/Guy or Girl/Girl pairings. Other than that I don't think any pairing are really that bad. :D :D :D In_the_Twilight-"From new girl to new girl"??? Did I miss something? Namiku
Namine!!! Riku and Namine suit each other sooo well. Riku and Namine have the same kind of Darkness and Light in their they look so cute together! :D Namiku
Wow! That was really fast! I guess people on this Board don't waste time :) that's good! XxAxelEightxX-Lol I was thinking more along the lines of Olette but Axel works too. :p Dayne-Yeah, I think so too, Kairi and Sora fit the best. But I choose Namiku because it isn't as well known and I wanted something unique *grin* :D :D :D sgh-will do! Namiku
Hi! I'm Namiku. Namiku, for anyone who doesn't know, is Namine X Riku. In my opinon they would make a great couple. Anyway, I have played and beaten all of the Kingdom Hearts games...uh...what else? I also like Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda games. Well...I guess that's it! Namiku PS Just for the record, I am a girl. :D