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  1. soraxkairi4ever
    the last movie i watched was Tangled :D
    love that movie...seen it 8 times <3
    Post by: soraxkairi4ever, Apr 15, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. soraxkairi4ever

    that would be awesome if they made ANY of those worlds in the game. i've thought of what Sora would look like in Pochahontas (is that how you spell it?) anyway, i thought of his Keyblade more like an axe, and for him to have those skirt-ish looking pants the indians wore in Pochahontas, and also those awesome boots they wore. and for him to be topless. hehe :D what ALL Sora fan girls would want to see! like in Atlantica. :D
    Post by: soraxkairi4ever, Apr 7, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. soraxkairi4ever
    lol. thats pretty funny, my little pony goes bad! :D
    Post by: soraxkairi4ever, Mar 21, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone