oc: Slash name : Takeru Hazumaiyakogi (Ha-su-my-uh-ko-gi) age: 17 zanpakto: Agugiri (means Flaming Sword in english) Agugiri's Shikai form: http://nerdapproved.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/flamingsword.jpg bankai form: squad :6 good or evil :good ability: Able to create and manipulate fire appearence:
I really dont know...its just something i made for a friend
Well actually its not digiyaoi. Just a picture. Its not yaoi or hentai or porn in any form.
Made this picture for a special someone who lives in calgary sadly he's been banned from here he told me to make this pic. I dedicate this picture to him
Username: Slash Name: Melody Age: 15 Pokemon and attacks with levels: Empolean Lvl 48 Hyper Beam Hydro Pump Body Slam Iron Claw Lopunny Lvl 43 Swift Sweet Kiss Iron Kick Headbutt Lucario Lvl 49 Aura Sphere Force Palm Iron Fist Quick Attack Pachirisu Lvl 46 Thunder Volt Tackle Dig Quick Attack Pigeot Lvl 45 Fly Sky Attack Wing Attack Peck Flareon Lvl 40 Fire Blast Hyper Beam Shadow Ball Headbutt Appearance: Other: Champion Of Sinnoh
OOC: does this ring a belL? -ahem- LUCARIO I LOVE JOOO 8D
OOC: im surpised this is still going
Yo Mamma's so fat...No, shes just fat
edit post nao
OOC: oh you know who i am Valerie...
OOC: all of u...Msn...NAO
Story: Terri Akumichi is a Super-Active Hyper Gal who is always wishing for excitement in her life. Her life takes a twizziling Turn when she transfers to Japan and goes to middle school there. In japan she meets Davis who is in her class. While Giving her a Tour of the school. A digivice comes out of the computer and is given to Terri. With it Davis finds out that Terri is an unusual Digidestined. The two friends go off in the digiworld. There Terri wants to make an organization which is dedicated to Protecting and helping Digimon with their problems. The headquarters is automatticly created where and when Terri wants it to be. She has everything she wants in it. Terri names her organization: The Digi-T Rescue Team! However Terri dosent have a Digimon. Instead she has a digi-grid which enables her to obtain powers of warriors and such. And thus our story begins... Rules: No Yaoi Or Yuri Keep it PG-13 people Be nice Have fun -- Charectors: Davis- Yolei- Cody- Kari- T.K.- Ken- Gatomon + All her forms- Patamon + All his forms- Veemon + All his forms- Slash Hawkmon + All his forms- Armadillomon + all his forms- Wormmon + all his forms- --- OC's Rules for OC's: No Godmodding maximum capacity for OC's with a Digi-grid is 5. 3 out of 5 Digigrids are taken. You can have digimon if u wish OC form: Name: Age: History: Grid or Digimon (please state name and picture of Digimon if so): Begginer Clothes Square (leave blank if dont have any. You can choose from either Gunner,Warrior or Ninja): Appearance: Played By: Name: Terri Akumichi Age: 13 History: Terri Akumichi Transfered from a city in the US and has become a Digidestined for some reason. She is the leader of The Digi-T Rescue Team. Rest is explained in Intro part uptop Grid or Digimon: Grid Begginer Clothes Square (Begginers are either Gunner, Warrior or Ninja): Gunner Appearence: Has Brown sparkly eyes. Orange hair. Has bangs on the front of her forehead but divided by small space and has long hair down to shoulders. Played by: Slash Have fun