-__- So many pairings.....lol Akuroku! Xigdem XemSai Zemyx SoraxRiku CloudxLeon CloudxSephiroth YuffiexAerith(sp?) NaminexKairi Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Reads me some yaoi x]
I wish they could go here..... World: Cybertron Party Member: Probably Optimus Prime Boss: Megatron and maybe Starscream I think that would be da shizzz *is a HUGE transformers fangirl*
Axel or Demyx or Roxas..? I can't choose!
Zack! That would've been cool
Thank you all so much! :) Misty I love it! Thanks again!
Hey! I'm pretty new to this sight and was wondering if some one would make me an avatar [i suck at making them...] I wanted it to have Axel and Roxas on it :p (yush I loveee akuroku) I want it to be really nice so if you want to make it you can. I would love you forever if you did! Sunny
I definitely prefer older Sora to younger Sora, I think he's a better fighter. But somehow I don't think he's matured that much....x]