No, Ven icked up that Keyblade in the secret ending, so i'm opretty sure Terra never had it.......
Xemnas then approached Roxas from behind, and grabbed his shoulder harshly, and leaned down next to his ear. "Hello Roxas, miss me?" Xemnas whispered in Roxas's ear and then chuckled. He grew an evil smile on his face, and his eyes looked mad.
I know you can't lose the ability, for once you learn it, you'll always be able to use it again, BUT Gohan hadn't trained those 7 years, which was why he had trouble, so if GT took place more than 7 years after the last Z episode, why were Trunks and Goten able to go SS if they didn't train, for they said Goten wasn't training anymore due to him dating and apparently replacing training with that, and as for Trunks, his job was hetic enough, and I doubt he trained during it................
So.......then i'm apart of it right now???? Or do i have to wait to post in here 'till he gets on?????
OOC: Hey could I join? Name-Zain Age-18 Weapon(later on they will get this)-Brass Knuckles Personality- Heartwarming, caring, loving guy. He has a harsh life, but always looks after his friends and his sister, Saya. He works out alot, and has a fit body. Appearance-The blonde one...... World-Fateful Slums - A world of horrible ;andscapes and land. The people are poor, and most are criminals, they steal, they kill, ect. Demo post(required of everyone)- Zain stared into the beautiful sun, for it was the only beautiful thing in this roach-infested, rat-crawling, filthy world. He was eating a chocolate bar, and bit off a piece from it harshly. "In all.......I will get off this horrible place, one day, just maybe, i'll get out there, into a new place, a new world," He said, eating another peice he harshly bit off still staring at the sunset. "After all........light conquers the horrible smell of death." History- He's lived in these slums for all his life, and hates it. His sister, Saya, and his friends, Pony and Serena are all he has left. He had a messed up home, where his father beat him, and his mother always worked nights. His sister took him in when they kicked him out at the age of 13, and now he lives with her. But he steals from places and is always getting in trouble. His friends look out for him, as he does for them and himself too. Other- Nothing really....... Played By- lonbilly
Well, first of all, and this is for GT too, Trunks and Goten, who apparently didn't train anymore, shouldn't have been able to go Super Saiyan. Then, Gohan, who also hadn't been training, shouldn't have been able to go Super Saiyan either, and yet he goes SSJ4?! There's more to it, but I can't remember too much.....although Toyable is one hell of a drawer, just don't like most of the things in his DBAF...........
Blah....I don't like Toyable's has so many errors and is just bleh..........personally I like PGV's better.......
.................... Yeah, it's a keyblade, i'm pretty sure, especially since he's a keyblade wielder, but who knows right?
So.....could I join?? *exploddles*
OOC: Could I join? Name: Xemnas Age: Ummm.......13? Grade: 8th? Apperiance: Bio: Well.....if you're on this site you should know.......>.>
OOC: I guess i'll just be.....Renji from Bleach.........
OOC: Can I Join?? I'll be....ummm......who exactly is taken that I can't chose?
Xehanort can also be scrambled to be No Heart + X, so just because one thing scrambled around makes that, doesn't mean that it's right, for if Xehanort had no heart, how could Ansem(Xehanort's Heartless) and Xemnas been created?
Yeah, I just learned that the battle was non-canon, and for the whole losing heart thing, is thought that Roxas has his own heart, which could be possible, but also, no darkness can wield the keyblade, so i'm thinking MX may not be evil after all, but yeah, I don't think it's completely right, there maybe somethings that could be true, but it's just a theory, and most are never always 100% right......(>W<)
It's not complete yet, for I know it still is going to need alot more, especially when BBS comes out, but here it is: Terra's identity- Well, obviously, his name is Terra, and he has the power to use a uuber sized keyblade, but who and what is he really? Something I believe, and alot of proof has come already, when the game hasn't even been released yet, on who he could possibly be. Xehanort? Many people believe in this theory, and it's quite possible. There are many similarties between the two. For one, it seems that at the end of the KH2:FM+ Secret Ending, Terra's eyes turn yellow. Now, it is true there are a few other characters with yellow eyes, but there's more to that between these two characters. They have facial features as well that resemble eachother, but so does Zack & Terra compared as well. But if Terra is Xehanort, what could have caused him to turn? Master Xehanort is possible, while Maleficent is also a possible one. The reason I believe Maleficent may have been a cause, is a special scene betwen the two, and Terra is smiling. But what exactly could have made him join that side? What could the one who pushed him there toild him to make him turn? Something else that could possibly support, is that Xehanort's Heartless took the name Ansem, just as if Terra went evil, he took the name Xehanort from MX. But the reason he took this name? When Ansem The Wise found Xehanort, he remebered nothing but his name. Now, he may have remebered not his name, but a name from within the past. Then, when he conducted the experiments with the hearts, he wrote reports under the name Ansem, taking yet another name. Then, so did his Heartless, and his Nobody took the name Xemnas, which is Ansem with an X. Then, there is a special scene between Xemnas, and a suit of armor. He says the word 'friend' to it, and it's clearly Aqua's armor. This is most likely after something happend to Aqua. But that is another discussion for another time. But if Terra=Xehanort, why can his Nobody and Heartless never use the keyblade? One needs a strong heart to wield the key, and since he had to lose his heart to make these creatures, he could no longer use it. Then, a certain thing that could kill the theory is Terra in the secret KH2:FM+ fight. How could he possibly still be around if his Nobody is? Sora was still around when Roxas was, so perhaps when they defeated Xehanort's Heartless, Kingdom Hearts may have rejoined him with his heart, recreating Terra. Or, it could be that the Terra you fight, is just a memory of him stuck there in the wasteland. Or, he may have lost his memory completely of ever being Xehanort, since he shouts his hate for Xehanort, which is very possible to be referring to MX, and he also says Ven & Aqua, so he may believe they are dead already, or gone.
Shadows are cute, the don't look evil at all.........and they just look like lost little puppies......(>W<)
thankies peepz *gets hit with brick and exploddles* I'll make sure to stay active on here
Somebody who likes AC DC, about time i've met someone who does..... and yeah, thanks for the welcome *exploddles*
Hey peepz! I'm new here, and as you can see I signed up here. I came from another forum, actually a few other forums, and have decided to join here. But, for everyone whp's afraid of another n00b, i'm not one, although I am new to the site.