Wow.. Really??lol Scotty Vanity ROX!!! ........PSHYEAH!!!!
Rez starts thinking.....and says"So...are we just gonna sit there something......destructive.....that we can be doing instead??" "ok..nevermind then......I think I'll go torment someone......" he said with an impish grin....."be back whenever..."
*Resnox appears*...."hey guys...what'd I miss? Had to go fight the pest again...he should learn...he's never going to become whole...'cuz I won't give up..." *Rez makes an angry face*......"every time....I always end up having to phase out......and become.....part...of...him...what if i dont want to be whole? I am my own worst enemy......" "Its never going to end...."
lol lol..well yah..good point....but i meant like....when soras asleep....adn when it gets to the "and its the stars" part he gets out..and thats when roxas has to "dissapear"(yeah i know..but thats the only word i can find righ tnow that describes
lol...sora in the soon as namine draws it..he looks at her like.."wtf?"....I'm eventually going to make a vid with the song...but..I need the cd first..grrrrr.....oh ya..the lyrics are: "I'm looking at you through the glass, don't know how much time has passed, oh god, it feels like forever, and no one ever tells you that forever feels like home, and sitting all alone inside your head, (skip) AND ITS THE STARS, THE STARS, THAT SHINE FOR YOU, AND ITS THE STARS, THE STARS, THAT LIE TO YOU..."
AHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!i don't really care how ppl use the word anyway...LOL!!i think its funny!!!!!OMG!!LOL!!or maybe im just bored cuz im at school and they blocked sites like myspace and stuff but i found out that this one isnt blocked!!!XD!!!but anyway..ya..i am....but im different than most ppl that are..cuz i like sports..and..i HATE pink...and..ya..fave colors red...and my friends are all girls..but theyre my best friend is the only person that knows about it :)..hahaa..but anyway...ya...i hear ppl use the word like that all the times...and every time, i think its ya..doesnt bother me.. OMG!! I made myself sound all happy in the last post!!aaah!!k..let me say something really quick before ppl start saying stuff like "wow..hes cheerful..."..k..MOST of the times..i'm depressed..i think that was just cuz i was SUPER incredibly ya...waiting for freshmen to come back to in a freshmen/sophomore/junior/senior class thing..or something...but..the freshman got called to an assembly are like 4 ppl in he let us on the ya...
hey, its ok :) i understand that your busy..i can wait....thnx :)
Can you make one of namine drawing the stairs( in the kh2 intro)? and another one of sora coming through the doors and getting trapped in the pod? and one more......can you make one of roxas waking up and standing up?
ummm..hi....can you make my kh character????for an avatar??? Username:TheNumbOne Character: Resnox (Rez) Picture/Description: well...there is a pic of him as my avatar already...but..he has purple eyes...and a red and black hair.....and not wearing the hood...and just make either a really long sword or two keyblades..whichever is easier... can you make me another one too??PLEASE???if you can... Username:TheNumbOne Character: Soren Picture/Description: He has light brown hair(close to the same style as Rez), light blue eyes(like sky blue), and he wears a blue shirt (extra long) with black pants and brown boots, he has a silver keyblade called Tristrith...
"wow....well....I joined because I heard there was going to be a really big group of nobodies coming together....I decided that I would rather work in a group than be i come with you guys?"
Rez appears from the shadows... "I remember my true true name is Soren..... too much emotion....i hate memories......or i would...if I actually had any...but...sadly....I only have memories of my "other"....I hate him....I know...that should be impossible...hating "myself" me....i can never become "whole".....I am my own worst enemy......and..I just beat him again....he should know not to challenge me...."
*Resnox (Rez) appears from the shadows* "So..we fighting heartless??hmph...sounds easy...I'll give it a try....but first...I must go find my other....and knock his block off......" *Rez dissapears with an evil grin* ooc: I have to go back on later....
hah..i got roxas..big surprise...knew that was knew it would either be roxas or sora.....but it was the yeah..oh yeah any one else notice this? Roxas is an anagram of Sora X Xemnas is an anagram of Ansem X Xehanort is an anagram of No Heart X kind of got what i was saying...what i meant was...that not just straights...EVERYBODY...most people in what everybody else if its popular to be scared of whats different...just because somebody is different....then they do it...and i said MOST not all...
ooc: whats second division? wing online right now?
*hi..ummm..can i join?* Resnox the Numb appears from nowhere....and slowly gets up from the ground...and notices people staring at him....."hello...I am Resnox the Numb...I am the nobody of Soren the Windwalker...but you can call me you all on my good bad side?"
well people dont care....they dont know how people like us really feel.....they think of us as monsters...because we're different....the only thing is everyone is different..they just act like zombies....following whats popular....doing what everone else actually most of them think the same...but there are a few people that actually care......right whole family thinks im straight...because my cousin is lesbian...and i hear them talk about her aunt doesnt even think gays and lesbians exist!!!like a mental problem or something....the only person who knows is my best friend...and shes she doesnt for doesn't matter...i just have to keep pretending...i can't hide from my own guess thats how life is.....right???well..thats why i like stuff like kingdom makes me feel like im somebody a different place.....with a different life.....
Name: Resnox the Numb (Nobody of Soren the Windwalker) Grandchild of: Namine(shes not in the organization..but...she can have a grandchild too right?) Description:Black hair, Purple eyes, always wears his black and red cloak power: chaos (control time(but it takes all my energy), read minds (just if i touch someone), and mess with emotions weapon: chaosbind, Tristrith (2 keyblades) personality:likes to be around other people, hates to be alone(for secret reasons), doesnt trust anyone, but needs people to notice him, always wonders why he exists.......(not emotionaly....just so he knows why),(he really likes to pretend to have emotions and feelings......even more than all the others) age: 16 gender: male (yes, I know....hes probably TOO powerful...but whatever attack he uses takes energy....alot of he has to recharge, charge, (etc.) most of his attacks oh yeah..has anyone else noticed? Roxas has all the letters in SORA but with an "x"....Xemnas has all the letters of ANSEM with an "x"...and Xehanort has all the letters of NO HEART with an "x".....just wondering if Im the only one that knows about this...)
There is a place...between darkness and light.....not many people notice it, but a few people in the new organization(organization X aka organization Z) have discovered the path.....a new door has opened......... The Nobody of a very unusual person has just been discovered...he has joined the organization....he calls himself "The Numb One"......but he does have a name....Sernox....the nobody of Soren...........the wielder of the two mysterious keyblades.....Trixor and Lunerix....he is 16 years old....and, after hearing Sora's story...he decided it was time for his adventure...