ya thats what i meant and i know it only works in hollow bastion
need mods in NTSC/U/C (or however u spell it) can anyone tell me the NTSC/U/C form of the Dusk mod that replaces all enemies w/ dusks?
i hate to ask you guys this but does anyone have the NTSC ar max code to have the final boss xemnas party mod?
does anyone have an AR max NTSC version code for 1000 heartless battle warp. plz help me with this code.
ar max code for BGM does anyone have an ar max NTSC code to have one winged angel BGM, i love that song.
well in KH1 riku gave into the darkness but at the end he trapped himself on the otherside of the door to light, so its tough. Riku fought roxas,nobodies,heartless, all while Sora was snoozing and kept it a secret from Sora for 3/4 of the KH2 game.
KH1 riku: we can't let our fear stop us, i'm not afraid of the darkness.
Xemnas, Sephiroth, Cloud (hades tournament), and roxas
what about what if Sora helped Cloud defeat Sephiroth like on Final Fantasy advent children? that would be awesome, but they would have to make sephiroth alot harder than on KH2
hercules the song is called sanctuary. i like sanctuary and one winged angel the best
thx thx for the codes Dead Heart.
hmm pretty much my friend told me about it but at the time i didnt have a PS2 and didnt care much for the game but when i saw the trailer for the 2nd kingdom hearts i ran to target and bought a PS2 and the game.
um i am torn between riku's dark keyblade from kingdom hearts 1 and way to the dawn from kingdom hearts 2
hey i am roxas2002, i am new here and this is an awesome site, this is where i get all ny ar max codes. i hope to be of help if u need any NTSC ar max codes.
ok how bout the ar max code for sora with mickey's keyblade.plz
what about the ar max code for the final boss xemnas in your party? (the 1 that stuns sora and lets u use riku)
oh and also does anyone have the ar max version of the shortcut menu mod, like to replace the spell on X with a reaction command like burst edge
thx thx man i really appreciate it
um i need those codes in AR max version
do u have an ar max code for Sora to wield way to the dawn, that doesnt disappear after the first hit of a combo?