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  1. Xanatos
    What I think could be possible-
    1. Seeing a younger Simba in the Pridelands
    2. See Belle before she meets Prince Adam(the Beast) in her village

    Things that would probably never happen-
    1.See Icarus and Cassandra with the young Hercules
    2.Explore Neverland with Peter Pan and see first hand how Peter took Captian Hooks hand.
    3. Sail with young Captain Jack Sparrow
    Post by: Xanatos, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Xanatos
    Yes Roxas wanted to meet Sora, but Roxas only becomes interested in Sora after Xigbar taunted Roxas by calling him Sora. Roxas only new that there was another keyblade bearer during the events of Castle Oblivion. It was in the meeting after Castle Oblivion that Roxas heard first heard the name Sora and started to wonder why it sounded so familiar.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Xanatos
    "right" Roxas said as he got in the Gummi.

    "Precisely, but I didn't expect the Heartless Organization to have kids in it" Luxord said as he turned to look at Taki.

    "You know if you're going to barge in to somebodies home, you should at least introduce yourself first" Zexion said as he too looked up at the girls.

    "Your right, my name is Xerxes, and this is Taki." Xerxes said. "And I wouldn't doubt Taki-chans power if I were you, she may look weak but she is extremely powerful" Xerxes added.

    "Then I shall keep that in mind" Luxord said as he put his cards away. "My name is Luxord by the way, and the anti-social one over their is Zexion" Luxord said with a slight smirk as Zexion rolled his eyes.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xanatos
    "The Castle That Never Was, what a depressing name," Xerxes said as she walked out of the portal into the castle. "Let's go see who's here, or who's not here. If you want to keep to the whole 'nobodies don't exist thus can't really be anywhere' type of reasoning that Master Xarkness likes to stuff down our throats" Xerxes said as she started to walk up some stairs that were in front of them.

    "It seems we have some guests" Zexion noted without looking up from his cards.

    "Should we take care of them?" Luxord asked in a bored tone.

    "No, they aren't a threat, and it would probably hurt our chances to get an alliance with the Heartless Organization if we attack it's members." Zexion said. "No, we'll let them come to use,"

    "A battle? Where?" Roxas asked as he turned to look at Maria.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xanatos
    "I see." Roxas said, remembering his conversation with Axel where Axel said he had a heart. "so is the Gummi ship ready?" Roxas asked as he looked over the Gummi ship. He had personally never ridden one himself because the Dark Portals were more convenient for him.

    "Do you know how far the alliance with the Heartless Organization has come?" Luxord asked over his cards.

    "From what I hear Lexeaus has gone to talk to their leader today, but I don't know how far that will go. As long as we are dealing with a person like Xarkness who sees us as inferiors it will be hard to get an alliance where both parties are on equal footing" Zexion said as he put his cards down to revel a royal flush.

    "In other words, we will always be at a disavantage then" Luxord said as he put his cards down to revel another royal flush, except his was of spades. "Seems like I won, care for another round"

    "Why not, there's nothing to do here anyway" Xerxes said shruging before she diapered into a dark portal to the Organization's headquarters.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xanatos
    (ooc: sorry it's been a while, have been busy studying for mid-terms ^-^)

    "Well I don't know if I'd call it love, I just think the kid's cute. Personal attachments just get in the way after all" Xerxes replied her voice going back to it's normal tone. "As for visiting Organization XIII, I wouldn't see why Xarkness would care, I mean I haven't been yelled at yet for going to visit the keyblade group"

    "If what you say is true, it would explain why Demyx so strongly believed he had a heart, and why other members of Organization XIII like Larxene and Axel sometimes seemed to forget that they didn't have a heart" Roxas mused as he watched Maria cheek the blueprints one last time.

    Zexion had just finished sending in his report on the latest experiment he had been working on. With his work now done Zexion decided to go to the common area with a good book. When he got there however he noticed Luxord was there. "Hello Luxord," Zexion said when he saw the blond brit.

    "Hello Zexion, and I thought I was the only one in the castle," Luxord said as he collected his cards and began to reshuffle. "Care for a game?" Luxord asked as he started to deal the cards, already sure of the schemers answer.

    Zexion shruged before he sat down, personaly he wasn't one for games but it might be a good way to pass the time. Besides he didn't mind hanging out with Luxord, he was one of the few nobodys that didn't get on his nerve, and was able to hold a decent conversation.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xanatos
    User name: Xanatos
    OC name: Marix
    Gender: Surprisingly, a male
    what do you look like:[​IMG]
    weapon: Rapier
    personality: Marix may act cute and cheerful but in reality he is cold and calculating, has often used his looks to get what he wants.
    bio: Marix's other, Mair, was forced to work as a maid for a wealthy family for his parents debt. He eventualy freed himself from that life but became a nobody soon afterwords.
    other: it's almost impossible to know what he is thinking
    (if orgy member) title: The Dark Enchanter
    Element: Darkness
    Edit: Longer Bio(if intrested)
    Marix's other, Mair, had been born in a family that were in debt to the richest, and cruelest family in that world, the Narcians. Mair's parents had nothing to give the Narcians so when the head of the family learned that Mair's parents were due to have a baby he offered them a deal. He would forgive them of their debt if they would give the child up to him as a servent. If it was a boy, he would work long, painful hours in the heat, but if it was a girl she would work inside the Narcian Mansion as a maid. When Mair's parents gave birth to a boy they feared he would be worked to death. To save Mair from that fate, his parents dressed him like a girl, and he became a maid in the Narcians household. During his time their Mair learned of the darkside of humanity, and since he believed that his parents had abandoned him grew up hatting humanity. He grew up in a world of lies and deception, and soon deceiving people became second nature to him. When Mair was 16 he devised a plot to kill Raphael, the head of the Narcian family, and free himself from his life of servitude. He seceded, but his hatred had brought the heartless to his world, and he ended up pairing along with it.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xanatos
    The idea that Riku somehow lost his heart to darkness and got it back during the time he was in the door to darkness is possible, but there is no way it could of been Axel because of one obvious, but sometimes over looked fact. Axel is number VIII in the Organization, and Roxas is number XIII, but if Roxas was born a nobody before Axel, how could Axel join the Organization before Roxas. Also I doubt that the Organization could have recruited practically have of their members(number 8 to number 14) in the short time between the end of KH1 and the start of CoM.

    As for Riku giving his heart up to darkness, as many have said before me he opened his heart to darkness but he never let the heartless steal it. Also for an organization that had been around for at least nine years it seems unlikely that they would only get the last half of their members during the year or so(probably shorter) time period when KH1 took place.

    With that out of the way I do agree that Nomura has definitely been hinting that the relationship between Roxas, Axel and Xion is similar to the relationship between the relationship between Sora, Riku and Kairi. That dosn't mean that there has to be a specific connection between the characters who serve a similar role in the friendship.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 5, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Xanatos
    "Yes, as the others did before them. But then again maybe they have what the others didn't, a way to find the true light in the darkness." Xerxes said in a cryptic manner. "besides it'd be such a shame if they feel into darkness too soon, the blond one is cute." Xerxes said in a fangirl kind of way, which didn't quite fit her appearance.

    "You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault anyway" Roxas said to Maria as he walked over to the almost complete Gummi. Once there he put the Navi-Gumi that Xerxes gave him on it.

    It was still a mystery to Luxord how he and the rest of Organization XIII had been reborn but it never realy bothered him. He was alive, or well as alive as a Nobody could be, and that was all that mattered. After all life is only a game, a gamble, not a math equation. The thing that bothered him, however, was how Xemnas was constantly trying to gain an alliance with some new Organization they new practically nothing about.

    Luxord had been playing solitaire, bored out of his mind, in the common area of the Castle That Never Was. Since all the focus of Organization XIII seemed to be going towards making the Heartless Organization their allies, some members were often left without missions, and today Luxord was the lucky one who had none that day. Now normally he would enjoy it but with almost everyone else out on missions, and the fact that Xemnas forbid anyone from leaving the castle, except on mission related trips, took away all his potential enjoyment.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xanatos
    Roxas gritted his teeth when Xerxes mentioned his time in the organization, but otherwise there was no outward sign that she troubled him. It wasn't that he was completely ashamed of his past as a member of the Organization, but the fact he had unintentionally helped Xemnas use Kingdom Hearts to gain power, instead of returning the members hearts like he promised, was something he was not proud of.

    "It seems that some of the worlds gateways have been deteriorating, so to get to those worlds you need a sophisticated Navi-Gummi to find new gateways to those worlds, both ones you visited and new unexplored worlds." Xerxes said before tossing a Gummi Block to Roxas.

    Roxas caught the Gummi Block and looked at it suspiciously. "And why are you helping us out?" Roxas asked as he looked back up at Xerxes.

    "Why, I thought it was obvious. It's because things would just be too dull if you heroes weren't even able to leave the island" Xerxes said smirking before she disapeared into a dark portal she created. Back at the Heartless Organizations headquarters Xerxes walked up to Taki. "and so it begins," she said as she looked out the same window Taki was looking at.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xanatos
    Xerxes sighed as she shook her head, "Look at you, all pulling out your weapons at me, and all I wanted to do was talk," Xerxes said sounding hurt. "What a sad world we live in today where you can't even say hello to old acquaintances without being atacked" Xerxes added.

    "Do you realy think were stupied enought to trust someone who is wearing the same outfit of the orginization that just kidnapped Namine." Roxas retorted glaring at her.

    "And you should talk, or have you forgoten the fact that you were once part of Organization XIII, a group that is not very different from the Heartless Organization" Xerxes replied smoothly.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xanatos
    Roxas had been quite ever since he was brought back out of Sora. The new enemy concerned him, and the fact Xemnas was so eager to join forces with them was even more unsettling. Also the fact that they had gained new enemys as well as allies at the same time could not just be a coincidence. Roxas' thoughts were interupted though when he felt a presence appear behind the group. "Hey guys, looks like we have company." Roxas said as he quickly turned around, getting ready to summon his keyblade if needed.

    Xerxes stepped out of a dark portal onto Destiny's island, slightly impressed when she noticed the blond kid had already noticed her presence. "Aw is little Maria getting nasty images about hearts being lost?" Xerxes said in a playful tone. Her voice was slightly mature for her age, and had an alluring, sultry tone to it. "Oh and don't worry kid, I'm not here to fight so you don't have to bring out the keyblade," Xerxes added while addressing Roxas.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xanatos
    OOC: can I play as Roxas, Zexion and Luxord?


    name: Xerxes
    age: 18
    good/evil: Nobody knows, sure she works for the Heartless Organization, but she often gives advice/helps the heroes. Basically she's on whatever side she feels like at the moment.
    organization (if they are in one): Heartless Organization number 5
    element: metals(she can bend and manipulate the metals around her to her will)
    weapon: A necklace made of silver that she can transform into a good variety of weapons
    appearence: [​IMG]
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xanatos
    I agree, although I don't think we will go to Castle Oblivion in story mode maybe we could have a mission in Castle Oblivion in the multi-player mode. After all it has already been stated that the multi-player mode will be treated as an alternate world so there should be no problem with going to Castle Oblivion there.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Xanatos
    Let me guess, your using a PS3 arn't you? I've been on gamefaqs and it seems that everyone with and 80gb PS3 is having the same problem. So the good news is your not alone, the bad news is you can't just trade it in for another version to fix the problem.
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Xanatos
    Do you even need to ask, I mean why wouldn't he want a log? After all~

    What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
    Rolls over your neighbor's dog?
    What's great for a snack and fits on your back?
    It's Log, Log, Log!

    It's Log, Log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood.
    It's Log, Log, it's better than bad, it's good!
    Everyone wants a log! You're gonna love it, Log!
    Come on and get your log! Everyone needs a Log!

    I just wonder why he is the only one with a Log, everyone should have one. (yeah I couldn't resist XP)
    Post by: Xanatos, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Xanatos
    I have no doubt that it will be mentioned, but I'm not quite sure we would get to go there. The main reason I don't think we will go to Castle Oblivion is the story about Roxas in Another Report. This paragraph especialy.

    It had been a few months since Axel had been called to a place called Castle Oblivion on a mission. A handful of other members of the Organization, headed by Marluxia, had also gone there. In that castle’s network of white rooms, the Organization had conducted research. Roxas had no idea what had been researched, nor was he supposed to. Did Axel’s return mean something had happened at Castle Oblivion?

    If Roxas was not supposed to know what was being researched I doubt he would of been invited to visit Castle Oblivion. The chance of Roxas finding out what the research was about(accidental or not) would be unnecessarily higher if he was at Castle Oblivion so I doubt Xemnas would send him on a mission there. As for Roxas sneaking in, I highly doubt it. He didn't show any particular interest in what they were researching so I doubt he would risk crossing the Superior just to poke his nose around. Also when Roxas asked if Marluxia and the other came back it seemed genuine, so he obviously didn't know about the events that happen in CoM. As for Roxas finding out about Sora, well I blame that on Xigbar calling him Sora, which make Roxas more curious about this other Keyblade master. Dame you Xigy and your big mouth XP. Well that's my two cents.
    Post by: Xanatos, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX