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  1. ChaosAquaris
    Ya know when your too old for KH vids. the day after you die. your never too old for kingdom hearts. my 85 year old uncle is playing kh right now and he will be 86 in 4 days and i got him kh 3d for his birthday lol
    Post by: ChaosAquaris, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  2. ChaosAquaris
    Finding deeper meaning in games is the true reason for gaming in the first place and kingdom hearts was the final product i feel. kingdom hearts starts off basically with a deeper meaning, the ability of choice and to not fear that choice as long as it's yours alone. In every game like this you always find yourself choosing one character that best symbolizes you. My one and only choice is Riku. My fight in life is exactly the same as his as i too am fighting my inner darkness. Riku finds his way out of darkness and learns to conquer it. He's my inspiration to keep fighting i guess.
    Post by: ChaosAquaris, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts