Drewxan said, "Where'd everybody go? I went on a vacation, and they ditched me!?"
occ: What happened so far?
occ: sorry homework, bye!!! and what happened so far? occ:i'm back!!!
"It doesn't matter if your a werewolve, your special to us." Drewxan said being all mushy.
"yah Riku, we can help." Drewxan said.
"Wow a werewolve!" Drewxan thought, "Wow cool, I wonder what it's like to be a werewolve."
"I found you, what are you looking for?" Drewxan asked whispering.
"I'll find her." Drewxan lurked into the woods searching for Dexen.
"Ok, i'll follow you on my boat,k?" Drewxan said, "Dexen! Where are you?"
"Hello" Drewxan said to the girl, "Who are you?"
"Let's go to Destiny Islands, Mimi." Drewxan said. "Arf! Arf!" Mimi said. "Where's that boat I built" Drewxan wondered, "I'm going to the beach and get it c'mon Mimi, let's go." Drewxan got his boat, and set sail. "Here we are Mimi, let's explore, hey it's a full moon."
"I don't know?" Andrew said, "Try to ask Riolu."
"So this is Pallet Town," Andrew said, "It looks nice...I guess"
"Who are the two girl's names?" Andrew asked,"Anyway, hi Mew, i'm Andrew!"
"Sure!! let's go!!!" Andrew said excitely.
"ok, what's your name?" Andrew asked.
"Aaahhh well, i'm going to the dock, let's go Piplup." Andrew said.
"Now where's my bike?" Andrew said, "let's go to my house,Eevee" He went to his house, got his bike, and rode to Rustboro City. "Here we are, now let's find the Rustboro Gym," Andrew said, "Sorry Eevee, I need Piplup for this battle. Eevee return!! Come on out Piplup!!*throwing pokeball* You ready to battle??!!" "Piplup!!" Piplup said with excitement.
"oh, well, let's go Eevee" Andrew said. "Eevee!!" Eevee said. "Let's go to the Rustboro City Gym, I hear that Roxanne is the leader." he said. *thinking* nice boat.
*yawn*"Aaahhh" Andrew said,"C'mon guys get up!" *all yawning* "Vileplume, Eevee, Piplup, Vulpix" the pokemon said. "Got to make sure I have my egg". He checked his blue leather backpack. "Yep, it's there." Andrew left the hotel "Piplup,Vileplume,Vulpix return." Eevee was still out of her pokeball. "It's just you and me, how about we to the beach and search for shells, will that be fun?" "Eevee!!" Eevee said happily. They walked to the beach, "Hey, look there's a boat." Andrew said, "Let's check it out... "hi, i'm Andrew and this is my very first Pokemon, Eevee." Andrew said. "Eevee!!" Eevee said. "Who are you?" he asked the guy walking out of the boat.